Zakharov responded to the proposal by Chubais to become the leading “House-2”

Zakharov responded to the proposal by Chubais to become the leading “House-2” MOSCOW, 24 Jan — RIA Novosti. Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova responded to the proposal of the head “Rosnano” Anatoly Chubais to become the leading “House-2”, instead of Olga Buzova. “I didn’t know that Anatoly Borisovich looks Dom-2”, — he wrote in Facebook. Responding to a comment of one of the users of the social network, Zakharov noted that not monitors the project and does not know who today leads the show. I thought he only Sobchak was watching, and he, you see, Buzova reached. Darkness, of course. Survived. The head of state Corporation.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Previously, Chubais suggested that “promote” Olga Buzova in the Ministry of foreign Affairs in the place of Maria Zakharova. In his opinion, the presenter will accustom on a new post and “will be

Marriage gave physical strength in the elderly

Marriage gave physical strength in the elderly This, however, is mainly due to socioeconomic indicators. British researchers found that elderly men and women who are married, physically stronger than their single, divorced or widowed peers: it was used data on the health and lives of more than 20 thousand of the British and Americans over the age of 50. In many ways, however, this is due to the relationship between physical abilities and socioeconomic status to married participants in the sample was higher. The article was published in the journal PLoS One. News10 the “wrong” advice from centenarians About the advantages of having a stable romantic partner (as in marriage or without) for physical and mental health is well known enough. Recently we wrote about the fact that the presence of a partner (both physical and in the mind) relax the physiological reaction of the organism in a stressful situation.

The girl came up with an unusual way to meet a cat from a nearby building

The girl came up with an unusual way to meet a cat from a nearby building And now this cat loves the whole Twitter. Eric strong from Canada, told in the social network funny story that happened to her at the end of January. From the window of his office girl for a long time watching the cat sitting on the windowsill in front of the house. The cat liked her so much that she decided to know him better and learn his name. Together with his colleague Erica pasted on the window outside sticker with the question, what is the name of this cute animal. A week later she saw a cat next to a sheet of paper on which was written in large letters the name of Marshall. Every day I stare out the window @shopify at a cat in someone’s apartment. Weeks ago @_myles and I asked

VR partners did not protect people from contagious yawning

VR partners did not protect people from contagious yawning People act and feel in a virtual reality not as in real life. This is evident even where the difference seems inconsequential: as shown by the experimental infection of humans with yawning in the presence of a variety of “virtual analogs” of others, nothing prevents a yawn, better than the real people around. Even if it is not seen and not heard. Virtual reality has provided scientists new experimental opportunities. For example, in the experiment on studying of influence of behaviour of a group of people on a particular participant, you can not hire a dozen actors, and the use of computer models showing a particular behavior. It’s cheaper and more reliable in terms of reproducibility of experiments: software simulation can be easily run in other laboratories. NewsBecome a goat, and another 5 crazy simulators Even in the virtual space to

Vladimir Putin expressed his support for the Nicolas Maduro

Vladimir Putin expressed his support for the Nicolas Maduro Moscow. 24 Jan. INTERFAX.RU the Russian President stated that the crisis in Venezuela provoked from the outside and flouted international law. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Telephone conversation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro, said on Thursday the press-service of the Kremlin. “The Russian President expressed support to the legitimate authorities of Venezuela to conditions triggered from outside of the worsening political crisis. Stressed that the destructive external intervention flagrantly violating fundamental norms of international law. Spoke in favor of finding solutions within the constitutional framework and the overcoming of divisions in Venezuelan society through peaceful dialogue”, — stated in the message.

Western asset officials in danger

Western asset officials in danger What problems can lead to new methods of fight against corruption. The Prosecutor General’s office will have access to data on foreign accounts of officials. The state Duma adopted the bill in third and final reading. It gives the Supervisory authority the right to apply to the Central Bank for information on foreign accounts of Russian civil servants. The initiative to expand the powers of the Prosecutor General’s office by Vladimir Putin. Soon, the Agency will be able to directly request data from regulators in other countries, said the Chairman of National anticorruption Committee Kirill Kabanov: “This is the right decision, as the office did not have such opportunities, which was an inhibiting factor. This, of course, simplify the process and increase efficiency. We can already see that the Supervisory authority is really involved in the process of recovery of illegal assets. The fact that

Who is Juan Guido, self-proclaimed President of Venezuela?

Who is Juan Guido, self-proclaimed President of Venezuela? Until yesterday, Juan, Guido few knew. 35-year-old politician declared himself acting President of Venezuela and has already enlisted the support of the White house and many governments in Latin America. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The leader of the opposition of the Venezuelan Parliament — the National Assembly — he was, in fact, an accident, 5 Jan. Just because the authorities arrested several key figures in his party “people’s will” (Voluntad Popular) and according to the party lists, it was his turn. A week later, Guido for some time detained by agents of the Venezuelan secret services SABIN because he questioned the legitimacy of Maduro as President of Venezuela and has threatened to use their constitutional right to take power into their own hands until the next election. Which he did on January 23. “Venezuela! Before God Almighty I swear to formally adopt the powers of

The best the huge black hole devouring our galaxy

The best the huge black hole devouring our galaxy The researchers got the best the black hole in history. It managed to capture the image of Sagittarius A* — the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, the milky Way. By itself, a black hole absorbs light so that to see her is almost impossible. However, the center of the galaxy (where lies the black hole) is full of matter which acts as a kind of frosted glass. According to Eduardo Rosa from the max Planck Institute, so scientists were able to detect the black hole itself. The resolution of the new picture is twice the resolution of previous, related study was published in the Astrophysical Journal. The researchers used 13 powerful telescopes around the world to capture images and teased its forthcoming publication from the beginning of January. According to New Scientist, astrophysicists have speculated that inside

And water are: why are rivers in the cities full of drugs

And water are: why are rivers in the cities full of drugs The researchers found cocaine in the Thames. Nothing surprising in this — the situation is similar in other cities. British media published the shocking results of the chemical studies that revealed a major concentration of cocaine in the Thames. Changes in the composition of the water have a significant impact on the behavior of river inhabitants. Meanwhile, the penetration of drugs and their components in water, soil, flora and fauna, scientists say for years. What environmental disasters may lead to unbridled human lust for pleasure, to understand “news”.Island in the dope Today, chemists and biologists from around the world, making forecasts on how it may change the nature and diversity of its inhabitants in connection with environmental pollution drugs. In the context of such research, experts from the Royal College of London analysed samples of waste water during

Chubais said about the global crisis of liberalism

Chubais said about the global crisis of liberalism The Chairman of the Board “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais said that the process of de-globalization one of the consequences of a larger process — the global crisis of liberalism. This he said at a Sberbank business Breakfast on the sidelines of the world economic forum in Davos. According to him, today the manifestations of the deglobalization “we are trying to realize and appreciate, to understand what will happen next.” According to Chubais, humanity still does not understand that such de-globalization, and what are the consequences of this process lie in the future. One of the manifestations of the deglobalization of the Chubais said that a British exit from the European Union. Brexit… maybe just the beginning.Anatoly Tubespreteen of the Board of “Rosnano” According to head “Rosnano” de-globalization “hit” by millions of people radically change their lives. “All the evil of globalization have seen,