The Kremlin stressed the importance of public monitoring of the execution of the may decrees

The Kremlin stressed the importance of public monitoring of the execution of the may decrees MOSCOW, 25 Jan — RIA Novosti. Any public control over execution and implementation of the may decrees of the RF President in demand, said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. “President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly talked about the need for public control over the execution and implementation of the tasks set in the “may” decrees. Any public participation in the control over execution of the may decree, it is claimed, but what exactly was going on, we do not have any information”, — said Peskov told reporters, answering a question about how the Kremlin relate to the fact that supporters of opposition leader Alexei Navalny will help to monitor the execution of these decrees.

The oldest rock on Earth found on the moon

The oldest rock on Earth found on the moon Perhaps scientists have found the oldest known rocks on Earth, the last place where one would think: in the samples from the moon brought to Earth by the astronauts of Apollo 14 in 1971. A study published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. NewsLunar soil collected “Moon-16”, sold for $855 thousand Scientists say that “the Moon was once part of the Earth”: this is just a hypothesis about the origin of our satellite. According to the international team of scientists, there is evidence that the stone was of terrestrial origin — a piece of quartz, feldspar and zircon weighing 2 grams, enclosed in a large portion of the stone called Big Bertha — minerals that are rare on the moon but are very common on Earth. Chemical analysis showed that it was formed in the oxidized system, similar to

Every fifth Russian has called the employment of graduate a nearly impossible task

Every fifth Russian has called the employment of graduate a nearly impossible task Moscow. 25 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — According to VTSIOM, Russia began to attach more value to finding connections with employers even during their studies. More than half of Russians are of the opinion that the young specialist, recently received the diploma of higher education, is very hard to get a job in the specialty, according to the poll, received by “Interfax”. More than half (55%) of respondents believe that the graduate employment profile is very problematic, and 20% of respondents believe that it is “almost impossible”. Evaluation poll, 3% of Russians believe that the graduate student after graduation easy to find work on a speciality, and 18% of the respondents are of the opinion that a job will require little effort. As marks VTSIOM, pessimism about the future career of graduates is more typical of Russians with low

Climate change — the cause of the Arab spring, wars and mass migration. Now it is scientifically proven

Climate change — the cause of the Arab spring, wars and mass migration. Now it is scientifically proven The effects of global climate change are not limited to extreme weather and natural disasters, scientists say. Changing climate is also the cause of many conflicts and mass migrations that swept Europe in recent years. If before such approval was mostly from the mouths of leftists and the liberal media, now they have found a formal scientific proof. A study conducted by researchers at the International Institute for applied systems analysis, first demonstrated the causal link between climate change and the growing number of conflicts and mass migration from the regions affected by the resulting natural disasters. NewsAlmost half of migrants returned to their homeland over the past quarter century In particular, in the published study argues that climate changes of at least one of the causes of the popular uprisings of

In Kiev believe the “inevitable” conclusion of the agreement with Russia on gas transit

In Kiev believe the “inevitable” conclusion of the agreement with Russia on gas transit In Ukraine believe that Russia will have to conclude a new agreement on gas transit, since the “Nord stream — 2” in the near future supposedly not built. “Naftogaz of Ukraine” has previously stated that he is ready to discuss the revision or rejection of the claim to “Gazprom” on $12 billion in the case of signing with Russia of a new long-term contract. However, the agreement still does not work. The completion of the construction of the “Nord stream — 2” is scheduled for the end of 2019. Deputy Minister of energy and coal industry of Ukraine Natalia Boyko said in the air of the Internet channel UMN that Russia will have to conclude an agreement with Kiev on gas transit. According to her, Russia will be forced to come to terms with Ukraine on

“Any recognition of the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela is not out of the question”

“Any recognition of the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela is not out of the question” Russian Ambassador to Venezuela Vladimir Zaemskiy, of the development of the crisis in the Bolivarian Republic. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Venezuela continues to live in conditions of dual power. The head of the National Assembly Juan Guido, proclaimed himself acting President, spoke about the possibility of Amnesty Nicolas Maduro and his associates. Meanwhile, President Maduro assured that he will not leave his post before the expiry of the deadline laid him in 2025. The conflict continues at the international level: while the US, Britain, Canada and several countries in Latin America supported Juan, Guido, Russian President Vladimir Putin called Nicolas Maduro to personally “Express support for the legitimate authorities of Venezuela”. What can cause “unprecedented intervention from Washington” in the case of Venezuela, if any of the local opposition “sensible policy”, and whether to fear for the future of

In the Crimea rejected the requirements of the PACE on the Kerch Strait

In the Crimea rejected the requirements of the PACE on the Kerch Strait SIMFEROPOL, January 25 — RIA Novosti. The requirements of the PACE to liberate Ukrainian military detained after the provocation in the Kerch Strait, illogical. This statement was made Chairman of the Committee of the regional Parliament for interethnic relations Yuri HEMPEL. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий On the eve of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution which called on Moscow to “immediately release the Ukrainian military and provide them with medical care and the necessary legal and consular assistance in accordance with the applicable provisions of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva conventions.” “Any citizen, violating the borders of the Russian Federation, of course, must answer to the law. There is a consequence would be a court decision. Russia today is acting solely according to the requirement of international and national legislation”, — told RIA

The volcano in Scotland could have caused prehistoric global warming

The volcano in Scotland could have caused prehistoric global warming About 56 million years ago, the average temperature of the planet has increased dramatically. Researchers from Sweden and the UK in his new work showed that a powerful explosive eruption with Red hills on the Isle of Skye may have caused mass disruption to the climate. Article scientists published in the journal Scientific Reports. Large explosive eruptions can have a lasting effect on the climate and are considered responsible for serious climatic impacts in Earth’s history. One such event occurred about 56 million years ago when global temperatures rose by five to eight degrees Celsius. This event was called the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. The warm period was associated with volcanic activity in the North Atlantic region, especially in Greenland, the British Isles and in the modern North sea region. However, until now Scotland has not been confirmed by any large

The arrow of the doomsday clock left at two minutes before midnight

The arrow of the doomsday clock left at two minutes before midnight The arrow a so-called doomsday clock that displays the time to the conventional nuclear disaster (midnight) in 2019 did not translate clock still show 23:58, according to the website of the journal Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The last time the hands of the doomsday clock were transferred to 2018 to 30 seconds closer to midnight. Thus, the arrows stopped at 23:58, three times in the entire history of the project is in the same position were in 1953, when the United States and the Soviet Union with a difference nine months has tested hydrogen bombs. “Currently, humanity faces two existential threats, each of which can cause concern and require immediate response. These two major threats — nuclear weapons and climate change have been aggravated in the past year due to wider use of information warfare to undermine

5 awful morning habits that spoil you for the rest of the day

5 awful morning habits that spoil you for the rest of the day Do not sin in your body, subman! You are to blame! You did absolutely nothing to your body started and already complaining. Do you know why 6 out of 7 days a week “not yours”? Yes, because every morning, every day you are committing a crime against your body. Find out what morning habits ruin your whole rest of the day (the rest of my life). You Wake up in the darkness via GIPHY During the download an error has occurred. If you get out of bed, take a shower, drink coffee and then immediately locked in his office, you’ll hardly see the light of day till lunch, your body is just terrible. The lack of morning light can ruin the index of your body mass, found a new study from the school of medicine. Feinberg northwestern