Local officials trust inheritance

Local officials trust inheritance The government plans to give them a new law notaries. The government of the Russian Federation in the state Duma introduced a bill that would give the right of notaries to officials working in remote areas in the past through the enlargement of urban districts. In addition, municipal officials may be able to certify wills, and to manage the included property. In the state Duma are afraid that the norm will lead to “the emergence of crime” because I doubt the competence of local officials, and state that “for notaries responsibility to their community stronger than before the law.” In the explanatory note to the bill its need is directly associated with “the ongoing transformation of the municipal formations associated with the inclusion of settlements in the urban districts.” Obviously, we are talking, for example, about the suburbs, where in recent years actively the consolidation of

Putin joked about the Minister of economic development

Putin joked about the Minister of economic development Russian President Vladimir Putin began a meeting with members of the government with a joke: said the Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin. It is reported TASS on Wednesday, January 30. Upstairs “Today we have tourism question [on the agenda]. Before you begin, ask another tourist,” he said with a smile. Putin asked Oreshkin, who heads the Russian delegation at the world economic forum in Davos to talk about the event. On 28 January President VTB Andrey Kostin called anxious and confused atmosphere of the Davos WEF. According to him, in conditions of uncontrolled growth of the internal problems in some countries, the current agenda of Davos for the leaders of the world’s leading economies have lost their relevance. Economic forum in Davos—201930 adwareeraser spoke about the “sediment” from the actions of the organizers of the forum in Давосе26 januarythe Davos-2019: the

Love for pizza has brought to the pensioner of hundreds of thousands of dollars

Love for pizza has brought to the pensioner of hundreds of thousands of dollars U.S. resident, retired seven years ago, hit the jackpot in the lottery thanks to the love of pizza. This writes UPI. Steven Allen (Steven Allen) of the village of De Soto, Wisconsin, went to eat at favorite network pizzeria Rocky Rococo. On the way, he went to the grocery store and took a couple of lottery tickets SuperCash! with the combination of numbers 17-18-20-26-27-31. Then he checked the draw results on the official website. A pensioner has won the jackpot in the amount of 350 thousand dollars (23.1 million rubles). “I saw 17, 18 and 20. The number continued the same, — says Allen. — I couldn’t understand that I’ve won, so double-checked the numbers over and over again. I still can’t believe it”. According to Allen, “money come at an opportune moment,” because now retired

In Arctic ice found superbugs

In Arctic ice found superbugs The researchers found ice in the mountains of Spitsbergen bacteria resistant to most available antibiotics. Ten years ago, they found in India — no one knows how the germs had so quickly spread around the world. One of the greatest threats facing future generations is reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics, along with the emergence of so-called “superbugs”. Bacteria is a miniature of real “constructors”, which grow quickly and evolyutsioniruet, sharing “the details” — genetic material. That is why they quickly develop resistance to a particular type of medication. Actually, the superbugs — it’s not even a hypothesis, such strains already exist. In most cases they are not even drastic measures, causing their death sentence. While doctors desperately trying to find some means of tiny organisms spread across the planet, and the scale of this migration is amazing. Recently, scientists have discovered traces of them even

The court arrested Arashukova in the case of a criminal Association and murder

The court arrested Arashukova in the case of a criminal Association and murder MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Basmanny court of Moscow on Wednesday for two months arrested the Senator in Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov in the case of a criminal Association and murder, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigator to meet, to elect against the accused Arashukova a measure of restraint in form of detention,” said the judge Natalia Dudar. The investigator, asking him to sign Arashukova into custody until March 30, noted that the Senator might be hiding outside the Russian Federation, and the United Arab Emirates, an official has the residence permit. Prosecutor request for arrest was supported. On Wednesday morning, 32-year-old Rauf Arashukov, one of the youngest senators, was detained in the meetings of the Federation Council. Immunity was dropped after the speech of the Prosecutor General Yuri

“Is the audience likes it.”

“Is the audience likes it.” Politicians and experts consider the detention of Rauf Arashukov revealing. Interviewed by “b” politicians and experts talk about fairness and even “theatrical” arrest of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov. What happened in the Federation Council (SF), they explain a state’s desire to demonstrate “the strength and hard attitude to restore order.” Representatives of the Duma opposition propose to give governors and legislatures that delegate senators, access to the documents of power structures. Representatives of the ruling party called these measures redundant. The Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov was the first member of the upper house, who was detained at the place of work, after obtaining the consent of the upper chamber on the lifting of his immunity. To address this question in SF arrived to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. In SF was the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin,

Saratov was filled with snow. Helps even military equipment

Saratov was filled with snow. Helps even military equipment More than two weeks in Saratov go heavy snowfalls. Governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaev has asked to help with snow removal, emergency situations and the Ministry of defense. Now in Berlin: Berlin: 0° 80% 745 mm Hg. article 5 m/s Residents of Saratov were forced to walk several kilometers because of the snow, public transport is almost not working, and machines are in the ten point traffic. During the download an error has occurred.

The opposition accused Maduro of attempting to take 20 tons of gold to Russia

The opposition accused Maduro of attempting to take 20 tons of gold to Russia Member of Parliament of Venezuela announced the arrival in Caracas of a valuable cargo Russian plane. The Venezuelan national Assembly, headed by Juan Guido that January 23, proclaimed himself interim President of the country, has accused the national Central Bank in trying to take out almost 20 tons of gold to Russia. “We have received information from employees of the Central Bank of Venezuela of the arrival of the plane from Moscow, which is planned to export not less than 20 tons of gold”, — said during the meeting of the opposition to President Nicolas Maduro of Parliament Deputy josé Guerra. NewsAccidental President He demanded from the Central Bank the details of what is happening, stressing that the gold does not belong to the head of the Central Bank of Venezuela Calixto Orgage, and the Venezuelan

Russian Ambassador: Russia has offered the DPRK to build nuclear power plants in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons

Russian Ambassador: Russia has offered the DPRK to build nuclear power plants in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons PYONGYANG, January 30. /Offset. TASS Evgeny Agoshkov/. Russia has never applied to the authorities of the DPRK with a proposal to build in the people’s Republic of nuclear power plants in exchange for full renunciation of nuclear weapons. About it the correspondent of TASS said Wednesday, Russian Ambassador to Pyongyang Alexander Matsegora in response to a request for comment appeared in the Washington Post claims in this respect. “I’ve recently been commenting on the fiction that the DPRK is developing its missile and air defenses on the basis of obtained legally or stolen us technology, noted Matsegora. — Similar to my answer will be about the new “duck”. As the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, possessing comprehensive information about everything that is happening in the relationship between my country and the

Maduro said that trump gave the order to the government of Colombia to kill him

Maduro said that trump gave the order to the government of Colombia to kill him CARACAS, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro believes that the leader of the United States Donald trump ordered the government of Colombia to kill him, in case something happens, the responsible will be these countries. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Maduro in an interview with RIA Novosti noted that the question of the possibility of a new attempt on his life is complicated. “First, my fate is in the hands of the Lord, I am a Christian, I believe in the protection of the Lord. Me all the time to protect the people of Venezuela, we have a good intelligence service”, — he said. “But without a doubt, Donald trump gave the order to kill me, he said the government of Colombia, the Colombian mafia, so they killed me. If one day something happens,