Lithuania blocked the investments of the Russian “System” for gathering map data

Lithuania blocked the investments of the Russian “System” for gathering map data According to Lithuanian reconnaissance, data were collected for the Russian armed forces. In the report, threats to national security, prepared by the Department of state security (DGB) and the Second Department of operational services under the Ministry of defence described the case where the holding Vladimir Yevtushenkov “System” through his son managed investment company has acquired the Lithuanian company, engaged in the mapping and aerial photography. At the same time, reports Delfi under control, “Systems” was the Russian company “Kronstadt”, which several years ago won the competition equipment of the centre for electronic map data. According to intelligence reports, it is likely that after the acquisition of the company, which operates in Lithuania and other EU countries, Russia “tried to take advantage of the cover of the current EU member States, companies and disguise the data collection for

Terminated the criminal prosecution of feminists from Omsk for extremism

Terminated the criminal prosecution of feminists from Omsk for extremism The investigative Committee of the Omsk region has closed criminal case about extremism being investigated against the activists of the feminist movement love Kalugina. This information “Kommersant” confirmed the mistress Kalugin, adding that the decision to dismiss referred to the lack of evidence and decriminalization of article of the Criminal code she was charged. “I’m this and this wrong done, their expertise has proven that a woman with a frying pan — it’s extremism, but because the law was changed, at the moment it is not a crime”, she commented document the investigation. Love Kalugin was suspected of inciting hatred of men. According to investigators, in the period 2013-2016 Love Kalugin on his page in “Vkontakte” published 12 posts that, as suggested by the TFR, is directed against men. Check the blog of Ms. Kalugina in the social network was

Medvedev dismissed the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov

Medvedev dismissed the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov MOSCOW, February 5. /TASS/. The head of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has signed the order about dismissal of the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov, reported the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers. The theme of development of internal tourism in Russia was discussed last week at a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with government members, and on Monday the meeting of Medvedev with Deputy Prime Ministers. Then the head of the Cabinet of Ministers instructed the government office to prepare proposals on personnel to strengthen the work in this area. “All this must be done (to develop tourism industry), to pay attention, to prioritize and effectively manage money. We in this context, decided that these issues were dealt with to a greater extent the Ministry of economic development, therefore, the

In Moldova called the condition of “non-refoulement” of Transnistria

In Moldova called the condition of “non-refoulement” of Transnistria Moldova is ready to abandon the idea of reunification with Transnistria for the sake of European integration. This was announced by the speaker of Parliament Andrian CANDU in an interview with “European truth”. According to him, the reintegration of Transnistria in Moldova is necessary, but not at any price. The country is ready to abandon the idea if it becomes a stumbling block for the development of cooperation with NATO and accession to the EU. “There can’t be any discussions. This is definitely our future. In this issue of compromise can not be. It is not the price of reintegration of Moldova, which can be discussed. If it turns out that the price is the rejection of European integration, our answer is — no, we are not willing to pay the price”, — he said. The initiative on introducing a constitutional

Maduro has ruled out holding new elections of the President of Venezuela in the near future

Maduro has ruled out holding new elections of the President of Venezuela in the near future According to the Venezuelan leader, responsible for the political crisis in the country is the opposition. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that soon new presidential elections in the Republic will not be held. According to him, European countries, recognized Juan, Guido the new President of Venezuela, made a mistake, because they “recognize what does not exist.” Their point of view, Maduro announced in an interview with RT. Earlier, the EU said that if Venezuela does not pass a new election, the countries of the Union are to be considered a legitimate leader of Guido, not Maduro. “The problem in opposition and not in [the conduct of] even one election. We spent 25 elections over the past 20 years. Over the last half a year has passed six election campaigns. The election [of the

The newborn whale was caught on video

The newborn whale was caught on video Unique footage was shot near the Hawaiian archipelago. A newborn humpback whale was caught on video almost immediately after birth. Such unique footage of scientists managed to obtain extremely rare. Unusual activity in the water near the island of Maui was noticed by the tourists. Representatives of the tour operator immediately called the Director of the program for the study of marine mammals from the University of Hawaii. Lars Bader arrived on the scene and quickly flew a drone with a video camera. During the download an error has occurred. As it turned out, the water was a whale with fragile fins. Since its birth had passed no more than 20 minutes, says Bader. The baby floated beside his mother, trying to stay closer to the surface of the water. Mother periodically, supported the whale on her back. Humpback whales grow to an

The artist has created masterpieces in tea bags (photo)

The artist has created masterpieces in tea bags (photo) Her work can be seen in prestigious galleries. Ruby Silvius — known artist-miniaturist who paints pictures on used tea bags. Ruby’s work exhibited in famous art galleries around the world. View this post in Instagram Publication from Ruby Silvious (@silvirub) 28 Nov 2018 at 4:39 PST During the download an error has occurred. The project “363 tea of the day” Silvius launched in 2015. It was a kind of challenge: each day, ruby had been drinking a Cup of tea, got out the tea bag. Dried it and painted it with a painting on the theme of the day. A year later, in one of American publishers released art album with its “tea”. View this post in Instagram Publication from Ruby Silvious (@silvirub) Dec 4, 2018 at 5:27 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram

Mikhalkov called the participating Comedy Woman sheep

Mikhalkov called the participating Comedy Woman sheep Director Nikita Mikhalkov criticized member humorous show Comedy Woman, allowed himself a joke about a Soviet General Dmitry Karbyshev, hero of the Soviet Union, who died as a result of brutal torture in a concentration camp. According to the filmmaker, Karbyshev is a “fantastic personality” and posmejatsja over his “frozen spirit” — “sheep”. Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov in the air with his own program “БесогонTV” criticized participants of the TV show Comedy Woman, calling them “sheep.” The filmmaker has subjected humoristic criticized for the reason that those still in 2013, during one of the scenes allowed himself the joke about “frozen spirit” of the Soviet General Dmitry Karbyshev who died in a concentration camp as a result of torture: Well, when this sheep from Comedy Woman joke like this? They understand what they are saying, who are they talking about? For a moment

In Sweden found the stolen crown jewels

In Sweden found the stolen crown jewels STOCKHOLM, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. Police in Sweden confirmed on Tuesday that two Royal crown and Orb, stolen at the end of July 2018 from the Cathedral of Strängnäs, near Stockholm, found. “Everything points to the fact that the funeral regalia of king Charles IX was found in the Stockholm area”, — stated in the message of the police to the press. It is noted that with found objects continue to work with the experts to “100%” to confirm their authenticity. NewsTreasures of the French crown In August 2018, the information that the regalia found, appeared in several Swedish media, but the official confirmation is not received. The cost stolen, according to police, is estimated at 65 million SEK (6.5 million euros). At the end of July 2018 in the middle of the day from the Cathedral city of Strängnäs, located 90

In the party of potatoes from France found a grenade (video)

In the party of potatoes from France found a grenade (video) Of her wanted to make Kale chips. Workers at the Hong Kong factory producing the chips found in the potato grenade during the First world war. Batch of potatoes arrived at the plant from France, according to French news Agency. The grenade with a width of 8 cm and weighing about 1 kg were manufactured in Germany. Apparently she spent a long time in the ground on the former battlefield, which later became a potato farm. ?Update?@hkpoliceforce have detonated a grenade at the TKO Industrial Estate. No causality is reported. #香港警察 在將軍澳工業邨剛引爆一枚手榴彈,現場安全。#Safeguarding #HongKong #Safety #Emergency #Explosive #EOD? — Hong Kong Police Force (@hkpoliceforce) 2 Feb 2019 Police evacuated employees and defused grenade in the yard of the plant. It is placed in the hole and triggered the explosion with a jet of water under strong pressure. Hong Kong