The American has a picture of apples in the garden-“ghosts”

The American has a picture of apples in the garden-“ghosts” An amazing sight. Andrew Setsima from Michigan witnessed an unusual phenomenon. When he cut branches from fruit trees in his garden, he saw ice hanging apples. However, on closer examination it turned out that apples were only form. GHOST APPLES ?? After freezing rain in Michigan, apples that hadn’t been picked got coated in ice. Many fell off the tree. Some had their insides turn to mush as apples have lower freezing points. The mush and skin fell, leaving these “ghost apples.” ?: Andrew Sietsema — Tyler Sebree (@TylerABC57) February 8, 2019 The man explained that after the rain on the fruit, creating an ice shell and the flesh inside of the apples are rotten and leaked from the bottom. Thus, the branches were hung only hollow balls of ice. See also: The blogger showed that happens if to

Yulia Tymoshenko demanded to remove her “double” with the election of the President of Ukraine

Yulia Tymoshenko demanded to remove her “double” with the election of the President of Ukraine The leader of “Batkivshchyna” demands from the Poroshenko to stop dirty manipulation. The presidential candidate of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko said that the current head of the country Poroshenko specially registered independent candidate Tymoshenko, Yuri Vladimirovich, to take her a certain percentage of votes. The leader of the party “Batkivshchyna” demanded from the head of state to stop dirty manipulation and clean up its namesake of the candidates. She also admitted that she’s satisfied with her second round of presidential elections and she will win any of the contenders. “I appeal to the President: as you put that Tymoshenko Yury Vladimirovich in the list of presidential candidates, so remember about honor, get that Y. Tymoshenko from the presidential candidates and stop such dirty manipulations,” she said in the program “Right to rule” on the TV channel

Russia refused to send observers to Ukraine

Russia refused to send observers to Ukraine Moscow would not send its observers to the presidential elections in Ukraine because of security reasons. On 8 February said the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation. Moscow would not send its observers to the presidential elections in Ukraine because of security reasons. On 8 February said the Russian foreign Ministry. The Ministry said that Kiev officially notified the Office for democratic institutions and human rights (ODIHR) refusal by the observer of the Russian Federation accreditation. “In principle, such a decision was expected on the background of constantly sounding statements of the Ukrainian high-ranking officials, and the actions of the Verkhovna Rada on legislative consolidation of the ban the Russians to participate in the monitoring of any elections on the territory of Ukraine. However, there was hope in the fact that the mind in Kiev will prevail after all”, — said the Russian

The Kremlin does not agree with the opinion about Europe’s dependence on Russian gas

The Kremlin does not agree with the opinion about Europe’s dependence on Russian gas More safe and stable gas supply route to Europe than the project “Northern stream-2”, “can’t be”, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. He “strongly disagrees” with the fact that the project will lead to Europe’s dependence on Russian gas. “We remain convinced that this project is in the interests of European countries as consumers of gas and RF as the country which supplies gas. We remain convinced that economically it is much more appropriate than any other competitive way of delivery of blue fuel to the European continent,” he said. He added that Russia will continue work on the “Nord stream-2” and looks forward to its full implementation: We are certainly aware of the discussions that are taking place in the EU this, very carefully monitor the situation. This is needed for Russia

“I know of people that have been in a party for 100 lashes”

“I know of people that have been in a party for 100 lashes” Iranian women love and know how to have fun. They are not scared of huge fines and prison. Iran are quite modest, God-fearing country where they have banned alcohol and cigarettes. It is believed that a homemaker is here just praying and fasting. In fact, everything is completely different. Welcome to Shimizu Iran is not always rigidly adhered to a Patriarchal tradition. In the 1950-1960-ies, many women felt more free than modern Iranian women. They did a European haircut and sported short skirts. The dress code was tightened after the overthrow of Shah Pahlavi in 1979, as well as increased segregation by gender. NewsTotal surveillance, prohibitions and crime. Responses of tourists about the closed cities “I was born in Iran in the 1980s. In those years everywhere in the streets scurried officers of the so-called Vice. It

The oldest wild bird has hatched a chick

The oldest wild bird has hatched a chick The oldest known wild bird, is not less than 68 years old, has hatched another chick. The female Laysan Albatross named wisdom (Wisdom in English — “wisdom”) is considered the world’s oldest wild bird. She, as an adult (i.e. she was at least six years), was spotted by biologist Chandler Robbins in 1956. Then it was off the market, and then, in 2002, Robbins was again seen wisdom, failing to recognize her at the number on the ring. NewsWrong the leaves on your favorite bushes are not deceived new Caledonian crows As reported, in late November 2018, wisdom came to the nesting area and laid another egg. (Laysan albatrosses breed on midway Atoll, which is located in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands.) Now, however, the blog service of protection of fish resources and wildlife, the U.S. has information that wisdom (and her partner

At the entrance to the building TFR appears the Archangel Michael

At the entrance to the building TFR appears the Archangel Michael The money for the statue will gather with members of the Investigative Committee, the fee per person will be about 1.5 thousand rubles. A three-meter sculpture of the patron Saint of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) of the Archangel Michael, trampling on a serpent with a spear, set at the main entrance to the new building of the Department. The monument must symbolize “the victory of forces of light over forces of darkness”, writes RBC with reference to the letter signed by the head of the Union of investigation veterans Vladimir Dontsov, approved by the head of the RCDS Alexander Bastrykin. The estimated project cost is 13 million rubles. Collecting money for a monument in the Association “Union of investigation veterans”, Radoslava in the management Committee of the appropriate letters. To start collecting money for the installation of

In the Samara colony was a conflict between prisoners

In the Samara colony was a conflict between prisoners At least 15 inmates received minor injuries as a result of the conflict in penal colony № 5 in Samara have informed in regional management of Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) of Russia. According to authorities, the incident occurred on Friday, February 8. All the victims received medical assistance on the spot, hospitalization is not required. “The conflict between convicts was resolved in a short time. Furnished in a correctional facility stabilized”, — quotes the representative of the Federal penitentiary service of the Agency TASS. According to him, currently, all prisoners are in local areas in their sectors, the colony is operating normally. On 1 February, the conflict took place in the Saratov correctional colony No. 7 for especially dangerous criminals-recidivists. According to the regional Department of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, in the emergency several prisoners were

Investigators rejected the collective resignation

Investigators rejected the collective resignation Seven employees of GSU SKR wrote one letter of resignation. On Friday it became known about the collective application of the seven investigators GSU of Investigatory Committee of Russia (TFR) in Moscow, who asked to dismiss them on their own. Document the personnel Department did not give the course because it was not written in the prescribed form. However, the cause and the situation in the Metropolitan Chapter will now explore the Central apparatus of the TFR. Under the statement of the acting head of GSU SKR, Colonel Alexander Strigovo (the place became vacant after the dismissal and arrest of the accused of taking bribes of major-General Alexander Drymanov), was signed by seven investigators of the first Department for investigation of particularly important cases.

The U.S. is determined to disrupt the “Nord stream-2”

The U.S. is determined to disrupt the “Nord stream-2” The foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. Congress prepares to consider a resolution calling to impose sanctions against the pipeline “Nord stream-2”, to prevent its construction. This was reported on the website of the U.S. Senate. In the document, in particular, says that projects like “Nord stream-2”, pose a threat to European energy security and, consequently, the gas pipeline project should be canceled. The newsmedia Germany and France reached a compromise on the “Nord stream — 2” It also contains a call for the US administration to assist Ukraine to strengthen its defense capabilities and “to give a decisive rebuff the Russian aggression in the Black sea”. Congress had already adopted a similar resolution against the pipeline project in December 2018. The document has no legal force, but it shows the attitude of the congressmen to the project. At the end