Ukraine complained about problems with entry to Russia

Ukraine complained about problems with entry to Russia MOSCOW, 10 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russian border guards began to arbitrarily deny entry to Ukrainian citizens, this broadcast channel “112” said the Deputy Chairman of the state border service of Ukraine Oleg Slobodyan. According to him, during the last three days the office has recorded about a hundred cases of refusal of entry to Russia of the Ukrainians at the checkpoint “nehoteevka” in the Belgorod region. Denied, as stated by Slobodian, mainly those who were driving in vehicles with an engine capacity over two litres. “They were returned to Ukraine without explanation,” he added. Russian border guards, according to Slobodyan, in response to the appeal stated that the checkpoint “nehoteevka” works in a regular mode. Official comment from the frontier service of FSB of Russia. In November 2018 the Ukrainian authorities for a month in connection with the military situation imposed

Reuters learned of the transfer of accounts of the joint ventures, PDVSA, Gazprombank

Reuters learned of the transfer of accounts of the joint ventures, PDVSA, Gazprombank Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA transfers Bank accounts of its joint ventures in the Russian Gazprombank, Reuters reports with reference to sources and the corresponding internal document seen by reporters. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The Agency explains the decision to transfer accounts to the Russian sanctions imposed by the US against Venezuela. According to the Agency, PDVSA is asking the leadership of their joint ventures to transfer revenues from oil sales on new accounts in Gazprombank. The Venezuelan company also puts pressure on foreign partners in joint ventures in the area of one of the richest reserves of oil fields in the world — the Orinoco belt. PDVSA requires partners official decision, do they continue to participate in projects. Among its foreign partners — Norwegian Equinor, America’s Chevron and France’s Total. PDVSA has ordered that its joint venture with Equinor

The diplomatic service was never a sinecure, Lavrov said

The diplomatic service was never a sinecure, Lavrov said MOSCOW, 10 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov congratulated his colleagues on the day of the diplomat, noting that the diplomatic service have always demanded the best and was never a sinecure, the corresponding congratulation is published on the website of the foreign Ministry. “Work on the foreign policy path has always demanded the best qualities, extensive knowledge, diverse horizons, the ability to skillfully wield “the pen”… the Diplomatic service has never been a sinecure. The pursuit of national interests is often associated with the risk of their lives,” — said in greeting. The Minister stressed that at all times at the Ministry of foreign Affairs served as a gifted, extraordinary people, true patriots, many of whom have made an invaluable contribution to strengthening Russian statehood and became the treasure of national

“Martian” sandstorm in the South of Australia has caught on video

“Martian” sandstorm in the South of Australia has caught on video MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. In a Network there was video of a sand storm in the South-East of Australia, painting the landscape in reddish color. The footage can be seen as brown dust rose like a wall over the fields and residential areas. During the download an error has occurred. It is noted that this effect arose because a large number of dry soil and strong wind. Users of social networks said that because of its specific colors of the landscape became similar to landscapes, taken on Mars. See also: photo Gallery: Drought in Australia — tumor, devouring farm 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий

Look like the weirdest road (photo)

Look like the weirdest road (photo) They sing, pass through the house and breaking the laws of gravity. Magnetic hill India The stretch of motorway in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir creates an amazing optical illusion. Due to the topography of a small hill near Leh in Ladakh looks like a rise. This phenomenon is called the magnetic hill. View this post in Instagram Publication from Priyanka Sen (@priya4sen) 22 Jun 2018 10:20 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Nanpu Bridge, Shanghai Nanpu is one of the largest cable-stayed bridges in China with a total length of 8346 meters. It is built in Shanghai, the largest city in the country. Daily passes over a bridge not less than 120 thousand cars. View this post in Instagram Publication by Paul Reiffer ? (@paulreiffer) APR 2, 2018 12:17 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Trollstigen, Norway Narrow mountain

Over the past five years the number of marriages fell by 30%

Over the past five years the number of marriages fell by 30% In Russia have become less likely to marry. According to Rosstat, in January-November 2018 was signed only 867,1 thousand unions. If you take in account the last five years, it appears that the number of marriages fell by almost 30%. Experts say that the reluctance of Russians to register their relationships caused by poverty. Real incomes are declining for five consecutive years. This reduces not only the statistics of marriages, and the birth rate falls. In Russia reduced the number of marriages. In 2008, there are 1 million 179 thousand new households in January-November 2018 — only 867,1 thousands of marriages. This is evidenced by the data of Rosstat, which is at the disposal “Газеты.Ru”. If you look at the statistics from January to November 2018, the results for 2008 drop is 26.4%. Unaccounted December 2018 the situation

CNN linked politics trump with the Russian fish in school cafeterias in the US

CNN linked politics trump with the Russian fish in school cafeterias in the US MOSCOW, 10 Feb — RIA Novosti. CNN linked the policy of U.S. President Donald trump with the situation in which American students eat in canteens fish sticks made from fish, mainly caught in Russia. According to the channel, the Alaskan fishermen for many years suffered from competition with Russia, “especially in the lucrative market of Alaska Pollock”. Pollock, which is caught in Russia, processed in China and then sold in the United States in frozen form, breaded, or as imitation crab meat. It adds the channel, it was expected that introduced by the President trump the 10 percent duties on Chinese goods “will erase the advantage in price, which was used by Russian fish”, however, the situation has only worsened. The United States trade representative has ruled out the Russian Pollock from the list of goods

Bishop’s “new Church” of Ukraine was not allowed in the monastery on mount Athos

Bishop’s “new Church” of Ukraine was not allowed in the monastery on mount Athos MOSCOW, 10 Feb — RIA Novosti. The delegation of the “new Church” of Ukraine, headed by Bishop Paul Uristem not allowed on the territory of the piously-Panteleimonov monastery on mount Athos, this publication reports The monastery’s Abbot, Archimandrite Evlogy, closed the gates of the monastery before the representatives of the “new Church” of Ukraine, not allowing them to enter the Church and venerate the relics. As explained by the Ukrainian delegation Eulogy, in this monastery, they are not recognized by the priests, both now and in the future. Earlier media reported that more than half the monasteries of mount Athos opposed the participation in the “enthronement” of the Chapter “new Church” of the Epiphany of Ukraine Dumenko. It is noted that of the twenty monasteries only seven endorsed the idea to arrive in Kyiv on

Russia is building the route for the whole world. It is not a pity trillion

Russia is building the route for the whole world. It is not a pity trillion All the way through. On the development and support of the Northern sea route (NSR), the world’s shortest navigable route from Europe to Asia, Russia plans in the next five years to spend a lot of money — almost a trillion. Despite tremendous potential, Northern sea route still remains inefficient and unclaimed artery. Promoting it is one of the priority tasks set by President Vladimir Putin in the framework of the may decrees. Will it have Russia to reform the international transport system by multibillion-dollar injections — in the material “”. Cash flow Rosmorrechflot presented for discussion the schedule of the implementation of the decree of President Vladimir Putin to increase by 2024 turnover of SMP to 80 million tons per year. According to calculations of the Ministry, it will take 905,6 billion. Of them

The girl transformed her hair into an unusual sculpture (photo)

The girl transformed her hair into an unusual sculpture (photo) The creativity Kai watched about 200 thousand subscribers. Artist and designer Letitia Kai creates my hair into true works of art. View this post in Instagram Publication from KY (@laetitiaky) 4 Feb 2019 12:19 PST During the download an error has occurred. 22-year-old girl from côte d’ivoire is on the head of the whimsical sculptures of animals, people and everyday items. His works, she expresses the ideas of freedom, tolerance, equality, love for yourself and others. Leticia often refers to important social and political issues. The creativity Kai watched about 200 thousand subscribers in social networks. The girl encourages their creativity, and someone — going to the hairdresser. View this post in Instagram Publication from KY (@laetitiaky) 23 Sep 2019 12:16 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from KY (@laetitiaky) January 9,