Surkov: in many years Russia will still be the state of Putin

Surkov: in many years Russia will still be the state of Putin The Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov published in “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” article, “a Long state of Putin.” In it, he ponders about the future of the “Putin system of ruling” and the ideology of “Putinism”. “Russian history is known, therefore, four main models of the state, which conditionally can be named after their founders: the government of Ivan III (Grand Duchy/Kingdom of Moscow and all Rus, XV—XVII centuries); the government of Peter the Great (Russian Empire, XVIII—XIX CC.); the government of Lenin (the Soviet Union, the twentieth century); the state of Putin (Russian Federation, XXI century)”, — Surkov writes. In his words, “a big political machine Putin is gaining momentum and is set in a long, difficult and interesting work.” Its full capacity is far ahead, so many years later Russia is still Putin’s government.Vladislav Sarcopenic of the President

America is ready for a new shutdown

America is ready for a new shutdown Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on the beds for immigrants. The white house began preparing for the Declaration of state of emergency in the country. On the eve of the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress recognized that the negotiations on the financing of the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico at an impasse and neither of the parties are not yet ready to compromise. The failure of the talks could lead to a termination of funding of the Federal government in the United States. Last weekend, President Donald trump has again made it clear that he is ready to declare a state of emergency in the country if Congress doesn’t agree with its requirement to Finance the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. In his Twitter head of the White house quoted the Congressman from California

Donald Glover, Lady Gaga, Drake and KARDi Bi: in Los Angeles has announced the winners of “Grammy”

Donald Glover, Lady Gaga, Drake and KARDi Bi: in Los Angeles has announced the winners of “Grammy” “Song of the year” was the song This Is America Donald Glover. Lady Gaga was the best performer, but KARDi Bi received the award for rap album. In the sports and entertainment complex Staples Center in Los Angeles hosted the 61st awards ceremony of the American recording Academy a Grammy is one of the major music awards of the year. The best in the categories “Record of the year and song of the year” was the song This Is America performed by Childish Gambino (real name Donald Glover). The track was the first hip-hop song that won in these categories. Also This Is America won in the category “Best music video and “Best rap/snug performance”. Himself Donald Glover previously refused the offer of the recording Academy to speak at the ceremony and not

The United States refused to deliver to the ISS Russian telescope

The United States refused to deliver to the ISS Russian telescope The us space Agency NASA refused to help to deliver to the International space station (ISS), Russian ultraviolet telescope. About it RIA Novosti said the Director of the MCG Institute of nuclear physics Mikhail Panasyuk. The device is designed to study cosmic rays of extremely high energies (LPVA), will send into orbit the spacecraft “Progress” in the years 2022-2023. The telescope is too big, so will have to ship in parts. Panasyuk explained that Russia offered the U.S. to participate in international EUSO project and deliver the equipment on the cargo ship Dragon. “Instead, NASA has proposed a similar project POEMMA consisting of two satellites with ultraviolet telescopes. However, the timing of its implementation — the end of the 2020-ies,” — said the scientist. LPVA will continue to research flying on the satellite “Lomonosov” of the telescope SLR. It

Musk believes that SpaceX is ahead of engine RD-180 in the pressure level in the combustion chamber

Musk believes that SpaceX is ahead of engine RD-180 in the pressure level in the combustion chamber TASS, February 11. Developed by the company SpaceX Raptor engine, which is expected to use BFR in the test broke the record for the Russian RD-180 on the pressure level in the combustion chamber, said Monday the head of SpaceX Elon Musk. “Today, the Raptor reached [pressure chamber] 268,9 bar (approximately equal to 265,4 atmosphere — approx. TASS), which broke the previous record set stunning Russian RD-180,” wrote Musk on Twitter. According developed the RD-180 NPO “Energomash”, the pressure level in the combustion chamber of the Russian engine is 261.7 kilogram-force per sq cm (approximately equal to 253,3 atmosphere). At the end of December 2018 Musk gave a high assessment of the design of the RD-180, noting that the use of American launch vehicle Atlas V’s Russian engine should be “ashamed” fact for

The mother of the captain of the ship “Nord” announced his return home

The mother of the captain of the ship “Nord” announced his return home The captain of the Russian vessel “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko, whose Ukrainian police announced in the search, returned home to the Crimea, reported “RIA Novosti” his mother. “The son of the house. Came back on Saturday. Feels normal,” — said the mother of a sailor. She noted that the son looks good. “He says that he was not hurt. Questions asked don’t ask”, she added. Owner Anna Sheveleva confirmed TASS that Vladimir Gorbenko returned to the Crimea. “The captain is in Russia. His return — his personal successful project. Not feeling and asks him to forgive: once it’s ready, everyone will tell you,” she said. We will remind, the Ukrainian border guards detained the ship “Nord” in the sea of Azov in March 2018. Vladimir Gorbenko was under arrest, April 10 he was released on bail. 26 Jan

In Krasnoyarsk the students go to class, after the temperature rose to -30

In Krasnoyarsk the students go to class, after the temperature rose to -30 KRASNOYARSK, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Students of Krasnoyarsk went back to lessons after abnormal frosts, told RIA Novosti in the management of education. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +2° 93% 740 mm Hg. article 10 m/s “In 30 degrees, because today everything needs to be in place. Absence in school due to frosts today will be considered a truancy,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The Ministry added that do not keep records of attendance in the case that the temperature meets standards. However, on Friday, when the students had a legal right to stay at home due to frost, the attendance to lessons increased to 45%, although in the beginning of last week was only 7%. Last week, forecasters reported anomalous cold in Krasnoyarsk, at 12-17 degrees below the February norm. The municipality for the period of

The American musician received a Grammy posthumously

The American musician received a Grammy posthumously American guitarist and singer, leader of the grunge band Soundgarden Chris Cornell posthumously received the Grammy award for best rock performance. This was reported on the website of the organizers of the ceremony. Cornell won the award for the song When Bad Does Good. The track was released in the fall of 2018, after the death of the musician. The award was received by his children. In addition to Cornell contenders for victory in this nomination was the band Arctic Monkeys, The Fever 333, Halestorm and Greta Van Fleet. During the download an error has occurred. Chris Cornell was born in Seattle, Washington. In 1984, he founded the rock band Soundgarden, which became known as a member of the “big four” Seattle grunge, along with groups Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Pearl Jam. Soundgarden broke up in 1997, but in 2010 they decided

Japanese women rebelled against the traditions of Valentine’s Day

Japanese women rebelled against the traditions of Valentine’s Day Japanese women began to abandon the tradition of giving male colleagues chocolate on Valentine’s Day. Many have to spend on such gifts thousands of yen to avoid accusations and insults, said on Monday, February 11, The Guardian. In Japanese, this practice is called giri choco, or “obligatory chocolate.” It is assumed that men should reply March 14, White day — an event invented by candy makers to boost sales. As the newspaper notes, many Japanese women tradition becomes unaffordable. Some companies now forbid this kind of donation. Studies show that 60 percent of Japanese women buy chocolates on February 14th for myself, more than 56 percent going to give it to family members, 35 per cent partner. The same decided to please the coworkers. “Before the ban we had to worry about how and how much is appropriate to spend on

Roma Cuaron was named best film at the British Academy

Roma Cuaron was named best film at the British Academy Drama by Mexican Director Alfonso Cuaron, “Roma” (“Rome”, Roma) was awarded the British Academy of film and television arts (BAFTA) as best film. This was announced Sunday at the 72nd ceremony major film awards UK in London. In addition to the main nomination, the tape won three: best Director, best foreign film and best cinematography. The film tells about dramatic fate of the Mexican middle-class family in the 1970-ies. Roma is a bourgeois quarter of Mexico city, the place where the family story of two women. For the sake of greater authenticity of the picture is black and white. The film was made for streaming service Netflix, which is its distributor in the United States. Budget — $15 million by Accepting the award, cuarón thanked Netflix for “faith and courage”. “Roma” has received 10 nominations for the Academy award “Oscar”,