There was a video about “land” Tsepovyaz in the Amur colony

There was a video about “land” Tsepovyaz in the Amur colony On YouTube posted a new video about the life of a member of a gang Tsapkov Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz in the colony of strict regime in the Amur region. The footage presented “land with separate gate”, an apiary, vegetable garden and gazebo directly on the premises of the correctional institution. During the download an error has occurred. According to the author of the rollers about the life of a prisoner, “manor” Tsepovyaz continues beyond the colony. “Good estate: apiary, vegetable garden, gazebo. A separate building for the stay for two people, shower. It is in Amur region in the IR-3”, — he said. Tsepovyaz was sentenced to 20 years for the murder of 12 people gang Sergei Hoe in the village of Kushchevskaya, perfect in autumn 2010. He is serving his sentence in a strict regime colony. After the publication

Putin made the remark to the head of Tatarstan

Putin made the remark to the head of Tatarstan The President during a meeting with social activists in Kazan noticed that Rustam Minnikhanov listened to his speech — Moscow 24. Vladimir Putin made the remark to the head of Tatarstan. The President during a meeting with social activists in Kazan noticed that Rustam Minnikhanov listened to his speech during a discussion of the advantages of using the service “people’s control”. “Rustam knows for sure, right? Rustam Nurgalievich! Rustam Nurgalievich! Do not get distracted. Don’t listen to us. Practice good “public control”, you tell me, please?” — the President said to the head of Tatarstan. After that, Putin suggested “not to put the head of the Republic in a difficult position” as he listened. The project “people’s control” is aimed at raising awareness of citizens in food policy, control the quality of food products and services, as well as the development

Kudrin has criticized the draft law on “sovereign Runet”

Kudrin has criticized the draft law on “sovereign Runet” The Chairman of the accounts chamber of Russia Alexei Kudrin called the hasty approval of the state Duma of the draft law on “sovereign Runet”. “In the first reading adopted the law on sovereign Runet. Unfortunately, too hastily and without an open dialogue with the IT and industrial community,” he wrote on Twitter. Mr. Kudrin stressed that the industry “develop as global”. “Without clear rules and understanding it will slow investment in IT at the crucial moment of the digitization of Russia”, — he added. The state Duma has approved in the first reading the draft law on “sovereign” Russian Internet on Tuesday, February 12. The amendments envisage the creation of infrastructure, “ensuring operability of the Russian Internet resources in the event that connection” to foreign servers. The project is estimated at 20 million rubles. In the Kremlin the initiative refused

Nicolas Maduro about Donald trump and the Ku Klux Klan

Nicolas Maduro about Donald trump and the Ku Klux Klan Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called the American President Donald trump supporter of white supremacy. In interview Bi-bi-si Maduro spoke against holding new elections to resolve the political crisis. The blame for the crisis he has laid upon US. With Maduro spoke to the correspondent bi-Bi-si Orla Guerin. During the download an error has occurred.

In Central Russia, dozens of closed schools and kindergartens due to flu and SARS

In Central Russia, dozens of closed schools and kindergartens due to flu and SARS Moscow. 12 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Administration of Rospotrebnadzor in Novgorod region issued a resolution in which it recommended to close because of SARS and flu are all average educational institutions of region, have informed “Interfax” in the Department. “We recommend these schools to go on vacation or go to distance learning from today until 22 February. Specific decisions will be made by the Directors of educational institutions”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the information of Rospotrebnadzor, since the beginning of February in the region epidporog on a flu and ORVI is exceeded by 18.4%, among children and adolescents at 35-49%. Weekly applying for medical aid more than 7 thousand Novgorodtsev. Boleznjami flu: the fear, the panic, the illusion On January 22 in Veliky Novgorod woman died from the “swine flu”complicated with pneumonia. Meanwhile,

Scientists have found that microbes could not “chew” a hole in the Union

Scientists have found that microbes could not “chew” a hole in the Union Moscow. 12 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Specialists of the Institute of biomedical problems of RAS tested the hypothesis that the appearance of the hole in the hull of the Union could be involved in microorganisms, it has not been confirmed, reported “Interfax” leading researcher of IMBP RAS Svetlana Poddubko. “Our specialists and specialists from other organizations of space industry, who participated in the study for samples taken in the area of the hole, came to the conclusion that the number of microorganisms on the ISS, not enough to cause corrosion and destruction of metal structure in the center of the notorious hole. It’s a different etiology,” said Poddubko in an interview to “Interfax”. According to her, fungi and some bacteria can damage the equipment of the ISS. In particular, recently had to replace a number of panels and put

The court allowed the dog to bite intruders on private property

The court allowed the dog to bite intruders on private property A story that should be a warning for breeders as well as for intruders, happened in one of the communal apartments of Arkhangelsk. Fate brought under the same roof as strangers to each other: the two former spouses. In addition, the female half of the house lived their child under the protection of the dog. When the father tried at an odd hour to visit the child, he had to deal with an angry dog. The man complained to the court. One evening, he believes, solely on the rights of the father, decided to check on the child. Independently penetrated into the room, walked to the crib. But outstretched to the sleeping baby’s hand have a death grip on the dog, carefully guarding the sleep of the baby.The Arkhangelsk regional court This was the situation in the presentation of

Revealed new details in the case of the tragedy of the Dyatlov group

Revealed new details in the case of the tragedy of the Dyatlov group In Studio a current-show “Let speak” has presented new details of the investigation of the mysterious death of tourists on the Dyatlov pass in 1959. In the second part of the discussion, the guests discussed the identity of one of the most controversial members of the expedition — Seeds Zolotarev, the involvement of the people of Muncie to the tragedy, and gave the arguments “for” and “against” the influence of natural phenomena on the sad outcome of the expedition. The Studio program “Let them talk” was again discussed new details related to the investigation into the mysterious death of tourists on the Dyatlov pass, after 60 years after the tragic incident, the incident remains a real mystery. The second part of the talk shows lined up around the individual Seeds Zolotarev — the oldest participant of the

Putin promised to reduce mortgage rates

Putin promised to reduce mortgage rates The growth of Bank rates in Russia, including the mortgage, is a predictable phenomenon, and in the future they will begin to decline. This statement was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with members of the public in Tatarstan. “It will be a one-time event and short-term and in the future, the indicators should not only be aligned, but also to begin to decline, including macroeconomic indicators,” — said the head of state, his words are quoted by “RIA Novosti”. He stressed that there is no reason to believe that it will be otherwise. As explained by Putin, the increase in mortgage rates is associated with a number of decisions, including the increase in VAT from 18% to 20% for national projects. “It is obvious that the increase in the VAT rate affects inflation, in order to curb inflation, the Central

FT announced the imminent introduction of sanctions against Russia for the incident in the Kerch Strait

FT announced the imminent introduction of sanctions against Russia for the incident in the Kerch Strait Moscow. 12 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the EU and the US is ready to impose on Moscow the new restrictions within two months. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The U.S. and EU are close to agree on sanctions against Russia in response to the incident with the detention of Ukrainian seafarers and ships in the Kerch Strait, said on Tuesday the Financial Times newspaper, citing diplomatic sources. It is noted that this issue should be discussed on 18 February the foreign Ministers of the European Union. The restrictive measures, according to the interlocutor of the newspaper, can be introduced within the next two months. One of the sources said that sanctions are expected to be taken against “individuals and companies” of direct relevance to the incident with the Ukrainian ships. In turn, the British TV channel Sky News citing