And the lions are feeling. The king of beasts won the contest “Photographer-naturalist of the year”

And the lions are feeling. The king of beasts won the contest “Photographer-naturalist of the year” Photograph of two lions won the main prize of the audience in the photo contest “Photographer-naturalist of the year 2019”. This is one of the largest annual international photography contests. The winner in this category — professional photographer David Lloyd. His extraordinary picture, titled “Brotherly relationship” — two lions, is clearly showing to each other warm feelings. Lloyd had to compete with 45 other thousands of submitted pictures. The staff of the natural history Museum in London has selected 25 of the best images that have been presented to the public for a vote. “I am very pleased with the results, because it’s a photo illustration of the fact that animals have feelings and emotions that not only people can test them, says a photographer from New Zealand living in London. — I am

Semen Slepakov hospitalized in Moscow

Semen Slepakov hospitalized in Moscow A famous Russian artist Semyon Slepakov was hospitalized in one of the capital’s hospitals, according to 14 February, the TV channel REN TV. According to journalists, he had heart problems, needed a minor surgical procedure. It is clarified that the problem was discovered a long time ago, but only now the actor decided to undergo treatment. The star of the reality show “the Bachelor” rose Hertz, relatives and friends which raised the alarm about her disappearance, were hospitalized. For some reason, the girl was in the hospital, not specified.

Utair has been buying Russian 13 tickets for two handicapped children

Utair has been buying Russian 13 tickets for two handicapped children Utair did not know about the flight from Kurgan to Moscow single mothers with sons with disabilities, which I had to buy 13 tickets. Social service and the Russian children’s Foundation has not contacted the carrier. On this edition of the Sign reported in the press service of the airline. Without warning, explained in Utair, disabled passengers facing a shortage of seats or the high price of tickets. NewsMuscovites rebelled against cancer-stricken children for fear of Contracting For the flight safety of passengers on Board set the stretcher, which are necessary in case of turbulence, takeoff and landing. The device weighs 140 pounds, the installation takes time. “Even when the passenger does not warn the airline in advance, she tries to find a way to help. For example, registration on the flight Moscow — Samara came without warning the

Oreshkin told about the new forecast for inflation in 2019

Oreshkin told about the new forecast for inflation in 2019 SOCHI, February 14 — RIA Novosti. The updated forecast of the RF Ministry of economic development of inflation for 2019 will be higher than the current 4.3 percent, but less than 5%, told journalists the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin on the sidelines of a Russian investment forum in Sochi. The official forecast the MAYOR comes from the fact that inflation in Russia by the end of 2019 will amount to 4.3%. The news isBad history: why did banks refuse loans “We’re all the indicators should be clarified. Of course, something may change,” said Oreshkin. He also replied affirmatively to the question of whether the inflation expectation increased to 4.3%, but will remain below 5%. On Tuesday, the Ministry of economic development published the report “the economy”, which indicated that inflation in Russia will pass its peak in the

On the border of Colombia and Venezuela has declared a state of disaster

On the border of Colombia and Venezuela has declared a state of disaster MEXICO city, 14 Feb — RIA Novosti. The disaster introduced on Wednesday in the area of the Colombian city of Cucuta on the border with Venezuela, due to the anticipated problems with the planned February 23 beginning the delivery of humanitarian aid to the neighboring country. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий As the coordinator of the Council of the Department of Norte de Santander on disaster risk management adriana arias, originally a proposal to introduce the provisions of the disaster was made the Governor of the Department of February 11, and this decision is made. Portal de Noticias Cucuta said that now the local authorities have more tools to respond in an emergency situation that may arise with the beginning of the delivery of aid, which is accumulated in Cucuta. NewsNicolas Maduro: “Ku-Klux-Klan ruled the White house” The collection centers care

Friends said that don complained about the ber, in order “not to wash dirty linen in public”

Friends said that don complained about the ber, in order “not to wash dirty linen in public” Master “What? Where? When?” questioned the mental health of the producer of the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. Friends Alexander in an interview with the Daily Storm explained why he had not complained in the fall of 2018 on Ilya ber, when the chief editor of the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?” according to the expert, asked him to buy a win on the show. Master “What? Where? When?” said: “I can’t stand dirty linen in public”. Bera he called a provocateur, questioning his mental health. “I wanted to talk to ber. He did not… you Know, the whole initiative came from him,” said druz. To the question whether he would sue the Bera for libel, he replied: “I don’t know. We’ll see.” Friends also noted that from November

Manager Friends called provocation accused of bribery

Manager Friends called provocation accused of bribery Moscow. 13 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Manager of the player TV quiz show “What? Where? When?” Alexander Friends, Alexander Grigorenko called provocation accusations of “expert” in the attempt to bribe the editor of the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. During the download an error has occurred. “I don’t know a more consistent and an honest adherent of the movement “What? Where? When?”. All members of the intellectual club Friends Nontrivial Club that know him for many years as one say they do not believe that this is a provocation. It is known to people, including, for example, there are actors of theatre of Lensoveta, writers, screenwriters, artists, businessmen”, — said Grigorenko, “Interfax” on Wednesday. “No one questions related to Friends, it honestly plays”, she said. Previously the editor of the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?” Ilya ber wrote in one of

A hospital security guard Petrozavodsk drove an ambulance brought the man

A hospital security guard Petrozavodsk drove an ambulance brought the man MOSCOW, February 13 — RIA Novosti. In Petrozavodsk the hospital security guard pushed into the street brought in an ambulance to the patient. Video lying on the ground a man published an eyewitness Denis Shcherbakov. He explained the channel’s “360” that he came to the hospital to visit my grandfather and saw on the threshold of a lying man. The guard, which turned Dennis, said that he “does not need them” and “if I die, it’s nothing”, and sent to the morgue. During the download an error has occurred.Material for persons over 18 yearsShow Who witnessed the conversation, the patient confirmed that the patient was brought in by EMS, the registry started to issue it, however, he was approached by a security guard, was picked up and thrown out on the street. Denis threatened to call the police, and

Baby candy with drugs intercepted in Britain

Baby candy with drugs intercepted in Britain In the UK seized a shipment of sweets containing drugs and “clearly prepared” for sale to children. About it reports BBC News. Dangerous sweets found in the English County of Kent. As told in police, the guards stopped a suspicious vehicle in the town of Gravesend on the evening of 12 February. During the search it found a bag filled with packets of marmalade. Colorful candies contained a narcotic substance, as their packaging clearly indicates that consumers had become children, said the police. The law enforcers also detained a man aged about 20 years. He is suspected of drug possession of class A with intent to supply. In addition, he is charged with driving under the influence of prohibited substances. The young man was released at the time of investigation. In the UK drugs class A are crack, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, methadone,

Tough new sanctions against Russia. The main thing about the bill senators

Tough new sanctions against Russia. The main thing about the bill senators Parliamentarians propose to introduce sanctions against Russian public debt and to deal with the welfare of Putin. Five U.S. senators from both parties on Wednesday evening announced that it has submitted a bill entitled “law on the protection of U.S. security from the aggression of the Kremlin” (Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act — DASKA). It is designed to strengthen economic, political and diplomatic pressure on Russia “in response to its intervention in the democratic processes abroad, the pernicious influence in Syria and the aggression against Ukraine, including the incident in the Kerch Strait,” reads a press release of the Senate Committee on foreign policy. The senators have prepared a similar bill in 2018, it was introduced in August. But in November the authors of the document said that by the end of the year do not