Which produces the world’s most expensive dark chocolate (video)

Which produces the world’s most expensive dark chocolate (video) For 50 grams you need to pay $ 500. In the capital of Ecuador, Quito, was held on tasting an unusually expensive dark chocolate. It is made from rare varieties of cocoa beans — “national”. Collect the beans in the valley of Piedra de Plata in South America. 50-gram tile of this chocolate costs $ 500. In Ecuador, doing the world’s most expensive dark chocolatewhile downloading an error has occurred. While tasting treat, take a wooden tweezers. So the smell of hands is not able to kill the unique flavour of the product. Tasters have compared chocolate tasting with wine tasting. Both products of plant origin. They are influenced by climate, soil, rainfall, neighboring plants and the number of Sunny days. In the early twentieth century the trees of the cultivar “national” was struck by an epidemic. It was believed that

Netizens have shared terrible stories of life

Netizens have shared terrible stories of life Tred, from which on the skin crawls. In mid-February, a Twitter user under the nickname fcuktv wrote a scary post about the fact that his child is someone sees in an empty room. So, guys, what should I do if the baby cries and the question “Who hurt you?” shows in the empty corner? Advise the hotel, please, it seems we’re moving. — Gensi ☮ (@fcuktv) 11 Feb 2019. In response, members began to tell scary stories that happened to them or their acquaintances in real life. And some of them really feel uneasy. My daughter was two years old. Night, crying. What happened? “Uncle Yuri is scary! Let him go!” Uncle Yura, a neighbor behind the wall, died the day before. — glam02din (@glam02din) February 12, 2019. in the childhood was afraid of the night to look out the window (lived in

The Network has shared the strangest reasons for the breakup

The Network has shared the strangest reasons for the breakup Reddit users shared the most non-obvious reasons why they parted with loved ones or refused to enter into a new relationship. Most of them seemed strange to subscribers. One of the users said that the road to the house of his ex-girlfriend was taking too long. It turned out that for many, this factor was decisive in the question of separation. “It was not the only reason why I left, but not the least,” said a user under the nickname Littlesteph49. Newsa Cockroach with the name ex and the meeting of single men: the flip side of Valentine’s Day Among the problematic details, frightening men, were the habits and the appearance of the girls. For example, one of the subscribers gave up his passion once realized that she looked like his cousin. Another remarked that his ex was “masculine” hands.

The results of the autopsy of Lesina decided to publish

The results of the autopsy of Lesina decided to publish Court of Washington ordered the city medical examiner to make public dozens of autopsy reports and other investigation materials in the case of the death of the former Minister of press of Russia Mikhail Lesin. It is reported by the American edition of “Radio Liberty”. The plaintiff in the case made by journalist Michael Akel — he asked me to send him the data on the basis of the Law on freedom of information. The defendants claimed that the interests of the family outweighed the public Lesina. The court rejected all the arguments and ordered the authorities until February 20, to convey to the journalist all requested materials, including the autopsy, toxicology reports and emails. Earlier on 27 January 2018, the FBI has published information about the investigation into the death of Yassin. According to them, the death of Yassin

The number of victims of explosion in the house of Krasnoyarsk increased to two

The number of victims of explosion in the house of Krasnoyarsk increased to two In Krasnoyarsk, the result of a gas explosion in a residential building killed two people. Earlier it was reported about one victim — the woman whose body was found under the rubble. New data published on the website of EMERCOM in the Krasnoyarsk territory. It is reported that on-site emergency complete emergency work and debris removal, taken out of 67 cubic metres of debris. We will remind, incident has occurred on Thursday evening in microdistrict Pokrovka: the three-storey cottage on the street of Kandahar, 3. In result, cotton domestic gas was destroyed six apartments and ten injured part. Today in Krasnoyarsk will be a meeting of the Commission on emergency situations and fire safety under the leadership of the mayor.

The number of victims of gas explosion in the house in Krasnoyarsk increased

The number of victims of gas explosion in the house in Krasnoyarsk increased MOSCOW, 15 Feb — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the result of a gas explosion in a residential building in Krasnoyarsk has increased to two, according to the website of the press service of regional EMERCOM. It is noted that the building housed 20 people. Cotton gas led to the destruction of six homes and partial damage to ten. In the message Central Board of the Ministry of emergency situations in Krasnoyarsk Krai it is noted that for disassembly of the rubble used five pieces of engineering machinery, including cranes, excavators and loaders and two trucks. The scene was taken 67 cubic meters of debris. Earlier, the interior Ministry reported that in microdistrict Pokrovka Thursday night there was an explosion of household gas and partially collapsed three-storey private cottage. The police said that at the beginning

Media: Tokyo is studying the question of the abolition of entry visas for Russians

Media: Tokyo is studying the question of the abolition of entry visas for Russians TOKYO, February 15. /TASS/. The government of Japan is studying the question of the effective abolition of short-term visas for citizens of Russia. This was announced on Friday, the Sankei newspaper, citing sources. Visa to enter Japan for a stay within 90 days, reports the publication, would not be necessary if the citizen of Russia pre-register at the Japanese consular post details of your passport. It is also intended to allow multiple visa-free entry for a specified period of time. According to the newspaper, the timing of the introduction of such a system is not yet defined. This question, according to the publication, may be addressed at the meeting of the foreign Ministers of Japan and Russia, which is expected to be held tentatively on 16 February in Munich in the framework of the forthcoming International

Declassified documents about the Afghan war

Declassified documents about the Afghan war The defense Ministry has declassified documents about the Afghan war. This was reported on the website of the military Department. It is noted that the publication is timed to the 30th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan on 15 February 1989, the military forces left the territory of the Republic. Among the posted documents translated in the digital paperwork involved in combat operations shelves. Portal visitors can get acquainted with the objectives and tasks of Soviet troops, intelligence and special operations, as well as the heroes and their exploits. The decision to support the Communist regime of Afghanistan and the entry into the country of the limited contingent of troops of the Soviet leadership adopted in 1979. Fighting with the mujahidin lasted more than nine years. During the Afghan war were killed, according to various estimates, from 15 to 26 thousand Soviet

Trump will sign the budget and at the same time impose a state of emergency in the United States

Trump will sign the budget and at the same time impose a state of emergency in the United States Moscow. 15 Feb. INTERFAX.RU the President of the United States Donald trump is going in Friday to sign the budget relating to the financing of state institutions and declare a state of emergency (PE) in the country, reported the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. “The President will sign the budget on financing of the government, and, as he stated earlier, will take other measures in the field of Executive authority, including the announcement of state of emergency in the country to end the crisis in national security and humanitarian crisis on the border,” said Sarah Sanders. The introduction of state of emergency will allow Donald Trump to increase appropriations for construction of barriers on the border with Mexico, as the draft budget, which is pending in Congress, for

Why do we need billionaires? Meets Bill Gates

Why do we need billionaires? Meets Bill Gates Leftist policies around the world dream to get a significant part of the state and to get rid of too rich businessmen. But then, who would engage in philanthropy and charity? The richest man in the world in the past and future (this will happen after the divorce is final Jeff Bezos with his wife), bill gates will be happy to show their impartial and iron logic that has made him one of the best business minds of the last century, even if the subject he became unpopular and his colleagues from the club of the people of the state with nine zeros. Interestingly, for the first time in my memory, people began to wonder, “Should there be billionaires?”, “Should there be a luxury tax?” This is a great topic for discussion.Bill Gates These words gates was not so long ago, just