Climate change has accelerated the Antarctic current

Scientists from the United States and China have recorded the acceleration of the ocean current off the coast of Antarctica encircles the shores of Antarctica and passes through all time zones. The reason for the change in the flow rate is climate change. This is reported in an article published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The prevailing westerly winds are known to intensify as it warms. Models show that increased wind does not greatly alter ocean currents, but feeds eddies, which are circular movements of water. To understand how water temperature affects currents, the researchers analyzed satellite data on sea surface elevation, as well as readings from ocean buoys that track the parameters of changes in global circulation. It turned out that changes in ocean temperature causes a significant acceleration of ocean currents. including circumpolar. The current is likely to accelerate further as the Southern Ocean continues to absorb

Lukashenko will offer Putin to return nuclear weapons to Belarus on one condition

Lukashenko: I will propose to Putin to return nuclear weapons to Belarus in response to NATO actions Putin to return nuclear weapons to the republic on one condition – if similar NATO systems are in Poland. He stated this in an interview with RIA Novosti, commenting on the assumption of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that if Germany renounces nuclear weapons, they could be deployed in other European countries. To a clarifying question, what systems are we talking about Lukashenka replied: “The nuclear weapons that will be most effective in such contact.” He also noted the readiness of Belarus for such a scenario. “As a zealous person, I’m sorry, the owner didn’t destroy anything. All the “sheds” stand still, “the head of state concluded.

SVR accuses US and UK of fanning hysteria at a meeting in Kiev

SVR: US and UK tried to sow panic at a meeting in Ukraine The US and UK artificially fanned hysteria at a Ukraine in mid-November. This was stated in the press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). “The emissaries of Washington and London tried to sow panic, continuing to manipulate false information about the impending full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory. They insistently demanded that the EU countries show a solidarity approach. In the interpretation of the American and the British, this is the only way to save the Russophobic Kiev regime, “the SVR said. It is noted that at a meeting in Kiev, the EU states called for assistance to Ukraine in providing energy from alternative sources. “Washington and London tried to impose on the European Union costly responsibilities to preserve the viability of the Ukrainian economy in the face

Another purpose of the visit of the CIA chief to Moscow has been named

WP: CIA chief Burns discussed the possibility of Putin and Biden meeting during his visit to Moscow Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns, during his visit to Moscow in early November, discussed, among other things, the possibility of a face-to-face meeting between Russian and American Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. Another purpose of his trip to the Russian capital was named by The Washington Post sources familiar with the situation. According to the newspaper's interlocutors, during his visit to Moscow, the CIA chief negotiated the possibility of a meeting between the leaders of Russia and the United States in the first half of 2022. As the sources explained, such a meeting would allow Washington to gain time to achieve unity with its allies in Europe regarding Russia or to revive the process of a political settlement of the conflict in Donbass. At the same time,

The Federation Council spoke about the role of NATO in a possible conflict between Ukraine and Russia

Senator Klimov: NATO will not support Ukraine in case of conflict with Russia NATO will not support Ukraine in case of conflict with Russia exclusively for the protection of the participating countries and the fight against the Soviet Union, said a member of the Federation Council Andrei Klimov. In a conversation with, the senator added that many in Kiev would like to support NATO, but the maximum possible contacts are to use Ukraine as a third country to solve the alliance's tasks. On November 26, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the organization guarantees the collective security of only members of the alliance, but not partner countries, including Ukraine. Ukrainian hopes and dreams Klimov recalled that NATO has never set itself the task of protecting other states, but Kiev seems to have begun to forget about it. “NATO has never conceived to protect third countries, only to protect

The USA promised Russia the consequences for the aggression against Ukraine

US Secretary of State Blinken: Russia will face serious consequences for the aggression against Ukraine Russia will face serious consequences for the renewed aggression against Ukraine. This promise was made by the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at a joint press conference with Latvian Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevich. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. “We are very concerned about movements near the borders of Ukraine. We know that Russia often combines this kind of action with efforts to destabilize the country internally, ”said the head of the US State Department. According to him, “any actions” by Russia to escalate in Ukraine will also cause concern in Lithuania. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Washington of escalating tensions on the Russian borders. According to him, the United States has deployed military bases around Russia and is constantly stirring up hysteria, reproaching the country for conducting military exercises on

An elevator with a passenger fell in a Russian city

An elevator fell in a residential building on Marshal Konev Street in Irkutsk Interfax, citing an informed source. According to him, an elevator with a passenger inside fell in a residential building on Marshal Konev Street. The lift began to move uncontrollably at the sixth floor and stopped at the third, as, according to preliminary information, the brakes worked. “The man was there, previously, he got a bruised leg,” the agency's interlocutor said. The Russian was taken to the city hospital. Earlier in November, a Russian woman who survived the blockade of Leningrad was fatally injured in the elevator of the Zeleny Kvartal boarding house located in the Leningrad Region. When the lift was moving, the stroller with the woman tipped over backward, as a result of which the victim hit her head and died.

In Ukraine, they threatened illegal immigrants from Belarus with a “fist”

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: the security forces are able to quickly repulse illegal migrants Ukrainian security forces are able to promptly repulse illegal migrants in case of their with Belarus. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky, the press service of the department reports on Facebook. He spoke about the special operation “Polesie”, which is taking place in five regions bordering on Belarus, and threatened illegal immigrants with an immediate reaction of Ukrainian law enforcement officers to any attempt to illegally cross the cordon. “During the exercise, we saw that all units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are a real fist that can ensure the internal security of Ukraine. A few weeks ago there was a completely different picture here. And today we are convinced that in 30-60 minutes after the intelligence provides information

Putin urged to make the ruble exchange rate more stable

Russian President Putin: the main task is to reduce the volatility of the ruble Russia's main task in the context of increasing payments in rubles is to reduce the volatility of the national currency. President Vladimir Putin called on the country's President Vladimir Putin to make the ruble exchange rate more stable at the Russia Calling! Forum, broadcast by RBK. the volume of settlements in rubles is increasing here, for us, of course, the main task is to reduce volatility, “he said. Putin also explained the need for the country to leave the dollar. According to him, Russia is forced to do this because of the US authorities, including because of the sanctions. “Russia will continue to move away from the dollar if the US does not change its policy,” he stressed. In addition, the president said that Russia would not engage in populism and print additional money in order

Putin criticized cryptocurrency

President Putin: the cryptocurrency is not backed by anything, but perhaps the future belongs to it Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized cryptocurrency and stressed that the risks of using it are too great, because it is not provided with anything. The President made such a statement at the Russia Calling Investment Forum, RIA Novosti reports.