Theresa may has promised to renegotiate Britain’s role in international organizations

Theresa May British Prime Minister Theresa may said that the need to reconsider the role of the United Kingdom in a number of international organizations. On Monday, November 28, according to Reuters. At a press conference after talks with Polish counterpart Beate Szydlo Prime Minister was asked about the measures it plans to undertake in connection with Brexit. Mei explained: “We have to resolve a number of issues in the legal field and as regards our domestic Affairs. A former member of the European Union, we signed a number of international agreements that affect them and we think about how we will continue to treat these agreements.” As an example, may have led Europol — police service of the EU, in which Britain coordinates the work of his interior Ministry with the countries of the European Union. Theresa may became the Prime Minister of Britain after her party colleague David

Media reported on the consideration trump the nomination of Petraeus to the post of Secretary of state

David Petraeus Elected President of the United States Donald trump is considering the candidacy of former head of the CIA General David Petraeus for the post of Secretary of state. On Monday, November 28, reports Bloomberg, citing a source in the command of the Republican. According to the Agency, trump plans to meet with Petraeus during the day in new York. November 23, the former head of the CIA has said it agrees to enter into a new administration if he gets an offer from the elected President of the United States. Three days before that, a senior adviser to trump, Chairman of the National Committee of the Republican party Pribus Raines said that as the Secretary of state considers the candidacy of the former Governor of Massachusetts MITT Romney. Priebus explained that other candidates are also not excluded. General David Petraeus — former commander of Multinational forces in Iraq

Syria has accused Qatar of supporting terrorism

The Syrian foreign Ministry expressed outrage at a statement by the foreign Minister of Qatar on the continuation of aid to the Syrian rebel groups. In ponedelnik, November 28, reported Reuters. As indicated in the message, the words of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Qatar Mohammed Ben Abderrahmane al-Thani called on to provide moral support to the rebels, who are suffering defeat from the Syrian army. In addition, the statement said that the Doha reaffirmed close ties with the armed groups in Syria and the different levels of assistance — military, financial, political. As reported in turn to Reuters, the document also contains direct accusations of Qatari authorities in support of extremism and terrorism. Earlier on November 28 edition of the Washington Post reported that the current American administration intends to agree with Russia on Syria in exchange for the disengagement of the moderate opposition and Islamist militants, Secretary

Greece refused to participate in the cold war against Russia

Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Kodzias Greece will never agree “to play in the cold war” against Russia. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the special adviser to the Prime Minister on cooperation with Russia Dimitrios, Valanis. “To think that Greece is banning something is a big mistake, this is absurd. No pressure and no ban, never was and never will be. Let each one Express their attitude to Russia, that’s their business,” said, Valanis. Speaking about Russia’s role in world politics, Galanis noted that none of the countries and peoples of Russia is not harmed by their actions. “We believe that Russia helped and helps many peoples in the region. We believe that the presence of Russia in Syria to stop the spread of the plague of terror in the vast region. Experience has shown that the involvement of Russia in the events

Duterte declared unwillingness of the Philippines to a military Alliance with Russia

Rodrigo Duterte Philippines currently do not intend to enter into new military alliances, including with Russia. In an interview with RT said President Rodrigo Duterte. Answering the question the reporter about the current status of the agreement on military cooperation with Moscow, Duterte explained: “I’m not ready to enter into any military alliances because we are bound by the agreement signed in 1950-ies (obviously, this refers to the mutual defense Treaty signed between the U.S. and the Philippines on 30 August 1951 — approx. “Of the”). But I’m willing to cooperate with my new friends, Russia and China, for peace in the world. The United States decided to stop supplying weapons, and then I said, “I Have a friend whose arms are full””. “In all our conversations (at the APEC summit in Lima — approx. “Of the”) I have never said “I want that” or “I want this”,

Attackers threw a Molotov cocktail at a refugee camp near Vienna

In Austria, the attackers threw a Molotov cocktail in a refugee camp, betrays Reuters. The incident occurred on Sunday, November 27 at Vienna. A police spokesman said that the thrown Molotov cocktails left traces on one of the walls of the center for migrants. There were no injuries. Law enforcement are investigating the incident as a crime of hate. Refugee camps often become the target of attacks of radical Europeans. So, September 6th, unknown persons burned down the center in the commune of forges-Les-Bains in Central France. The incident occurred after a heated discussion about whether migrant reception, which was held at the General meeting of residents. 26 August in the German town of Chatteris at Leipzig the man threw a Molotov cocktail in the window of the building, where he planned to place 56 migrants. The fire was quickly extinguished, the building was not damaged. 1 June in Austria

Christmas goat in Sweden celebrated the 50th anniversary and got burned again

In the Swedish city of gävle once burned a Christmas goat made of straw after just a few hours after it was inaugurated in the square. This year it celebrated its 50th anniversary, reports newspaper Aftonbladet. The incident occurred on Sunday evening, November 27. According to preliminary data, unknown persons threw a Molotov cocktail from a nearby restaurant. When the firefighters arrived, the design was already all on fire. The police started search of the malefactor. Under investigation on criminal charges of “Causing damage with aggravating circumstances”. Expenditures for the construction of a goat, which is a wooden frame covered with straw up to 250 thousand Swedish kronor (more than 27 thousand dollars). The goat which is the symbol of the winter holidays in Scandinavia, set in gävle since 1966. From the first year covered by a straw figure became the object of attacks by vandals, in most cases it

Juppe conceded defeat in the primaries and announced the support of Fillon

Alain Juppe Candidate in the primaries of the French center-right party “the Republicans” Alain juppé, conceded defeat and said that in the presidential election of 2017 will support winning in the second round his opponent françois Fillon. About it reports Reuters. The previously announced preliminary results of the second round of primaries. According to the latest data, Fillon receives 68.4% of the votes. The first round of the primaries of the party “the Republicans” held on November 20. Fillon then also showed the best result, leaving behind former President Nicolas Sarkozy. Election of the President of France will be held in April-may 2017. Fillon was Prime Minister under President Nicolas Sarkozy, Juppe — when Jacques Chirac.

Prince Harry unwittingly paid tribute to the memory of Fidel Castro

Prince Harry Prince Harry during his Caribbean tour became an unwitting participant in a moment of silence for the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro. About it writes Daily Mail. Sunday, November 27, the British Prince was taken in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves during the event, recalled that Castro was a good friend of his state. And the Governor-General Frederick Ballantyne invited those present to pay tribute to Castro, honoring him with a moment of silence. Prince Harry did not object and became an unwitting participant in a symbolic ritual. Meanwhile, according to the newspaper, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may has not officially reacted to the death of the Cuban leader. On 26 November the US President-elect Donald trump said that Castro was a brutal dictator. In turn, the current head of the

Saved by Russians Ukrainian ship detained in Greece

The Ukrainian ship, rescued by Russian sailors were arrested in Greece for transporting large quantities of cigarettes of unknown origin, said on Sunday, November 27, RIA Novosti. “A cargo vessel RS-300 No. 97 under the Ukrainian flag, with seven crew members — citizens of Ukraine, which, according to the captain, was flying from Montenegro to Lebanon, was towed because of mechanical breakdown on the eve early morning in the port of Paleochora Chania. This ship was carrying a large quantity of cigarettes, the legality of the cargo is studying the customs of Chania,” — said the coast guard. In addition, port authorities checked the ship and, identifying mechanical damage, forbade him to continue. On November 25 the Russian ship “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” saved the crew from the distressed in the Mediterranean sea and the Ukrainian ship. At the request of the captain of the ship of the Russian Navy took the