The UN discussed the fate of hundreds of refugees on the streets of Rome

The office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) drew the attention of the authorities in Rome to hundreds of legal and illegal migrants sleeping rough on the streets of the Italian capital. About it reports The Local. “We have faced this problem a few months ago. But the situation has only worsened”, — said the press-Secretary of UNHCR in Italy, Carlotta Sami. After city authorities closed the largest illegal camp near the railway terminal of Tiburtina, many of its inhabitants are left to live under the open sky. The mayor of Rome VA Raja, who took his post in the summer of 2016, announced one of the priorities of the municipal authorities reduction in the flow of migrants to the Italian capital. “If we give them [the migrants] 100 tents, and then two days later it will need as much again” — she complained. However, UNHCR insists that

Donald trump has confessed his love for Pakistanis

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump has promised to help Islamabad to resolve all the problems and talked about the sympathy for the Pakistanis. On Thursday, December 1, reports Reuters. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called the Tramp late in the evening on Wednesday, November 30 to congratulate him on his election victory. In response, the President-elect uttered heartfelt speech. “I’m ready and willing to play any role you ask me to help you find the solution of the accumulated problems, promised trump. — It is an honor for me, and I’ll do it myself. Call me at any time. You have a great reputation, you’re an amazing guy and you’re wonderful at your job. Hope for a speedy personal meeting.” Pakistan, according to trump — “a country of amazing possibilities, and the Pakistanis — some of the smartest people in the world.” In response to the invitation of

Indian cinemas were ordered to turn the national anthem before each session

The Supreme court of India ordered all cinemas to include the national anthem before each session. On Wednesday, November 30, reports BBC News. People in the country was obliged to stand while the national anthem is not over. On the screen at this time should be shown the national flag. “People should stop following understand personal freedom and a sense of devotional patriotism,” so, according to local media reports, the judges explained their decision. The decision has caused rough reaction of users of social networks — some considered ostentatious patriotism is unnecessary, and the other was glad of the opportunity to merge with fellow citizens in the sense of national unity. According to BBC News, in every state of India has its own laws regarding the national anthem. In cinemas of the state Maharashtra, for example, with this anthem since 2003, and in Tamil Nadu, the Supreme court banned this

Embassy of Benin confirmed the fact of capture of a vessel with Russians

The Ambassador of Benin in Moscow Anicet Gabriel Kochofa confirmed the seizure of a ship with Russians on Board. He told this in an interview with TASS on Wednesday, November 30. “The ship was captured by pirates, but beyond the territorial waters of Benin. It are citizens of Ukraine and Russia. According to various estimates, on Board of the ship can be up to four Russians”, — said the head of the diplomatic mission. Kochofa said that the Russians will be released when the ship gets into the territorial waters of Benin. “Then we will be able to communicate with the crew and find out what has happened”, he added. The Ambassador stressed that it is only known that the ship was from Ghana. “The demands of the pirates we don’t know yet,” said he. Earlier on 30 November, the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at the

Human rights activists told about preparing to rape a refugee

Women and girls are preparing to leave their native countries because of wars and instability, birth control pills, to prepare for possible rape. This is reported by experts of Human Rights Watch, the data of their study, publishes Reuters. “They know they can with such a high probability of being subjected to violence, but still continue their journey,” — said the researcher of Human Rights Watch (HRW) Hillary Margolis during the annual Trust Women conference, which is held by the Fund Thomson Reuters. According to her, mostly women and girls do self-injection the necessary preparations before leaving your home. “The idea that if a woman travels with a man, then she’s safe to be misleading. Some women are forced, taken by force, and some homes are exposed to violence,” said Margolis. Similar information was published by Amnesty International: according to human rights organizations, women seeking in Libya (to move from

In Erdogan’s administration explained to the statement on the overthrow of Assad

Recep Tayyip Erdogan A statement Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s intention to remove Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad from power should not be understood literally. About it in conversation with RIA Novosti said a source in the administration of the Turkish leader. “President’s statement yesterday sounded, but it should not be taken literally. I hope that arising from that misunderstanding (with Russia) will be quickly overcome,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that the official comments on Erdogan’s statement can only give the top leaders of Turkey. November 30, the Russian foreign Ministry said that during his visit to Ankara, Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov asks the question about the human figure — that had previously announced that the purpose of the invasion of Turkish troops into Syria is the removal from power of President Bashar al-Assad. “We don’t want Syrian land (…). We are

Dutch alcoholic found salvation in euthanasia

Suffering from alcoholism Dutchman mark Languidic decided to end their suffering by resorting to assisted suicide. Lethal procedure was conducted on July 14 this year. The details of this story according to The Independent. Brother Mark — Marseille explained that he learned about the dependence of the relative eight years ago. “First we did what would make most people: we have postrelease to help him. My parents have taken everything humanly possible to save the Brand,” he said. However, treatment in specialized clinics did not give the expected result. “In the end, the brother has declared that wants to die using euthanasia. We took it as a stupid joke,” — said Marcel. But the statement on the voluntary withdrawal from life was approved by a physician with specialized consultations. On the appointed day for the house to Mark for the performance of procedures in came the doctor, who explained to

The CIA predicted the biggest mistake of trump as President

Donald Trump The biggest mistake elected President of the USA of Donald trump may be the failure from the “nuclear deal” with Iran. This was announced by the head of the CIA, John Brennan, in an interview with BBC News. “If the next administration will kill the deal, it would be the height of madness. The rejection of the agreement would encourage Iran to develop a weapons program, which, in turn, will force to arm and all its regional neighbors”, — said the head of intelligence. He also warned trump from the excessively close cooperation with Russia, adding that Moscow tried to disrupt the deal on the Syrian settlement. In mid-July, 2015 Iran and the six international mediators (US, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany) reached agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program. The Islamic Republic has pledged to transform the Fordow plant in the technology center, and the reactor in Arak

German counterintelligence caught in the conduct of Islamist propaganda

Member of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfF) German (counterintelligence of the country) convicted of keeping Islamist propaganda and terrorist attack in the office of his organization in Cologne. It is reported by Die Welt. We are talking about a 51-year-old regular employee BfF. In the online chat, he also offered to disclose secret information concerning the activities of his Department. Through social networks, using fake name, he was actively looking for contacts with Muslims, ready to assist him in the organization of terrorist attack using explosives at the Cologne headquarters of counterintelligence. Responded to the proposal a few people, one of whom was an informant of the security services. It failed to find the attacker. The representative of the counterintelligence explained to the publication that the suspect, an ethnic Spaniard with German citizenship two years ago converted to Islam. He is currently in custody. He

Trump chose the Minister of transport a ally of Bush

Elaine Chao The Minister of transport in the administration of Donald trump will be Elaine Chao (Elaine Lan Chao). According to The Guardian on Tuesday, November 29, citing a statement of the transition team of the elected President of the United States, this decision was made by trump. Trump emphasized that leadership and experience Chao in his new post will be invaluable in the development of transport infrastructure. On 21 November the President-elect and Chao was found in a new York skyscraper, Trump Tower, the conversation lasted two hours. Elaine LAN Chao 63 years, she was born in Taiwan to a family of immigrants from China, moved to the United States at the age of eight years. Before becoming a politician, he worked in Citicorp and Bank of America. Since the second half of the 1980s, the years held a number of positions in the administration of Republican presidents. In