The Governor of Istanbul has reported 35 killed in attack on nightclub

Continuation: the owner of the club in Istanbul announced originating in the United States the warning of the attack In an armed attack on a nightclub in Istanbul killed at least 35 people, another 40 injured. These data led the Governor of the city Wasip Shahin, reports Reuters. According to him, the attack was a terrorist attack. The attack on the nightclub Reina, in the district of Trakai on the European side of the metropolis occurred in the night of Sunday, January 1. The attacker first shot and killed two people, a policeman and a civilian, and then entered the club and opened fire at random in the room where the at this moment celebrated the New year around 600 people. It was also reported that the offender was dressed in a suit of Santa Claus. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses say that the attackers were more and they were screaming in Arabic,

Energoaparatura in Vermont reported about hackers breaking only one laptop

The hackers who allegedly hacked into the power grid in the United States, in fact, penetrated only in the office a laptop, said the operator of Vermont Burlington Electric. After the US intelligence community on Thursday, December 29, warned the power industry about possible dangers hackers connected to Russia, the company conducted a review of their computers and on one of the laptops found malware. It is emphasized that the laptop was not connected to the grid. “We immediately took steps to isolate the laptop, and warned Federal officials about this finding. Any signs of unauthorized information about customers or threats to the security of our system is not” — said in a statement. The company is cooperating with the secret services to trace the source of malicious software and to prevent any other attempts to infiltrate the utility system. Earlier it was reported that the US authorities have detected

A special flight for expelled Russian diplomats arrived in Washington

The plane that will take home of the employees of the Russian Embassy in the us capital, arrived in Washington. About this TASS said the head of the press service of the diplomatic mission Nikolay Lakhonin. According to him, the special flight landed at the international airport DULLES. It will return to Moscow for the employees of the Embassy, which the US government Thursday ordered within 72 hours to leave the country, and members of their families. In San Francisco (California), for those working in there is located the Consulate General of Russia, the special will not send. They return home on their own, said loonin. On December 30 the administration of Vladimir Putin announced that the export of diplomats and members of their families in the United States will be sent to the airplane special flying squad “Russia” Manager of the President. According to the foreign Ministry of the

Zakharova suspected the Obama team in an attempt to take revenge on Trump for victory

Maria Zakharova The outgoing US administration, headed by President-Democrat Barack Obama, their last steps trying to get back at elected head of state to Republican Donald Trump for the victory. In this sense, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in an interview to the RIA Novosti news Agency. According to the diplomat, now “leaving the administration keeps trying to worsen bilateral relations, not realizing that there’s nowhere”. The Obama team a month before the inauguration of the trump, is scheduled for January 20, adopts the “absurd decisions”, she added (the day before Zakharov felt that the outgoing American administration is “at the bottom”). 29 December, Obama announced the introduction of new restrictive measures against Russia. Sanctions us President and the Ministry of Finance was concerned, in particular, the FSB and the GRU. Washington explained this step the fact that, through hacker attacks, Russia tried to interfere

The media learned about the Russian air strikes along the route of oil supplies in Syria

The portal, Al Masdar reported that the Russian air and space forces on Saturday, December 31, struck the route of oil supply, which uses the grouping “Islamic state”. The route connects the Eastern part of the province of HOMS and raqqa province. Russian planes began to strike blows at 04:30 Moscow time and continued operation for six hours. Then, according to the portal, they headed West to the vicinity of Palmyra. According to military sources, the attacks were the positions of the IG in rich hydrocarbon settlements Suhana and Arak (both located in the province of HOMS). The result was destroyed several vehicles that were required to be submitted in Raqqa. “Russian space forces constantly monitors the oil route from Central Syria to ensure that militants are not able to transport resources in the Northern part of the country,” said Al Masdar. The defense Ministry has not commented on information

Zakharova said the expulsion from the USA of Russian citizens

Maria Zaharovairina: the Russian foreign Ministry told about at the bottom of the Obama administration The total number of Russians who must leave the United States, is 96 people. On Friday, December 30, reported the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports TASS. “It is not only diplomats, but also members of their families,” she said. According to Zakharova, among them are children of school and preschool age. The foreign Ministry noted that in the sanction list including diplomats arrived in the United States only two months ago. Previously, on 30 December expelled from the United States diplomats sent the plane special flight detachment “Russia” office of the President of the Russian Federation. The day before the US authorities decided within 72 hours 35 to expel Russian diplomats, as well as close access to two objects used by them. The White house claim that this is the answer

Together with Russian diplomats from the United States will receive the chef of the Consulate General

Under U.S. sanctions against Russian diplomats who are ordered to leave the country, was the chef of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco. It is stated on the Embassy page in Facebook. As noted, the expelled Russians — the native of Yaroslavl. “This is a professional chef whose skill enjoyed by hundreds of guests of the Consulate for three years. He leaves with his wife and two year old son,” reads the message. Consul General Sergey Petrov said TASS that all of the diplomatic missions sent 11 people — four employees and their families. “They have only one day to complete their Affairs and pack their belongings. They will fly to Russia on December 31 and celebrate New year on the plane,” — said the Consulate General. December 29, U.S. authorities decided within 72 hours 35 to expel Russian diplomats, as well as close access to two objects

Flying to Warsaw, the aircraft landed in Prague because of bomb threat

A passenger plane flying from Spain to Poland made an emergency landing in Prague because of bomb threat on Board. On Friday, December 30, according to Reuters. On Board the Boeing 737 of the Polish airline Enter Air, EN route Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) — Warsaw, there were 168 people — the 162 passengers and six crew members, RIA Novosti reported. During the flight one of the passengers began to threaten that will put in action the explosive device, reports TASS. The crew decided on emergency landing of the liner. After landing at the airport of Vaclav Havel, the police arrested the alleged offender. He was a Polish citizen. The plane drove to the Parking fine, the passengers were evacuated. The interior Minister of the Czech Republic Milan khovanets confirmed information about the incident on Board. It does not specify whether the detainee explosive device. He said

Churkin called the cynical U.S. decision to close the cottages diplomats

Vitaly Churkin The U.S. government has done is outrageous and cynical, blocking Russian diplomats access to out of town complexes in new York and Maryland before the winter holidays. On Friday, December 30, said the official representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, reports TASS. “They know that these two objects are vacationing our children. Now is the time the Christmas holidays (…) This is the time when children are sent to these objects”, — quotes Agency the words of the diplomat. The day before the US authorities decided within 72 hours 35 to expel Russian diplomats, as well as close access to two objects used by them. The White house claim that this is the answer to the oppression of the staff of the American Embassy in Moscow. The foreign Ministry explained that the total number of Russians who must leave the United States, is 96 people. We

Lavrov and Cavusoglu discussed the truce in Syria

Sergei Lavrov and Cavusoglu The foreign Ministers of Russia and Turkey Sergei Lavrov and Cavusoglu discussed by telephone the implementation of the ceasefire in Syria. On Friday, December 30, reported on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. “The Ministers continued the discussion of the complex issues associated with the implementation of the provisions of the documents signed on December 29 the Syrian government and the opposition under the mediation of Moscow and Ankara and subject to the negotiations of foreign Ministers and defense Ministers of Russia, Turkey and Iran on 20 December this year”, — says the publication. The parties stressed the importance of the observance of the cease-fire by all opposition groups and the manifestations of them “constructive approaches” in preparation for the upcoming meeting in Astana. 29 December, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the signing of three documents: the first between the Syrian government and the armed