Zakharov told about Russophobic candidate in US elections

Maria Zakharova In US elections there was not a single Pro-Russian candidate, but was Russophobic. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. “No Pro-Russian candidate was not, obviously. But there was a candidate with a strong Russophobic — or if the word is not like, say, “anti” — attitude, — said Zakharov. — One candidate is clearly expressed anti-Russian views, and against this background, many felt that the second candidate — Pro. This was not. There are no Pro-Russian candidates, they’re all Pro-American”. At this, Zakharov stressed that Moscow throughout the election campaign in the US took a balanced stance, not supporting any of the participants, because they believed that it is an internal affair of the United States. Russia was ready to work with trump, and with Clinton, the diplomat said. According to the representative of the

Veterans were left without a ball the day of the inauguration of the trump

Ball for veterans, timed to the inauguration of the President of the United States Donald trump, canceled. As explained by the policy Advisor and organizer of the event Luis quiñones (Luis Quinonez), the decision was taken on the basis of “security reasons, and also because of the uncontrolled circumstances”, writes The Washington Post. At the same time, informed source indicates that the conduct of the party under the name Veterans Making America Great Again, fell through due to financial difficulties. Quiñones confirmed that such problems had indeed taken place. According to him, the Marriott Marquis (Washington), where on 20 January had to be the ball, received a 50% Deposit. But then the hotel management demanded within half an hour a check for the remaining amount. Event organizers have suspended the transaction, but by the time they were ready to make a payment by Bank transfer, they were informed that “the

Rescuers found under the rubble of a hotel in Italy eight survivors

Italian rescuers found under the rubble of the hotel “Rugapiana” in the Italian province of Pescara eight survivors of the guests. It is reported by Rai News. “They are alive and we talk to them”,— said the press-Secretary of the Department of fire protection Onions are brown. According to him, it two children, three men and three women. Previously reported six survivors. At the moment, also found the bodies of two dead. Search and rescue operation continues. Avalanche has covered a hotel on January 18. At this point, the building was occupied by 30 people. The cause of the collapse of the snow was a series of tremors that occurred in the area of the mountain massif of Gran Sasso d’italia. Three earthquakes of magnitudes ranging from 5.3 to 5.5 was recorded on the same day in the morning.

Crashed into the crowd, the car ran over three people in Melbourne

At least three people were killed and about 20 injured in the centre of the Australian Melbourne due to the fact that the car drove into the crowd. On Friday, January 20, Reuters reports, citing local police. Among the victims is an infant. Earlier it was reported about one killed. Law enforcement officials told reporters that the driver arrested, he acted intentionally. However, police stressed that it did not believe the incident a terrorist attack. At the present time are the circumstances of the incident. Eyewitnesses said that before delay ran over pedestrians the driver rammed the police driven them from the car and fired it up. The operation involved about ten security officers. In Melbourne these days is the Open championship of Australia on tennis, because the town is faced with the influx of tourists, most of them foreign fans. On January 8 in Jerusalem drove the truck the

The manufacturers of false documents for terrorists received sentences in Belgium

The Belgian court issued a verdict against 14 members of a criminal group, engaged in production of false documents. It is reported by One of the members of the gang sentenced to a suspended, 13 remaining in prison from three to eight years. Besides, they are all fined between 18 to 60 thousand euros. According to investigators, during their activities, they produced about two thousand fake identity cards were allegedly issued in Denmark, Belgium and Spain. On the trail managed to come out after it became clear that some of the terrorists involved in the terrorist attacks in France and Belgium, was in possession of false documents. They have used Salah abdessalam, the main suspect in the case of the terrorist attacks in Paris, as well as Khalid El-Batrawi, who along with his brother Ibrahim joined the group, committed on 22 March 2016 a terrorist attack in Brussels. As

Obama has accused Congress of disrupting attempts to close Guantanamo

President Barack Obama accused Congress that he did not allow him to close the prison at the us military base Guantanamo Bay. As reported by The Washington Post, said in a farewell letter to Obama, congressmen and senators. “There is no justification for the actions of Congress, by which this prison is still functioning, — reads the text. Members of Congress who blocked attempts to close on the grounds that it is necessary for our security, betrayed the trust that was provided by the American people. History with all the severity will pronounce the sentence of this side of our battle with terrorism and those of us who could not put her a well-deserved end. The existence of Guantanamo Bay is contrary to our values and undermines our position in the world, and it’s time to close that Chapter in our history.” Barack Obama promised to close the prison at

China has offered foreign diplomats a walk around the prison

Head of the coordination group of the Communist party of China to apprehend fugitive corrupt officials, Liu Jianchao suggested that foreign diplomats tour in prison, so they can ensure that ekstrudirovannye in the PRC offenders were kept in appropriate conditions. About it reports Reuters. The corresponding statement Liu made at a meeting with heads of foreign embassies and consulates. According to the Agency, the event was organized by the Central Commission for CPC discipline inspection, attended by representatives of 113 of 13 diplomatic missions and international organizations. Materials on теме12:36 may 12, 2014Hunting for throwball with bureaucratic corruption in China has hit the economy The meeting was also addressed by the Chairman of the Commission From Yilan, which reminded foreign diplomats that the issue of runaway corrupt officials demand not only Chinese law but also the laws of other countries. The event was also announced the latest results of the

Things Obama out of the White house in his absence

About 100 people will be involved in the replacement in the White house things the outgoing President Barack Obama on the property of his successor, Donald trump. About this newspaper New York Times. The relocation will begin on January 20 immediately after at exactly 12:00 local time on the 45th US President will be sworn in. All you will need to finish ASAP, while Obama and trump will be at the ceremony, so, as the newspaper notes, the process will resemble a military operation. On the morning of January 20, Obama will say goodbye to staff leaving the White house. Part of his things have been removed, the rest will remove one big truck and the other takes the assets of trump. According to Betty Monkman serving in the White house for nearly 30 years, in such a situation simultaneously is a lot to do: maids taking out closets and

Last held in Guantanamo Russians sent in UAE

A citizen of Russia Ravil Mingazov, held in the prison of the U.S. military base Guantanamo, handed over to the authorities of the United Arab Emirates. About it reports Reuters with reference to the press service of the Pentagon. Along with Mingazova in the UAE sent two more Guantanamo prisoners — Haji Wali Mohammed and yassim Qasim Mohammed Ismail Qasim. One prisoner — Jabran al-Qahtani transferred to the Saudi authorities. Mingazov was the last citizen of Russia, remained in prison at Guantanamo. The Russian authorities demanded his extradition, noting that the official charges he is not presented. In July 2016, the United States confirmed that they intend to liberate the Russians from prison, where he spent about 14 years. While the Pentagon claimed that Mingazov does not want to return to Russia because of fears that there he would be prosecuted. Ravil Mingazov was arrested in Pakistan in 2002. According

Investigating the corruption scandal of the Brazilian judge killed in plane crash

A small plane, on Board of which was a member of the Federal Supreme court of Brazil Zawaski Theory, fell into the Atlantic ocean off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. About it reports on Thursday, January 19, Globo. The relationship with the private Hawker Beechcraft King Air C90, which was heading from Sao Paulo to Paraty, went missing around 14:00 local time (19:00 GMT). All on Board the plane were three people. Two died on the spot, one of the crew members was found alive, but later died. Information about the death Zawacki confirmed in the social networks of his son. Currently at the crash site work emergency services. Sent marine crane, which will attempt to raise the plane. About the incident informed the President of Brazil Michel Temer. According to TASS, Zawaski was investigating the participation of representatives of the government and Parliament of Brazil