The Austrian found in the new apartment of 270 thousand euros and handed them to the police

The inhabitant of the Austrian city of Graz found in the basement of his new apartment 269,5 thousand euros. This writes the newspaper Kronen Zeitung on Sunday, February 12. The money lay in a cardboard box, packs of banknotes of 500 euros. 42-year-old Austrian has turned it in to the police, assuming that the money can be connected with the crime. In law enforcement bodies of Graz confirmed the citizen, but refused to disclose details of the incident, saying that investigation is not yet complete. In late January a resident of the United States found in a box from under the rolling of the film “Deepwater horizon,” 100 dollars and a letter from a man named Marcos. “Every month I take 100 dollars that I usually spend on themselves, and give them to strangers. This time I decided to leave the money in the box from the rental DVD. You’re

“Locomotive” refused to demanded 100 thousand pounds a week the Englishman

Steven caulker (left) Moscow “locomotive” refused the transfer of defender of the English “Queens Park Rangers” of Steven caulker. It is reported by The Sun. Red-green had intended to rent Kolker and booked the player and his agent tickets to Spain, where the winter collection of “Locomotive”. At the last moment the defender demanded a 3.5-year contract with a salary of 100 thousand pounds a week (124,5 thousand dollars). According to British newspaper, the Muscovites have considered such a move an act of disrespect and refused Kolker. 25-year-old caulker stands for “Queens Park Rangers” in 2014. During this time he spent in the team’s 42 games and scored three goals. In addition, he has one game and one goal for England. After 17 rounds of the Russian football Premier League (Premier League) Lokomotiv with 23 points and occupies the 10th place in the standings.

The source said about flying aboard a Robinson a former Vice-Premier of Altai

On Board fallen in Teletskoye lake helicopter Robinson was a former Vice-Governor of the Altai Republic Anatoly Bannykh and two children. On Sunday, 12 February, reports TASS citing a source in the emergency services. “On Board were five people: the pilot Dmitry Rakitskaya, his wife Yelena Bannykh and two children, a boy and a girl,” — said the Agency interlocutor, adding that the causes of the disaster so far. According to information “Interfax”, the former Lieutenant Governor could be at the controls of the helicopter. Official confirmation of this message no. Messages about the possible presence of Bath on Board the crashed helicopter, the Agency commented in Western-the Siberian investigatory management on transport SKR. “We are currently waiting for information about the detection of a helicopter from EMERCOM. While we can’t talk about whether he (Anatoly Bannykh — approx. “Of the”) on Board. Of course, we have these versions,

Steinmeier elected President of Germany

Frank-Walter Steinbauergasse: Putin Steinmeier congratulated the elected President of Germany Former Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier became the 12th President of the country. On Sunday, 12 February, reports TASS. For his candidacy voted more than half of the delegates to the Federal Assembly, a body that is convened to elect a new head of state. Half of 1260 delegates submitted by the deputies of the Bundestag, the other nominated by the parliaments of the Federal States the electors. Steinmeier served as foreign Minister from 2005 to 2009 and from 2013 through 2017. He helped to establish contacts between Georgia, Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia in August 2008. In February of 2014 was one of the guarantors of the signing of the agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine between President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders. Left the post of foreign Minister to participate in

The cause of poisoning of passengers at the airport of Hamburg called pepper gas

Substance that were at the airport of Hamburg, the passengers coughing and shortness of breath was probably pepper gas. On Sunday, February 12, a representative of the rescue service said at a press conference, reports TASS. According to the preliminary version, the unknown sprayed gas canister, which was subsequently discovered in the airport. Presumably, the substance spread through the air conditioning system. “In our assessment, we are not talking about a terrorist attack,” — said the rescuers. Total affected 68 people, nine were hospitalized. Police are investigating the incident. Earlier, on 12 February it became known about the closure of the airport Hamburg, Germany due to the leak of an unknown substance. The victims complained of cough, shortness of breath and eye irritation. After some time, air traffic was resumed, firefighters opened the access terminals.

Erdogan called the ultimate goal of operations in Syria

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the release of the border areas, including the capital of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) Raqqa, the ultimate goal of the Turkish operation in Syria. On Sunday, February 12, reported Reuters. “The ultimate goal is the liberation of an area of five thousand square kilometers,” — said Erdogan. Earlier in the day, the President announced that the Turkish troops occupied the center El-Baba. He stressed that the terrorists of ISIS to leave the city, reports Al Jazeera. Yesterday, February 11, the Russian defense Ministry announced the liberation of the village, Tadef on the outskirts of El Bab by the Syrian troops and Russian HQs. During the operation was destroyed in 650 Islamic state terrorists. Fighting in El-Baba, located northeast of Aleppo, have been under way since December of 2016. Attack on city controlled by militants, are troops of

Tartan complained of ruined life because of winning the lottery

A resident of Edinburgh (Scotland), which won the lottery a million pounds (more than $ 1.2 million), accused the organizers of the contest that the money ruined her life. This writes The Daily Mirror. Jane Park (Jane Park) won the jackpot at the age of 17, when I first bought a lottery ticket. Four years later, the girl came to the conclusion that wasn’t supposed to win big, not minor. Plaid complained to the magazine that bore her clothes from famous designers and the rest on expensive resorts. “Sometimes I think that winning the lottery ruined my life,” she said. According to Park, a large sum was to her a cause of serious stress. “I think people should be able to win the lottery after reaching 18 years of age,” she says. The organizers of the lottery offered the girl financial advice, but the Scot chose the advice of family

Lavrov predicted the “intensive dialogue” with the new administration trump

Sergei Lavrov Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Sunday, February 12, in an interview with NTV television channel expressed confidence that the ongoing dialogue with the administration of U.S. President Donald trump will be more intense as soon as the state apparatus will be finally formed. “We respect the positions of any country and are always ready to sit down and discuss any approaches, even those that are absolutely contrary to ours. I am convinced that our dialogue with the administration of Donald trump, who has already begun, will continue, will be more intense, once all parts of the administration who are engaged in foreign Affairs,” the diplomat said. He also noted that in the near future planned conversation between him and the new Secretary of state USA Rex Tillerson. “Already had contacts through other channels, phone calls on issues related to our interaction in military-political sphere,” he added, noting

Hamburg airport 50 people were injured due to the leak of an unknown substance

Airport of the German city of Hamburg closed due to a leak of an unknown substance, according to the newspaper Bild on Sunday, February 12. According to the publication, as a result of the incident injured more than 50 people. The leak, according to preliminary data, the leak occurred in the a / C system. Specialists find out the nature of the substance. The victims complained of cough, shortness of breath and eye irritation. Suspended the air traffic was resumed. Firefighters opened the access terminals. 21 October 2016 from London city airport was evacuated by the staff and all passengers. One of the witnesses said that the escalator was sprayed with a substance that provokes people cough. October 10 passengers of the airport of the city of Bellingham, Washington, was evacuated because of a bomb threat. The decision to take people from the terminal were adopted after a special scanner

The source reported that no threats to Russia from the DPRK launched missiles

DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN The Russian military recorded the launch of North Korean ballistic missiles produced in the night on Sunday. About it on February 12 reports “Interfax” citing a source familiar with the situation. “Azimuth of fire was directed to the East, that is the missile did not represent any danger for the territory of the Russian Federation”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the start was made from the Northern region of the DPRK at a distance of 500 kilometers. North Korea launched a rocket of unknown type from the East coast province’s do, 12 February at 07.55 local time (01.55 GMT). The government of Japan reported that it fell into the sea of Japan. Acting President of South Korea Hwang Kyo-Ahn has promised to punish Pyongyang. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida announced the intention to seek the convening of the UN Security Council. The US President