The media learned about the plans of the British authorities to oblige to introduce vulnerabilities in instant messengers

The British government plans to force operators of the messengers to introduce vulnerabilities (“backdoors”) in apps for messaging. About this newspaper the Mirror with reference to the draft document that came into its possession. These measures will potentially allow the government to monitor private e-mails of citizens in such services like WhatsApp, iMessage and Telegram, in “almost real time”. They represent an updated version of the Law on the powers of investigation of 2016, which gave the government ample opportunities to expand surveillance capabilities. In the case of the adoption of the law, the company may be required to provide security agencies the content of private messages within one working day. They should be provided “in an intelligible form” without the “electronic protection”. The company may also be forced to modify their products to meet the requirements of the government.

Letters to the campaign headquarters of Macron leaked to the Internet

The team of the candidate in presidents of France, the founder of the movement “Forward” Emmanuel Macron has confirmed a major leak to the Internet tens of thousands of letters, photographs and internal documents reported on Twitter, WikiLeaks, reports Reuters on Saturday, 6 may. Supporters of Macron believe that a few hours before the official end of the campaign they were victims of a “coordinated hacking” operation. Source Reuters noted that the documents demonstrate the normal operation of the team, but the real data is stored in the social network, mixed with the fake and turn into misinformation. “The seriousness of the incident is not in doubt and we will not tolerate threats to the interests of democracy”, — said the employee of the headquarters. The Ministry of internal Affairs of France said that the office will not comment on the leak, since the campaign ended. — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 05

Following the EU, four countries have extended the anti-Russian sanctions

Ukraine, Norway and the countries candidates for EU membership — Montenegro and Albania was extended for six months, until 15 September, the effect of individual sanctions included in the “black list” of citizens of Russia and Ukraine and a number of organizations. This was reported in the Friday, may 5, the statement of the head of the EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini. In the sanctions list of 150 individuals, including Russian politicians and officials, businessmen and security officials as well as representatives of the leadership of Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. In addition, the sanctions imposed against 37 entities. According to TASS, all of them are related to the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics. Anyone who is listed in the list of banned entry to the EU countries. In the case of assets of these individuals in European banks, the funds are subject to freezing. Member States of the European

The media learned about plans of the US armed Saudi Arabia

THAAD missile defense system The US plans to sell Saudi Arabia missile defense system THAAD, software for monitoring and control of the fighting and to resume negotiations on the delivery of the Riyadh four multi-purpose warships. About it reports Reuters, citing sources familiar with the negotiations. The Agency managed to find out that Washington is actively working to improve relations with Riyadh, which is not the best way affected the nuclear deal with Iran under Barack Obama. The plans of the White house signing traditional allies arms contracts worth billions of dollars. In particular, according to Agency sources, discusses the Lockheed Martin deal to supply the Saudis of THAAD missile defense systems worth about a billion dollars. In addition to Riyadh, you may purchase from the company complex software C2BMC to control the fighting, but also for satellites. The probability of purchase by Saudi Arabia, the US multi-purpose warships. The

The foreign Ministry responded to the accusations of Estonia in violation of the air border plane Lavrov

Flight of the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov to Finland was negotiated and passed normally, said the Russian foreign Ministry on Friday, may 5, reports TASS. Russian diplomats responded to the accusations by the Estonian colleagues in allegedly committed by the pilots of spitzbart violation of the air border of Estonia. On the website of Estonian public broadcasting with reference to the war office on Friday afternoon it was reported that the government plane Il-96 without diplomatic permission entered into air space of Estonia near island Vaindloo. The Estonian military said that the plane was flying with the included transponder, but the flight plan wasn’t transmitted to the Estonian air navigation. To contact the pilots of spitzbart also allegedly failed. The Estonian foreign Ministry informed the Russian Embassy about the incident. In the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed that it is from the

Trump signed the US Federal budget

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump signed on Friday, may 5, the law on funding the Federal government until September inclusive. Reported by the Associated Press. Previously, the law was passed by both houses of Congress. Budget expenditures will total $ 1.2 trillion. As noted by Reuters, the signing of a trump budget prevented the suspension of work (the”closing”) of the government, which would happen at the end of the current day. According to the document, on defense spending allocated nearly $ 600 billion, of which $ 15 billion — the additional costs of strengthening the fight against terrorism, $ 1.5 billion of emergency spending on border security. The cost of operation of the energy sector will amount to $ 39 billion, national security $ 50 billion. The state Department released $ 57 billion, reports TASS.

In the jungle of Thailand found a lost batch of migrants from Myanmar

Archive photo Thai police have arrested a 35 Myanmar citizens who were trying to smuggle to Malaysia and left in the woods. About it reports Reuters. Residents of one village in the province of Nakhon si Thammarat informed the police about the strange people who roam the surrounding forests and going at the abandoned farm for the breeding of shrimp. Arrived at the scene, police arrested 28 men and 7 women without documents. They said that they agreed with the smugglers, that they will take them to Malaysia, but mid-way they just tossed people out of the truck and drove away, leaving them in the jungle. In March 2017, the Thai police also detained 27 people who were trying to sneak into Malaysia. Mostly illegal migrants belong to the Rohingya people, who live in the Western parts of Myanmar. As Muslims, the Rohingya complained of harassment on the part of

In the United States when landing crashed cargo plane

Archive photo In the U.S. city of Charleston, West Virginia, crashed during landing cargo plane. About it reports NBC News. The turboprop Short 330 was landing at the airport of Yeager. One wing of the machine touched the ground in front of the runway, then the airplane rolled over and entered the forest. On Board were two people — the pilot and co-pilot, both of them died. According to airport staff, the crew showed no alarms and no reported faults or potential issues during landing. The plane belonged to the company Air Cargo Carriers Inc., working as a subcontractor for a logistics company United Parcel Service (UPS). Yeager airport is closed, there is declared an emergency. Short 330 British short-haul turboprop aircraft. Produced in passenger and cargo versions. Until 1984, it was built 136 cars currently in operation remain 14 aircraft of this type, half of which belongs to Air

On the Afghan-Pakistan border, dozens of people died because of the census

On the Afghan-Pakistan border broke out fight, it reported dozens of deaths. Details leads Reuters. The conflict began due to the fact that in one of the villages on the Pakistani side of the border came from a group of scribes guarded by soldiers. The Afghan side was considered that the census was only a pretext in order to encourage citizens to cross the border and attack Afghan checkpoints, and opened fire. In result one person was killed, 18 were wounded. The Pakistani military responded with artillery fire, began a duel. According to police the Afghan province of Kandahar, killed 40 Pakistani soldiers, 14 Afghan border guards and 23 civilians. The Pakistani side their loss is not confirmed. The Agency with reference to sources in medical circles reported three dead in a shootout. Relations between the countries remain strained: they accuse each other of supporting terrorists in the neighboring territories.

The DPRK accused the United States and South Korea attempted assassination of Kim Jong-UN

Kim Jong-UN Pyongyang said on preventing the assassination of country’s leader Kim Jong-UN, which was prepared American and South Korean intelligence agencies. The corresponding statement of the Ministry of state security of the DPRK issued a Agency KCNA. As stated in the document, the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) and the intelligence Service (SR) of South Korea entered into a conspiracy to prepare an attack on the top leadership of the DPRK. “The murderous demons of the CP and the CIA recruited a North Korean citizen named Kim, who worked in logging in the Khabarovsk region, Russia in June 2014, and by indoctrination turning him into a terrorist filled with disgust and revenge Supreme leadership of the DPRK,” the statement reads. As follows from the text, originally it was planned that during one of the events, Kim will put in action the explosive device, resulting in die North Korean leaders. But