In the Central African Republic found the bodies of 115 civilians killed

Representatives of the International red cross (ICRC) found 115 bodies of civilians near the town of Bangassou in the Central African Republic (CAR). About it reports Reuters. “People died from knife and gunshot wounds, and blows with blunt objects,” said ICC representative in this country, Antoine Mbao God. Presumably, they all were victims of militants of the rebel groups that a few days ago attacked Bangassou. This city is the administrative center of the province of Mbomou, the main diamond-producing region of the country. May 15 from the mosque of the city by the staff of the UN mission for stabilization in Central African Republic were evacuated about a thousand Muslims. They took refuge in a religious building for fear of reprisals from members of guerrilla groups who had seized Bangassou. Then it was reported on 26 dead. Sectarian conflict in the CAR continues in 2013. Then the representatives of

The Chinese army will fight with enemy swimmers in the South China sea rocket-propelled grenade launchers

At the disposal of the units of the Chinese army stationed in the South China sea, were rocket-propelled grenades. It is reported TASS with reference to the news The new equipment was installed to combat enemy combat swimmers-saboteurs on the island Junsu (English title — “Fairy cross”). According to the portal, disatisfying rocket launcher CS/AR1 provide automatic target detection, guidance and support until the destruction. The range of the complex is 500 meters from the base modifications and up to one kilometer in upgraded. Islands in the South China sea are the subject of a territorial dispute between China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei and Vietnam. Most tense is the situation around the Scarborough reef, also South of the Spratly archipelago, which is believed rich in oil and gas. On 12 July the court of arbitration in the Hague has determined that Beijing has no right to the disputed territory

In Afghanistan, an armed attack on the building of the broadcasting company

In the city of Jalalabad, located in the East of Afghanistan, an armed attack on the building of the state broadcasting company of the country’s RTA. On Wednesday, may 17, reports Tolo News. Unknown persons attacked at 10:00 local time (8:30 GMT). Currently a clash between the attackers and security forces continues. According to witnesses, shots fired. According to the channel, near the building of television and radio is the home of the Governor of Nangarhar province. None of operating in the country by extremist groups has claimed responsibility for the attacks. On 28 April, the Afghan Taliban, banned in Russia, announced the start of annual spring offensive. In an official statement, the Taliban vowed to wage war against “foreign forces and their military and intelligence infrastructure and against their mercenaries in the country.” On Friday, April 21, dressed in Afghan military uniforms, the Taliban broke into the army base

In Finland announced no plans to join NATO

Mikko Hautala Finland has no plans to join the Alliance. On Wednesday, may 17, said the Ambassador of Finland in Russia Mikko Hautala, who arrived in Ekaterinburg with working visit, reports TASS. “We have partner relations with NATO, but Finland is not a member of this Alliance,” — said the diplomat. He added that the country has the right to determine foreign policy, but while Helsinki has no plans to join the bloc. On 17 June last year, the President of Finland Sauli Niinistö said that Helsinki could not abandon the possibility of applying for NATO membership and will only do it if you see the “clear deterioration in security”. According to the head of the state, the question of accession to the Alliance in any case should be put to a national referendum. The discussion about the accession of Finland to NATO has intensified in connection with the crisis

In the U.S. Congress demanded an investigation against trump

Donald Trump Members of the Democratic party of the United States, members of the Committee of the house of representatives oversight and government reform and the Senate judiciary Committee of Congress signed the letter, which demanded an immediate investigation against the President of the United States Donald trump, head of the Ministry of justice of Jeff and Roman sessions and several senior White house officials. On Tuesday, may 16, reports the Hill. As noted, addressed to the chairmen of the two committees a letter was signed by all 33 Democrats, members of these committees. “We appeal to the Committee on oversight and government reform and the legal Committee with a request to launch an immediate joint investigation also involved the U.S. President Donald trump and his senior officials in an ongoing conspiracy to obstruct the investigations that are currently ongoing Federal Bureau of investigation, Ministry of justice and by Congress

In a British psychiatric hospital died of “swamp killer”

Ian Brady One of the pair of “swamp murderers” Ian Brady who with his girlfriend Myra Hindley abducted and murdered five children, he died in prison at the age of 79 years. About it reports BBC News. “For us, for the families of the murdered children, it was years of pain and despair (…) But his death will not change anything. He’s dead, but we still have to live in the nightmare that he created,” — said the brother of one of the victims. Brady was jailed in 1966 after he was found guilty of three murders, he later confessed in two. Since 1985, he was in a psychiatric hospital gated Ashworth. In 1999, a man staged a hunger strike, demanding that he be allowed to die. However, Brady force-fed, as he considered him as a person with a mental disorder. Beloved Brady died in prison in 2002. In the

Zakharov told about the transfer of the trump Lavrov sensitive data

Maria Zakharova The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the material of the newspaper The Washington Post, which wrote that the US President Donald trump allegedly handed over to the head of Russian diplomacy Sergey Lavrov, top-secret information about the “Islamic state”. Appropriate post official representative of the Ministry Maria Zakharova, posted in Facebook. It is advised not to read the American press. “You can use them in different ways, but not necessary to read — the last time this is not only harmful but also dangerous,” he wrote. “11 may, I warned that the American media a couple of days, apparently, planned to issue a “sensation” about the meeting between Lavrov and trump. True, the idea was to paint at least a “secret” photos of the meeting that was supposed to make another fake of solidity and reliability,” — said Zakharov. According to her, this part of the plan of

Nine people were injured in the clashes at the residence of the Ambassador of Turkey in US

Nine people were injured in clashes that took place at the residence of the Turkish Ambassador to the US Serdar Kalyca. On Wednesday, may 17, reports TASS. Clashes occurred between supporters and opponents of the current authorities in Ankara. The protest was timed to the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Washington. On Tuesday, he met with the President of the United States Donald trump at the White house. Whose fault the incident occurred, is unclear. Adjacent to the residence area cordoned off by police, the movement of vehicles there are limited. All the victims were taken to hospitals. Two people were seriously injured. The Agency notes that the residence of the Turkish Ambassador in the U.S. is located on Sheridan circle at Massachusetts Avenue, which on this piece is called “close the Embassy” because there are many foreign diplomatic missions. The residence is adjacent to the Embassy

The media learned about the Israeli origin of received a Laurel from the trump information

Donald Trump The information which the US President Donald trump shared with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, was originally obtained by the Israeli agent embedded terrorists. About it reports NBC News, citing three sources. These information was about the fact that terrorists can carry on a passenger aircraft explosives in laptops. Trump also pointed out the Syrian city, where he obtained this information. Some lawmakers have warned that this episode could have serious consequences for relations with key partners. According to the Republican Senator from Maine, Susan Collins, the disclosure of secret information can potentially endanger sources and to prevent the allies of the US in the future to share information vital to national security. In late April, the media reported that trump is considering a ban on travel to the country laptops and other major electronic devices on arriving from Europe aircraft. The reason for

In Washington, arrested trying to infiltrate the White house

Employees of the U.S. Secret service detained the man who in the evening on Tuesday, may 16, was trying to infiltrate the White house. This was reported in the Twitter account of the Department. — U. S. Secret Service (@SecretService) 16 may 2017, 20:34 “Secret service responds to (the situation — approx. “Of the”) the person jumped over a bike rack near the North fence on Pennsylvania Avenue. Suspect in custody”, — is spoken in the message. Unknown jumped over a bike rack near the North fence of the White house where the President of the United States Donald trump. Reuters reported that because the offender is the official residence of the head of state was temporarily cordoned off. On March 10, a man named Jonathan Tran entered the territory of the White house. As explained by the offender, he “did just so”. Failed to apprehend him only 16