Called for the impeachment trump the Congressman complained of threats

Al Green Member of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress from Texas Democrat al green (Al Green), previously called for the impeachment of President Donald trump, reported the threats in his address. About may 20, according to ABC News. As evidence of the politician shown entering his office voice message. “You won’t be subjected to impeachment. Try it, and we linchem all of you,” said one of the subscribers. Another promised that green will “hang on the tree.” The Congressman also faced the insults motivated by racism. However, green noted that threats will not intimidate him. “We will not allow this forced us to deviate from what we believe is right”, — he stressed. Proposal of green about how to declare Trump the impeachment, was made on may 17. The initiative of the Congressman explained that the President “obstructed justice”. “[Trump] was fired FBI Director [James Comey] that

After the death of the Mexican in a fight with Russian Makeev prosecuted

Alexei Makeev The Prosecutor’s office of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo have opened a criminal case into the death of a local resident from wounds received in the fight with the Russian, Alexei Makeev. On Sunday, may 21, TASS reported, citing a Ministry statement. The investigation is underway under article about the murder with aggravating circumstances. Version of Mexican law enforcement, a citizen of Russia wounded 19-year-old victim with a knife. In the case stated that the foreigner received an “injury from impacts of various items”, is in the hospital “as a detainee”. Prosecutors also sent to the migration office request for information “about a 42-year-old man with initials A. V. M.” to determine his migration status and origin. TASS said that in fact the full name of Makeeva and information about their citizenship is not specified. The Consul Dmitry Bolbot reported that Makeev, a native of Elektrostal near

London has threatened to stop negotiations with the EU on Brexit

David Davis The UK will stop the negotiations with the EU on Brexit if Brussels does not cease to demand from London’s 100 billion Euro for this procedure. The corresponding statement was made by Minister in the Kingdom’s exit from the EU David Davis in an interview with The Sunday Times, published Sunday, may 21. Davis stressed that the member countries of the European Union will have to soften their stance, if they want to achieve progress in the negotiations. The Minister also said that a billion pounds (1.1 million euros) is too much to pay for the output of the United Kingdom from the European Union. In early may, the Financial Times wrote that the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker requires London 50 billion pounds for Brexit. Chancellor of Austria, Christian Kern, according to the newspaper, estimated at 60 billion pounds, while France and Germany insist on

The Mexicans demanded to expel the Russian Makeyev from their country

Alexei Makeev On the website created a petition to send from Mexico Russian Alexei Makeyev, after a bout in Cancun, in which he was seriously injured, and one of the locals was killed. The authors of the petition indicate that Makeev showed the hatred of the Mexicans, threatened them with murder, showed aggression in relation to elderly people and children. According to Mexicans, the behavior of the Russians should encourage the Mexican authorities to take urgent measures in order to protect people from his attacks. At the time of the news release was signed by more than 7.4 thousand people. As reported RIA Novosti, the Consul Dmitry Bolbot, the Mexican authorities have not yet requested the Russian side for assistance in the deportation of Makeeva. Before the national migration Institute of Mexico said that he intends to ask the Russian Consulate to facilitate deportation. With the possible deportation can

In Havana called ridiculous trump congratulation on the independence Day of Cuba

The statement of the President of the United States Donald trump in which he congratulated the Cuban people on independence Day, Havana was considered “ridiculous” and “controversial”. According to TASS, the corresponding statement was read out on Saturday evening, may 21, in the air of the Cuban television. It is noted that trump is “ill-informed” about the nature of the date may 20, “which the United States is considered the date of establishment of the Cuban Republic.” “That day was born the American neocolony, which lasted until 1 January 1959,” said the announcer. “Even in the American government realize how contradictory and stupid statements magnate-millionaire, who became President on issues of foreign and domestic policy”, — reads the statement. Trump in a written statement congratulated the people of Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora in the United States with the 115th anniversary of the liberation from colonial rule of Spain. “The

Poroshenko said about the possible extension of sanctions of EU against Russia

Petro Poroshenko If the Minsk agreements are not adhered to, then with high probability the EU sanctions against Russia will be extended, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. His words are on the website of the President. According to Poroshenko, the agreement was reached during a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “The world must be brought to the Ukrainian land. The occupation must end. We have firm and consistent support of Germany in this matter,” he said. The President said that during the talks the parties discussed a wide range of issues, starting with security issues and support for Germany and EU sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine. Poroshenko also thanked Germany for its role in the issue of granting Ukrainians visa-free regime. The President and the Chancellor coordinated actions to ensure and accelerate the ratification of the Association Agreement. The parties also considered the question of

Trump in Jerusalem settled in the room-bomb shelter

The President of the United States Donald trump during his upcoming visit to Israel will stay in the room, a bomb shelter. NBC News reported about the reinforced security measures that will make security services during his visit to the country in the White house. According to TV channel, the hotel King David Trump a bullet-proof, protected against ingress from a grenade launcher five-star Suite costs $ 5,700 per night. Experts from the USA delivered to Jerusalem and set in the Windows of the rooms of special bulletproof glass. In addition, the room is equipped with a system for protection against gas attack. “Even if the whole hotel will explode, the room will remain intact, so maybe a couple broken bones, but the people will remain alive,” said the hotel Manager. To prevent undermining of the building filled with explosives cars on the road will Park two buses with special

CNN learned about the investigation into the possible leak of radiation at the facility in Washington state

Authorities at the site of nuclear waste in Hanford in Washington state are investigating a possible radiation leak, reports CBS 6. The garment of the employee, where in the beginning of last week collapsed tunnel that was discovered radioactive material. Also high levels of radiation were recorded using the robotized device — crawler crane, which workers removed from the reservoir for nuclear waste. “Was held regulated decontamination procedures, including the removal of contaminated clothing. Further observation of the employee showed that no contamination remained. Any of the other workers were not injured,” said Peter Bengtsson, a spokesman for contractor Washington River Protection Solutions, working at the plant. WRPS, utilizing special tools to detect leaks, have not found any fluid flowing out of the tank. However, staff are preparing to carry out a visual check using videointroduction. State officials urged the U.S. Department of energy to investigate the incident and establish

The NYT found out about the deactivation of the network recruited by the CIA of Chinese officials

The Chinese authorities have managed to detect about two dozen CIA agents in the management bodies and neutralize them — to kill or put in jail, writes the newspaper the New York Times, citing sources in the US intelligence community. In particular, it is argued that since the end of 2010 to the end of 2012, the Chinese have killed at least a dozen informants, the CIA, and one of them was shot in the courtyard of a government building as a signal to others of the dangers of working for U.S. intelligence. According to the intelligence community, the Chinese revealed 18-20 agents. According to interlocutors of the edition, initially, the CIA managed to recruit a number of officials “in the depths of the Beijing bureaucracy” — mainly on the cooperation went, those who were disappointed with the “corruption” of the government. Until 2010 intelligence network regularly supplied American intelligence

Belgian police will be punished for the knights Templar cross

In Belgium Wallonia the police will be punished for violation of professional ethics of the employee who bore the cross of the knights Templar in uniform, said on Saturday, may 20, RIA Novosti with reference to the broadcaster RTBF. Gripping the cross, the symbol of the medieval knights Templar, or “Templars”, a police officer attached to the armor as a breastplate. He got into the lenses of cameras during the filming of reportage in the municipality of Couvin and has caused journalists suspected that the guard demonstrates its relationship with right-wing extremist organizations. Discover “Templar” caused a public outcry, police called the employee in for questioning where he denied any involvement in radical movements or sects. It was also found that the cross of the knights Templar police were on service in 2016, and nobody was giving him comments about the wrong mark on the uniform. Suspicion about the commitment