Syria prepared to shoot down the Turkish fighter

Syria prepared to shoot down the Turkish fighter The Syrian armed forces will shoot down Turkish fighter. This was announced by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Syrian Faisal Miqdad, the Associated Press reports. This statement diplomat made against the background of Ankara’s plans to begin in the near future military action against the Kurds in Northern Syria, near the border with Turkey. Miqdad explained that the Syrian authorities will regard any attack by the Turkish military on Kurdish as an act of aggression and violation of international law. January 17, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said that Turkey holds consultations with Moscow and Washington over a possible operation in the Syrian city of Afrin against the armed forces of the Syrian Kurds of the YPG, which Turkey considers a terrorist organization, associated with the country banned Kurdistan workers ‘ party. Turkey has put its troops on the

The study showed who leads in the approval ratings of world leadership

The study showed who leads in the approval ratings of world leadership MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The approval rating of the global US leadership in the first year of his presidency Donald trump fell to a record low value of 30% leads Germany with 41% approval, according to the report of Gallup. According to the report, the rating declined in 65 of the 134 countries, and the most significant fall occurred in Belgium, Canada, Portugal and Norway. The essential (10 items) the approval by the US policy has only increased in four countries — Liberia, Macedonia, Israel and Belarus. In Russia the approval rating of the policy of the United States increased by 6 points and amounted to 8%. “The loss of approval of US leadership could have implications for US influence abroad. Germany, with its stable approval rating of 41% has replaced the US as the most

Turkey intends to dislodge the Kurds from the border with Syria areas

Turkey intends to dislodge the Kurds from the border with Syria areas Turkey said it is prepared to conduct major offensive on Kurdish forces across the border with Syria. This can lead to direct conflict with Turkey’s ally in NATO — the United States. Turkey considers the Kurdish militia the people’s protection Units (NSU) terrorist organization and has long threatened to strike its positions in the cities of Afrin and Manbij. In the night of Wednesday, the Turkish artillery started massive bombardment of the Kurdish enclave near the town of Afrin on the eve of the Turkish offensive. Turkey considers the Kurdish militia in Syria branch of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) which is banned in Turkey and is fighting for Kurdish autonomy since 1984. However, the militia ONS denies direct the political or military relationship with the PKK. The United States also rejected the approval of Turkey regarding Syrian

Gryzlov: Donbass need to prepare for the defense after the adoption of the law on reintegration

The Plenipotentiary of Russia in the Contact group on settling the situation in Donbass Boris Gryzlov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MINSK, 18 January. /TASS/. Parliament, by adopting the law on the reintegration of Donbass, chose the path that a peaceful political resolution of the conflict in the East of Ukraine. On Thursday told reporters the Ambassador of Russia in the contact group on settling the situation in Donbass Boris Gryzlov. “In recent days, continued political show, ended today with the adoption of the law of Ukraine on peculiarities of state policy on ensuring state sovereignty of Ukraine in the Donbass, – he said. – This act, the Verkhovna Rada recognized Russia as the aggressor occupying part of the territory of Ukraine, the President has additional powers to use the armed forces against the population of Donbass in the conditions of martial law. In the law there is no mention of the

Server, application and netprogrammes. As Alexei Kudrin and German Gref offered to reform the government

Server, application and netprogrammes. As Alexei Kudrin and German Gref offered to reform the government The center of strategic development presented at the Gaidar forum on the principles of government in 2018. CSR initiatives, allowing you to create “rule of law” at the Federal level, is a “strategic” first Deputy Prime Minister, United personnel service of the White house, the reduction of civil servants by a third, unified digital platform for government and public services, division of state programs on “industry” and “nutsprogramme” — and political competition as the engine of external control officials. The key report of the day of the panel session of the Gaidar forum in the Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration (Ranepa) “the Contemporary challenges of public administration” was supposed to be a presentation by Alexei Kudrin, the “State of citizens”. But the head CSR has been sick, and instead the report

Zakharchenko: Rada adopted the law on the Donbas breaks the Minsk agreements

Zakharchenko: Rada adopted the law on the Donbas breaks the Minsk agreements DONETSK, January 18 — RIA Novosti. Adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the law on reintegration of Donbas breaks the Minsk agreements and untie the hands of the military, said on Thursday reporters the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. Ukraine’s Parliament on Thursday in General the presidential bill on the reintegration of Donbass, in which RF is called “an aggressor”, and uncontrolled Kiev territory of Donbass are “occupied”. Moscow has repeatedly stated that it is not a party to domestic conflict and is not privy to the events in the Donbass, and is interested in Ukraine overcame political and economic crisis. “(President of Ukraine Peter) Poroshenko said that he (the law — ed.) enables us to return to Ukraine. In his understanding this legislation will help untie the hands of the Ukrainian military,

Ukraine declared Russia the “land-occupier”

Ukraine declared Russia the “land-occupier” The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law on the reintegration of Donbass, in which Russia recognized as “occupier country”. Reports about it “Strenia”. The adoption of the bill No. 7163 “On peculiarities of state policy on ensuring state sovereignty of Ukraine on the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions” was supported by 280 deputies in the required 226. 36 voted against, 2 abstained. 33 deputies did not vote. Only the hall was attended by 351 MP. The document must be signed by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. It will enter into force on the day following the day of its publication in the official press. The law defines the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions parts of these regions, over which was placed under the control of “armed forces of the Russian Federation” and “the occupation administration of

Regardie buy rifle “Accuracy” and a system of acoustic impact “Whisper”

Regardie buy rifle “Accuracy” and a system of acoustic impact “Whisper” Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — New sniper rifle “Accuracy” and three dozen sets of systems of non-lethal acoustic impact “Whisper” plans to purchase Federal service of National guard troops of the Russian Federation in the current year. According to the schedule published on the website of public procurement, this year Asgardia planning to buy a sniper rifle “Accuracy”. Will be purchased ten copies calibers 7.62 mm and 8.6 mm, and also ammunition to them. For the purchase of this weapon is planned to allocate about 11.5 million rubles. In September 2017, the head of the TSNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov announced that sniper complex “Accuracy” in the near future will have to adopt the FSB, FSO and Asgardia. “Now considering the issue of production in units of these agencies,” — said Semizorov reporters on September 27 last year. Wednesday. New sniper

The FSB has developed a new framework of the state border policy

The FSB has developed a new framework of the state border policy Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Territorial claims and attempts of penetration of members of international terrorist and extremist organizations identified as the main threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in prepared by the FSB of Russia the project of the presidential decree “principles of state border policy of the Russian Federation”. “The main threats to national interests and security of the Russian Federation in the boundary space are: territorial claims by foreign States to the Russian Federation; attempts to penetrate into the territory of the Russian Federation members of international terrorist and extremist organizations, illegal armed groups; the presence near the state border of the Russian Federation foci of socio-political and military tensions associated with the risk of border incidents,” — said in published on the website of the FSB, the draft decree of the

Peskov called the unloved Putin quality

Peskov called the unloved Putin quality Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov told that most do not like Vladimir Putin, and also answered question about their plans after the election of the President. His words leads TASS on Thursday, January 18, with reference to the TV channel “Russia 1”. In response to the question, what especially sickened by Putin, Peskov said: “Lies and incompetence”. A Kremlin spokesman also rejected the suggestion that the President sometimes tells some vivid expressions or jokes. The press Secretary admitted that he has not thought about future career plans for the period after the presidential elections in March 2018. The day before Dmitry Peskov assured journalists in good health of the Russian leader. “Can give odds to many”, — he stressed. Vladimir Putin takes part in the election campaign as an independent candidate, to date, in support of it collected over one