Assad regarded the operation of Turkey in ‘ afrīn as support for terrorism in Syria

Assad regarded the operation of Turkey in ‘ afrīn as support for terrorism in Syria MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Syrian authorities believe that the Turkish military operation in ‘ afrīn is aimed at supporting terrorism. As reported by news Agency SANA, said on Sunday Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad. “Turkish aggression in the Syrian city of Afrin cannot be separated from the policy pursued by the Turkish regime since the beginning of the Syrian crisis and built on the support of terrorism and various terrorist groups,” he said. On Saturday, the General staff of the Turkish armed forces announced the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against the Kurdish forces in Afrin district, home to some 1.5 million Syrian Kurds. According to the latest data, during the operation the aircraft of the Turkish air force struck 153 goals in ‘ afrīn. The Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim on Sunday announced the

Turkish Prime Minister said about the four stages of the military operation “Olive branch” in Syria

Turkish Prime Minister said about the four stages of the military operation “Olive branch” in Syria The operation of the Turkish armed forces “Olive branch” against Kurdish groups in Northern Syria will be conducted in four phases, said Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim. “The operation will be conducted in four phases, will create a 30-kilometer security zone” — quoted by TASS Prime Minister. According to him, Russia has no objection to the operation in ‘ Afrīn. “We are working to resolve the concerns of Iran and Russia has objections on this topic,” said Binali Yildirim. He noted that “Ankara is in contact with Damascus through the mediation of Moscow and Tehran.” Also, Mr. Yildirim said that anyone who would provide military support to the Kurdish forces in the Syrian Afrin, will be the aim of the Turkish operation. Military action Ankara’s “Olive branch” started yesterday. Turkey’s actions threaten to

Alexander winnick filed a petition for political asylum in Greece

Alexander winnick filed a petition for political asylum in Greece ATHENS, Jan 21 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. Russian Alexander Vinnik filed a petition for political asylum in Greece, told RIA Novosti lawyer Ilias Spiliadis. The courts in Thessaloniki adopted two decisions — one of the judges decided to give winnik in Russia, and another in the United States, where he is accused of laundering from four to nine billion dollars via a cryptocurrency exchange BTC-E, where he faces 55 years in prison. The Supreme court of Greece, the Areopagus a month ago rejected the appeal of lawyers. Winnick pleads not guilty and calls it American provocation, lawyers say the lack of evidence. “Winnick filed a petition for political asylum to avoid extradition to the US. He believes his political case”, — said the lawyer.

The Syrian army surrounded a large grouping of terrorists of “Jabhat EN-Nusra”

The Syrian army surrounded a large grouping of terrorists of “Jabhat EN-Nusra” Syrian troops in the Eastern province of Idlib have surrounded a major formation of the terrorist organization “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia), reports the Ministry of defence. “As a result of the offensive, Syrian troops drove the militants from the territory of the aerodrome Abu Duhur, which was under the control of armed groups from September 2015”, — reported in a press release from the defense Ministry. In addition, the assault troops of Syrian government troops, under the command of General Hassan Suhel, advancing along the road of Hama-Aleppo, joined with detachments of people’s militia in the area of human settlements Herbet El-Ghajar and Rasmi al-Harmal. Previously, the defense Ministry announced the attack of radical Islamists on Russian military facilities. According to the military, to attack the base Hamim and security in Syria, militants used 13 strike UAVs

The white house stopped responding to calls

The white house stopped responding to calls MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. Service of the White house public relations has ceased to answer phone calls of citizens. The Agency replaced the recording of the answering machine, which refers to the suspension of the Federal government due to the delay adoption of the budget. The entry portal leads Mashabale. The blame for the incident to the answering machine message rests with the representatives of the Democratic party. “Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your call, because the Democrats in Congress keep funding the government hostage, including the funding of our army and national security, because of disagreement on the issue of immigration,” says the answering machine. saw this going around and wanted to check for myself: here’s the message you hear today when you ring the White House comment line during the shutdown — David Mack (@davidmackau) January 20,

The inhabitants of Macedonia will determine the new name of the country in a referendum

The inhabitants of Macedonia will determine the new name of the country in a referendum The government wants to settle a longstanding dispute with Greece. In Macedonia held a national referendum where citizens will determine what the name of their country will be wearing in the future. This was announced by Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. You see that there is a transparent process, we want decisions based on national consensus, and that in the end it was confirmed by the citizens in a referendum.Zoran Seitinger-Minister of Macedonia The choice of the inhabitants of the Republic can offer five options: the Republic of New Macedonia Republic of Northern Macedonia, Republic of Upper Macedonia, Vardarska Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Macedonia (Skopje), reports RIA Novosti. The dispute about the name Macedonia Republic leads with Greece since 1991, when Yugoslavia broke up. Athens insists on changing the country’s name, which is

Turkish province fired missiles to Syria

Turkish province fired missiles to Syria MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. Three rockets fired from Syria via the Turkish province of Kilis, one person received minor injuries, reports the Anadolu news Agency. According to the Agency, the missile struck at the eponymous capital of the province. According to a source in the security forces, the shelling damaged some buildings. On a scene directed law enforcement officers. Who is able to launch rockets, not specified. On Saturday, the Turkish General staff announced the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against Kurdish forces in the Syrian district of Afrin. The operation kicked off at 17.00 GMT. According to the General staff, it involved 72 aircraft that will be struck 108 of 113 goals. The Kurdish side, in turn, said that the victims of the bombing were nine people, including six civilians, 13 people were injured. Later the Prime Minister of Turkey Binali

China has invited US to come to terms with his policies

China has invited US to come to terms with his policies The Ministry of national defense of China stated that the United States should abandon the policy of the cold war and look at Chinese military build-up and initiatives in the international arena “rationally and objectively”. The statement is published on the Agency’s website. “The instigators of the militarization of the South China sea are the countries that seem to not want to see peace in the region and use the banner of freedom to conduct military activities,” — said, in particular, the official representative of the Ministry of Ren Guoqiang. The statement was made in response to the recently passed White house national security strategy of the United States. The document often referred to Russia and China as the main competitors of the United States. The document States that “China and Russia are developing advanced weapons and expanding opportunities”

Lavrov and Tillerson discussed the stability in the North of Syria

U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson discussed Saturday over the phone ensuring stability in the North of Syria and promoting a peaceful resolution, which must be addressed by the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi. This was stated by the Russian foreign Ministry on the results of the conversation held on the initiative of the American side. “They discussed the situation in Syria, including the issues of stability in the North of the country and promote the process of peaceful settlement under the auspices of the United Nations, which should contribute convened in Sochi Congress of the Syrian national dialogue with a wide number of participants,” – said in Russian depodesta.