Erdogan announced plans to reach the end in the destruction of Kurdish troops in Syria

Erdogan announced plans to reach the end in the destruction of Kurdish troops in Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara will not back down in their determination to see the mission in the Syrian Afrin to the end. His words conveys the newspaper Yeni Safak. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “During the operation “shield of the Euphrates” we struck a blow for those who planned to create a corridor of terror along our borders. Then, the United States delivered to the region of five thousand trucks loaded with military equipment that was distributed to terrorist organizations, he said the Operation in ‘afrīn also over, when they achieved the set objectives”. Erdogan promised that Turkey will establish control of the Afrin, as done previously in the Syrian cities Dzharablus, al-Rai and al-Bab. “I declare that Ankara has no plans to seize the territory of Syria. The goal of Turkey — to ensure

The U.S. Senate approved a deal to resume work of state institutions

The U.S. Senate approved a deal to resume work of state institutions U.S. senators reached an agreement to extend funding of the U.S. Federal government for the next three weeks. This will allow to resume work of state institutions, suspended in the night on Saturday. Resolution on the adoption of the bill scored 81 votes, with 60 needed, opposed by 18 senators. Now the senators have to vote for the bill, after which it will be considered by the house of representatives. Then the document will be sent for signature to the President of the United States Donald Trump. Earlier, the legislators could not pass a bill to temporarily extend funding for the government, as the Democrats demanded that together with the budget approval was adopted safeguards for children of illegal immigrants. “Today we will vote for the reopening of the government,” — announced at the meeting, the leader of

USA offered Turkey to establish a security zone in the North-West of Syria

USA offered Turkey to establish a security zone in the North-West of Syria TASS, January 22. /TASS/. USA offered Turkey to explore the possibility of creating a security zone in North-West Syria, to put an end to military operations, Ankara, codenamed “Olive branch”. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий About it as reports the news Agency Reuters reported U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. According to him, the US stand to consider “working together to create such security zone” in North-West Syria, which would meet the needs of Ankara. “We are in discussions with the Turks and some forces on the ground as to how we can stabilize the current situation and meet the legitimate concerns of Turkey regarding its security,” — said the head of foreign policy Department of the USA. The General staff of the Turkish Armed forces announced on 20 January on the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against Kurdish groups from

Putin changed the shape of the response to the gratitude of the commander of the army

Putin changed the shape of the response to the gratitude of the commander of the army MOSCOW, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a list of changes in the statutes of the Armed Forces, the document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. According to the introduced in article 58 of the Charter of internal service changes, if the commander congratulates a soldier or thank him in the way he says “I Serve Russia”. Likewise, to the gratitude of the commander or the chief of the soldiers, standing in formation, also reply with the words “Serve Russia”. In the previous version of the Charter they were supposed to say “Serve the Russian Federation”. The President signed the document also makes changes in the Disciplinary regulations and the Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces.

Matvienko met with the came to Russia Senator Kerimov

Matvienko met with the came to Russia Senator Kerimov French judicial authorities have allowed under investigation Senator to visit a sick relative in Russia. Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko had a meeting with Senator Suleiman Kerimov, who was in Russia, he thinks he’s innocent, the press service of the Federation Council. “The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko met with a member of the Federation Council Suleiman Kerimov. The Senator was in Russia with the permission of the authorities of the French justice,” — said the press service of the Council of the Federation. Suleiman Kerimov considers himself innocent and is confident that will be able to refute the charges imposed. Therefore, do not intend to hide, is configured to cooperate with the investigation and hopes soon to return Home.The press service of the Federation Council On 19 January the Prosecutor of

First Turkish soldier died during the operation from Afrin

First Turkish soldier died during the operation from Afrin Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU a Soldier of the Turkish army were killed during operations in Northern Syria, said on Monday the Western media, citing data from the Turkish military command. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий “One of our heroic soldiers martyred during the fighting,” — said in the Turkish army. So noted by the media, this is the first Turkish soldier killed since the start of “operation Olive branch” in Syria. At the weekend the Turkish armed forces launched a military operation “Olive branch” against Kurdish paramilitaries in the area of the Syrian city of Afrin.

The President of the Philippines was allowed to shoot him

The President of the Philippines was allowed to shoot him The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte ordered the army and police to shoot him if he becomes a dictator. “If I stay in power and wants to become a dictator, shoot me. I’m not kidding,” said the head of state. Earlier Duterte said that is not going to remain in his post longer term. He stated this during a visit to a military base, his words are quoted in the Monday, January 22, Reuters. If I stay in power and wants to become a dictator, shoot me. I’m not kidding.Rodrigo Dutasteride Philippines He added that the work of the security forces “to defend the Constitution and protect the people.” “Remember that it is your sacred duty,” he said. Last week supporters of Duterte in the lower house of Parliament voted for the constitutional Assembly. They propose to move to

The Russian government banned the instant messengers and social networks to inform about the work with intelligence agencies

The Russian government banned the instant messengers and social networks to inform about the work with intelligence agencies The document also specifies the connection of intelligence to the systems of these organizations. Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Government has amended the rules of interaction of organizers of information dissemination (ARI) with the competent authorities, engaged in investigative activities. The corresponding decree was posted on the official Internet portal of legal information. As follows from the document, “ORY in the interaction with the competent authorities provides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the confidentiality of any information about specific facts and contents of such interaction with third parties”. In addition, do not allow software and hardware tools that are used in the framework of cooperation with intelligence agencies, and ORI, beyond the territory of the Russian Federation. ORI is also required to provide the competent security

Klintsevich: Kiev responded to the proposal on the transfer of technology from the Crimea political rudeness

First Deputy Chairman of Committee of Federation Council on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 22./TASS/. The rejection of the proposals of the Russian Federation on the return of military equipment from the Crimea was to be expected and reflects an unwillingness of Ukraine for interaction with Russia. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council on defense and security Frants Klintsevich.

Ukraine called the total amount of debt to the IMF

Ukraine called the total amount of debt to the IMF The amount of Ukraine’s debt to the International monetary Fund (IMF) is 12.1 billion dollars. On Monday, January 22, said the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank Oleg Churiy, UNIAN reports. According to him, currently the national Bank has to Fund $ 7.2 billion. “There is also the obligation of the Ministry of Finance to the International monetary Fund in the amount of 4.9 billion dollars. That is, in General, obligations to the IMF amount to 12.1 billion dollars,” said Curi. Assets of the NBU that are included in the gross reserves, reaching 18,8 billion dollars, the national Bank of Ukraine has 9.1 billion of liabilities. In December 2017, the Agency TASS with reference to sources in IMF reported that Ukraine in the next 10-15 years is going to need credit. “Ukraine is doomed to have a program with the