Volodin looked forward to an open and honest dialogue with the new head of the PACE

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin looked forward to constructive dialogue with the new speaker of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Michele Nicoletti, who was elected at the opening of the January session of the organization on Monday. “We count on open, honest and constructive dialogue. Based on mutual respect for our interests, we will be able to change much for the better”, – stated in the text of the message to the address of Nicoletti, published Tuesday on the official website of the state Duma. Russia and PACE The Russian delegation in PACE in April 2014 was deprived of powers due to the events in Ukraine and the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. In 2015, the PACE has twice considered

United Russia intend to rebrand the party after the presidential elections

Secretary of the General Council “United Russia” Andrey Turchak © Ekaterina Shtukina/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. “United Russia” will hold a re-branding of the party after the presidential elections, which will be held March 18. This broadcast of “Vesti FM” on Tuesday, said Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrei Turchak.

Peskov: Putin’s proposal to Kiev on military technology does not require any additional applications

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. The proposal of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to Ukraine on the return of military equipment from the Crimea requires no additional formal complaints from Russia, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Thus he commented on the words of foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavel klimkina about the fact that Kyiv has not received any official request from Russia about this. The Minister also said Moscow’s proposal “a gimmick”.

America goes to Europe with the “Kremlin report”

America goes to Europe with the “Kremlin report” By 29 January, the administration must submit to Congress reports in the framework of the implementation of a new package of anti-Russian sanctions stipulated by the draft law “On opposition to the enemies of America by sanctions” (CAATSA). To join such measures and offer the EU. To that European politicians are pushing developers CAATSA among members of Congress and the expert community. To toughen sanctions against Russia, following Washington in the EU is not in a hurry. But, according to respondents ‘ b ‘ analysts, many European firms, in any case, will suspend investments in Russia, for fear of being punished by the us authorities. Participated in the development of CAATSA experts and members of Congress urged the EU to support a new package of sanctions against Russia. With this treatment, in particular, was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Anders

Authorities will be obliged drugstores offer cheap drugs

Authorities will be obliged drugstores offer cheap drugs The government approved the “road map” of the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) “Development of competition in health care”. In document — part two: “Markets medicinal products for medical use and Markets medical devices”. In particular, the draft proposes to oblige pharmacies to offer customers the cheapest analogues of drugs. The goal of this initiative is “stop leaching from the sale of low-cost medicines”. The obligation of pharmacies to offer you cheap analogs of drugs will be approved by the Ministry of health. The Ministry of health, according to the Federal Antimonopoly service must approve it by November 2018. According to RBC with reference to the representative of the FAS Hope Sharavsky, to monitor compliance with this requirement will be a healthcare. Earlier this week it became known that the authorities are preparing a decree which will oblige to label expensive medications in

CIA chief considered North Korea not ready for nuclear strike on the United States

CIA chief considered North Korea not ready for nuclear strike on the United States Moscow. 23 Jan. INTERFAX.RU. After a few months, the DPRK will have the capacity of a nuclear strike on the U.S. mainland, the head of the CIA Mike Pompeo. “Within a few months,” he said in an interview to CBS in response to a leading question. When the host recalled that Pompeo said the same thing a few months ago, the chief of us intelligence said, “Right. I hope I can also say that in a year (.. .) The U.S. government is relentlessly working to push back this period.” Pompeo noted that the United States can say with certainty just what the nuclear missile program of North Korea “develops”, however, is not known “the real character of what is happening” in the DPRK. “However, the main risk must know about the statesmen, is that the

Kiev has refused to take military equipment from the Crimea

Kiev has refused to take military equipment from the Crimea Ukraine will not withdraw military equipment from the Crimea, the authorities refused to discuss with Russia a possible transfer of military vessels from Crimea, said Ukrainian foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin. Klimkin argued that the Ukrainian authorities do not conduct dialogues with Moscow on Crimea’s status. Therefore, Kyiv “will not make any things that can weaken the legal or political position,” he added, calling the initiative of the Russian Federation “trick”. “You all know this trick of Russia — to show that we have a relatively occupied Crimea is a dialogue”, — he declared yesterday to journalists. In addition, the Ukrainian diplomat noted that according to the Hague Convention the parties must be returned and other weapons only after the conclusion of peace. No diplomatic notes of this nature Ukraine from Moscow did not receive, said the Minister. The President of

The Ministry of Finance has proposed to extend tax breaks for self-employed

The Ministry of Finance has proposed to extend tax breaks for self-employed The Ministry of Finance has proposed to extend tax holidays for certain categories of self-employed citizens until 31 December 2019. The corresponding draft Federal law published on the portal of projects of normative-legal acts. In 2017 in Russia, there are tax breaks for those who work for themselves but not have the status of entrepreneur. To get the exemption, such individuals must register with the tax authorities. However, the option is available now only for the Tutors, nannies and housekeepers. Last week economy Minister Maxim Oreshkin said that the legalization of self-employed and need a convenient mode of taxation and the transition to transactional taxes, when a person pays a percentage of specific operations, but if it does, no duty to pay it arises. The Ministry of labor and social protection did not support the proposal of the

Shoigu announced the new contract on deliveries of s-400

Shoigu announced the new contract on deliveries of s-400 HANOI, 23 Feb — RIA Novosti. Moscow is negotiating the sale of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 “Triumph” in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, said defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He called the s-400 “unique complex”, the characteristics of which are not surpassed anyone in the world. According to him, this confirms the recent agreement to supply air defense missile systems to Turkey, one of NATO members. Shoigu stressed that without discussing the purchase of Russian weapons already, none meeting with foreign colleagues. He noted that the two sets of “Triumph” are on duty around the clock in Syria. Russia ready to share experience in the application of equipment and weapons in the Arab country. “First of all, of course, our combat aircraft, equipment and weapons of the Land forces, special operations Forces and private place — the Russian air defense system.

Trump has signed a temporary budget

Trump has signed a temporary budget WASHINGTON, 23 Feb — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump signed passed by both houses of Congress the interim budget, extending the funding the Federal government until February 8, the White house said. Thus, tramp was interrupted by a three-day pause in the work of the Federal government. Earlier, the Senate voted for the interim budget with 81 votes to 18 and the house of representatives supported the bill by a vote of 266 to 150. This is the fourth time since the beginning of the fiscal year October 1, 2017, when the interim budget was adopted. Republicans and Democrats in Congress can’t agree on long term budget amid a number of disagreements, mainly on immigration. In exchange for the support of the Democrats present budget the Republicans in the Senate agreed to hold soon a vote on immigration measures,