Media: British intelligence angered the words of Williamson about the “Russian threat»

Media: British intelligence angered the words of Williamson about the “Russian threat» MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. Members of British intelligence “was furious” because of the statements of the head of the Ministry of defense of Gavin Williamson about the “aggressive plans of Moscow”, the newspaper the Sunday Times, citing military sources. Earlier Williamson in an article for the Daily Telegraph expressed the opinion that “Moscow is developing a plan for the destruction of the critical infrastructure of the United Kingdom”. “People in the Centre of the UK government communications (GCHQ) was furious,” said the source, noting that the Minister could use classified information, partly obtained from the allies of great Britain. The disclosure of these data could undermine the cooperation of London, with partners, he added. On assessment other source in the British military intelligence, applications of Williamson was “amateurish”. “No one has ever gone so far in

Israel has criticized Poland for the draft law on concentration camps

Israel has criticized Poland for the draft law on concentration camps Moscow. 28 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a harsh criticism of the bill, which will soon be considered by the Polish Parliament and in accordance with which it will be forbidden to mention that the Nazi concentration camps were Polish. For such statements and for the claim that Poland is also responsible for Nazi crimes, punishable up to jail time. “I strongly oppose this. You can’t change history, you cannot deny the Holocaust”, — quotes the words of Netanyahu “bi-Bi-si”. On Friday 26 January, the document was approved by the lower house of Parliament. As expected, the bill passes Polish Senate, then it must sign the President. According to The Guardian, many poles believe that the phrase “Polish death camp” implies that occupied Poland participated in the camps. The publication notes that the bill will

Russia is a “Strike voters»

Russia is a “Strike voters» In Russia on Sunday, 28 January, held a protest against the participation in elections “voters strike”, organized by the politician Alexey Navalny. Stocks must pass was said to Bulk, in 118 cities. According to him, the government agreed to rallies in 80% of cases. The first meetings were held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Khabarovsk, Magadan, Chita, Ulan-Ude and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In Vladivostok, the action was not coordinated, but people still came out to the rally. According to the photos from the Telegram-channel “Navalny Team”, in events in different cities participate from a few dozen to several hundred people. In Moscow in the morning the police came to the office of the Fund of struggle against corruption (FBK). Navalny said that the police opened the door to the office of the FBC, his press Secretary, Kira Yarmish said that staff was looking for a laid bomb. The Fund staff

The defense Ministry plans to give civil servants fur hats

The defense Ministry plans to give civil servants fur hats MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of defence of Russia plans to provide its Federal civil servants of fur hats and women’s hats, follows from the draft order of the Minister of defense, published on the official Internet portal of legal information. The order is expected to approve the rules of procurement. The planned date for its entry into force — March. Changes are made in the Annex to the 595-th order of the Minister of defence 2015 “On approval of rules of procurement of the uniforms of the Federal state civil servants of the Ministry of defense.” The draft document stipulates that the Federal civil servants of the defence Department will be issued a “hat with ear-flaps fur, fur hat, hat front, hat, casual shoes or boots”. Fur hat with ear-flaps introduced on the supply in addition

In the USA modernized the largest non-nuclear bomb

In the USA modernized the largest non-nuclear bomb MOSCOW, 27 Jan — RIA Novosti. The US air force has upgraded its most powerful non-nuclear ordnance — aerial bomb GBU-57, it reports Bloomberg with reference to the representative of the office of captain Emily Grabowski. A new modification of the “more effective against well protected and located deep underground targets.” This bomb weighing more than 13 tons and charge almost 2.5 tons of explosives able to penetrate the soil to a depth of 61 meters, it can only carry the B-2 bomber. GBU-57 can be used against underground facilities in the DPRK, the US relations which continue to be tense, the article says. B-2 bombers in January was placed on the island of GUAM in the Pacific ocean. Was sent to the region and GBU-57, Grabowski refused to clarify. In April of last year, the United States has used in Afghanistan

Trump traditionally devote my address to Congress Economics

Trump traditionally devote my address to Congress Economics The President still intends to raise the issue of the DPRK. WASHINGTON, January 27. /TASS./ The US President Donald trump will traditionally focus on the economy and domestic issues of the country during his first address to both houses of Congress with the annual message “state of the Union” on January 30. This was reported on Saturday to journalists by the representative of the Washington administration of high rank. “The main theme [of the message] “state of the Union” is to create a safe, strong and proud America, he said, highlighting five main themes of the speech — the economy, trade, immigration, infrastructure and national security. — The speech will be devoted, where we are now where we are going and what country you want to be.” In particular, the American leader will speak about its “record achievement” for the first year

Putin congratulated Zeman on his reelection as President of the Czech Republic

The President Of Russia Vladimir Putin © Alexey Nikolsky/TASS MOSCOW, January 27. /TASS./ The President of Russia Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory message to Milos Zeman in connection with his re-election as President of the Czech Republic. This was reported on Saturday the press service of the Kremlin. “In the congratulation the President of Russia stressed that the results of the elections confirmed the high authority of M. Zeman as an experienced and responsible policy for realizing the interests and aspirations of the Czech people. Vladimir Putin noted that Russia highly appreciates the principled stand of M. Zeman in favor of development of friendly Russian-Czech relations, mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields”, – stated in the message. Zeman was re-elected President of the Czech Republic at the end of the Saturday second round of elections. He received 51,36% of the vote. For his opponent, the former head of the Academy

Dragos has conceded defeat in the presidential elections in the Czech Republic

Dragos has conceded defeat in the presidential elections in the Czech Republic PRAGUE, 27 Jan — RIA Novosti. The former Chairman of the Academy of Sciences jiří Dragos, lost in the second round of presidential elections, the current head of state Milos Zeman, in a speech to supporters, conceded defeat and congratulated Zeman. His statement was broadcast on Republican TV. On Saturday in the Czech Republic ended the second round of the presidential elections, which was attended by two winners of the first round — Zeman and Dragos. After the counting of results at 99% of polling stations Zeman scored in the second round 51,67% of the votes, voted for by 2.8 million citizens. Dragos scored of 48.32%, their votes gave him of 2.62 million people. “We did not win this election, but we didn’t lose them. I am proud that we are his participation in the elections has raised

Zeman is leading in the elections of the President of the Czech Republic of 55.88% of the votes

Zeman is leading in the elections of the President of the Czech Republic of 55.88% of the votes PRAGUE, 27 Jan — RIA Novosti. The current President of Czech Republic Milos Zeman after reporting 35% polling lead following the second round of elections of the President of 55.88% of the vote, said Saturday the Republican statistical Department. “The other candidate, ex-President of the Academy of Sciences jiří Dragos 44.11% of votes”, — stated in the message. The second round of presidential elections was held in the Republic for Friday and Saturday, they took part, according to preliminary data, over 64% of the nearly 8.5 million registered voters who had the possibility to prefer one of two candidates. The winner of the election will be the one who gets the most votes. Final voting results will be published around 18.00 (20.00 GMT).

“Syrian democratic forces,” said shot down a Turkish helicopter

“Syrian democratic forces,” said shot down a Turkish helicopter MOSCOW, 27 Jan — RIA Novosti. “Syrian democratic forces” (SDF), which are based on Kurdish troops shot down a Turkish helicopter in the Syrian Afrin, reported RIA Novosti the representative of the SDF. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “In surrounding villages Kavre NRC and Batman shot down a Turkish helicopter,” — said RIA Novosti by telephone representative of the SDF. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces on 20 January announced the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against the forces of the Syrian Kurds in the Afrin. The Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim said Sunday the beginning of the ground operation in ‘ Afrīn. Simultaneously with Turkey, the militants of the “free Syrian army”. Damascus strongly condemned Turkey’s actions in ‘ afrīn, noting that it is an integral part of Syria. Moscow in connection with the situation in Afrin called on all parties