Polls: declared turnout in the presidential elections is 71%

Polls: declared turnout in the presidential elections is 71% MOSCOW, 1 Feb. /TASS./ Declared by the Russians, the level of turnout in presidential elections is 71%, about 70% of respondents said that they are ready to vote for the incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted from 26 to 28 January by the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). The declared turnout As follows from the materials of research available to TASS, the declared level of civic participation in the elections is 71% is the share of Russians who said that “definitely will” participate in the March elections. Thus this figure is growing since December last year: if, then, the appropriate response was given by 63% of respondents, for example, 8-10 January 2018 — 67%. Another 10% of respondents VTSIOM said about a potential willingness to come to the

For that I apologize to Vladimir Putin

For that I apologize to Vladimir Putin On January 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the athletes asked their forgiveness for the fact that the authorities are unable to protect them from attacks and pressure. Who else and for that I apologized, the head of state — in the material “Kommersant”. 26 Oct 2002, Vladimir Putin made a televised address to the Russians over the seizure of the spectators of the musical “Nord-OST» in the theatrical center on Dubrovka: “We are unable to save everyone. Forgive us.» October 26, 2007 Vladimir Putin apologized for the fact that he and other members of the Russian delegation during the summit Russia—EU in Portugal “snooping around here, in Lisbon, back and forth, interfere with normal life» and just say, that the lisboners it was very profitable both from an economic and political point of view. 28 September 2011 at the

Only Putin has submitted to the CEC the signatures of all the subjects of the Russian Federation

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, 1 Feb. /TASS./ Acting President Vladimir Putin – the only one among the six candidates for the post of head of state, who presented the signatures of the voters necessary for participation in elections, from all regions of the country. It follows from the materials presented to journalists on Thursday by the Central election Commission. Only in the election race continue to be involved eight people. The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the Communist party nominated a businessman Pavel Grudinin, relieved of the necessity of collecting signatures, have already passed registration.

In the Czech Republic has withdrawn from circulation Atlas with the Russian Crimea

In the Czech Republic has withdrawn from circulation Atlas with the Russian Crimea PRAGUE, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of education of Czech Republic has withdrawn from circulation released in 2017, a school Atlas, in which the Crimea marked as Russian territory, said on Wednesday the press service of the Ministry. That in the Atlas of Crimea indicated Russian, first drew the attention of TV Prima, and then to the foreign Ministry protested to the ambassadors of Ukraine and Georgia. In addition, in the Atlas were specified unlawful territory “Islamic state” (banned in Russia as a terrorist organization). “Our Ministry got acquainted with the situation, and then seized the school Atlas from the list of recommended textbooks. Meanwhile, the Ministry is in contact with the publisher in order to as soon as possible, the situation was remedied,” the message reads. Permission for release of seized now satin was

Trump the third time was in the nominees for the Nobel peace prize

Trump the third time was in the nominees for the Nobel peace prize MURMANSK, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump is the third year in a row gets the number of candidates nominated for the Nobel peace prize, according to the Norwegian newspaper Nettavisen, quoting the Director of the Norwegian Institute of peace studies (PRIO) Henrik Ordalia. “I can confirm that we received the message about the nomination, and that the tramp was nominated for the award. However, I can’t talk about who was behind his nomination. It is confidential information. I can only say that the initiative belongs to the American”, — quotes the words Nettavisen Ordalia. Director of the Institute also said that the same person was nominated trump in previous years. According to Ordalia, the American President deserves this award for his commitment to the ideology of “struggle for peace

CEC told what the slogan will be used in the election campaign

CEC told what the slogan will be used in the election campaign Posters with the motto “Our country, our President, our choice!”will replace billboards with the campaign logo on a background of blue snowflakes. MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS./ The second phase of the outreach activities of the CEC on the eve of elections of the head of state will include the slogan “Our country, our President, our choice!”. Updated design informational posters, which will appear from February throughout the country demonstrated on Wednesday to journalists in the CEC. “From tomorrow, we change our outer awareness,” — said the CEC Chairman, Ella Pamfilova, and then on the big screen in the atrium of the building Commission appeared saver with an appropriate motto. “From tomorrow, the same posters will replace the snowflakes that you watched half of December and all of January,” she said. Previously, nationwide was placed billboards with the logo

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: the head of the British Ministry of defense, speaking of the aggression of the Russian Federation, considers himself the hero of James bond

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: the head of the British Ministry of defense, speaking of the aggression of the Russian Federation, considers himself the hero of James bond Statements by British defense Secretary about the alleged Russian aggression reminiscent of the shooting of a new series about James bond. This was stated on Wednesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “We understand that now the UK is experiencing such a difficult process in connection with the exit from the European Union, and certain internal divisions in British society, is also relevant to the ongoing trials, — stated the official representative of the foreign Ministry. — It is quite clear that to divert the public attention need an external enemy.” “I tried to explain the decision of the British about leaving the EU arm of the Kremlin, but not much happened, apparently, decided

CEC completed the reception of documents for registration of candidates on elections of the President

CEC completed the reception of documents for registration of candidates on elections of the President Moscow. 31 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Central election Commission (CEC) of Russia has completed the reception of signatures in support of candidates for participation in presidential elections. As reported on Wednesday, the correspondent of “Interfax”, at 18:00 Moscow time the Central electoral Commission has finished reception of signature sheets. Thus, ended the stage of acceptance of documents for registration of candidates on elections of the President of the Russian Federation. Signatures in his support passed six candidates: the incumbent President — the independent candidate Vladimir Putin, Grigory Yavlinsky nominated for election party “Yabloko”, the business Ombudsman Boris Titov (“Party of Growth”), Sergei Baburin, nominated by the “Russian national Union” Ksenia Sobchak (“Civil initiative”), Maxim suraykin (“Communists of Russia”). Two candidates from the parliamentary parties — Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR) and Pavel Grudinin (Communist party) under the

The Federation Council will respond to “Kremlin report” law of sovereignty of the Russian Federation

The Federation Council will respond to “Kremlin report” law of sovereignty of the Russian Federation Federation Council Commission for the protection of state sovereignty is developing a bill that would consolidate the concept of “interference in the sovereignty of the country”. “There are many instances of interference by foreign powers in the internal Affairs of our country. Advancing legislative initiatives that we believe position the “mirror effect” of measures aimed at countering foreign interference”, — quotes RBC co-author of the document Lyudmila Bokova. Interference in the internal Affairs of the country, the senators called “not based on international law and international treaties of the illegal attempts to influence the decisions of state bodies of the country”, said participating in the work of the Commission, the President of Fund “Institute of regional projects and legislation” Boris Nadezhdin. According to him, the second sign of the intervention — the desire to disturb