CEC checked the signatures in support of Putin

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS./ CEC checked signatures of voters submitted for registration as a candidate for the presidency of the incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin. Do not meet the standards of 0.39% sample of autographs with an acceptable level of marriage in 5%. This was reported to journalists on Friday the Deputy Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev.

Evade the fire of the terrorists, the Russian su-25 caught on video

Evade the fire of the terrorists, the Russian su-25 caught on video The militants of the Islamist group “Jaish al-Nasr” fired at a Russian su-25 in the sky over the Syrian province of Idlib. The maneuver of the outgoing fire of the aircraft got on the video on Friday, February 2, publishes Al-Masdar News. According to the Agency, the incident occurred yesterday, February 1, when the su-25 carried out a mission in the East of Idlib. As can be seen in the footage, jihadists open fire on the fighter, presumably from anti-aircraft guns, but he manages to evade the attack and leave the area. During the download an error has occurred. As noted by Al-Masdar News, the Russian su-25 intended for direct support of ground troops on the battlefield, often under fire operating in Syria for terrorist groups and has already proved its efficiency in such conditions, in particular, due

“Stab in the back”: in Parliament criticized the Polish law on “Bandera»

“Stab in the back”: in Parliament criticized the Polish law on “Bandera» In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine called the Senate of Poland, a law introducing criminal liability for propaganda of Ukrainian nationalism “a travesty of historical truth.” According to the co-chairs of the parliamentary group on Interparliamentary relations lie with Poland Oksana Yurynets and Mykola Knyazhytsky, the law — the “anti-step and stab in the back”. They urged the President of Poland Andrzej Duda to veto the law. “Anti-Ukrainian radical step” and a “stab in the back” — so the co-chairs of the parliamentary group of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Interparliamentary relations with Poland Oksana Yurynets and Mykola knyazhytsky described the Polish Senate adopted the law against the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. According to the MPs, the approval of both chambers of the Polish Parliament of a package of amendments to the law on the Institute of

Mexican elections put it, “the hand of Moscow»

Mexican elections put it, “the hand of Moscow» The theme of “Russian interference” in the elections is now beginning to develop actively and in Mexico. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson yesterday began a Latin American tour today at the meeting with his Mexican counterpart Luis Videgaray Kaso may raise the question about “hand of Moscow” in the upcoming elections of the President of this country. Anyway, about this Mr. Tillerson was asked by U.S. senators Marco Rubio and Robert Menendez. They claim that Russia is trying to affect the outcome of the vote, supporting the left candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The politician such speculation makes fun of, calling himself “Andres Manolovici”. Respondents ‘ b ‘ experts in Russia and Mexico called the talk about the support and sponsorship of the Kremlin one of the Mexican candidates unfounded. “Sophisticated technology” Moscow “We urge you to raise the question about

USA compare Russia and China with the colonial powers

USA compare Russia and China with the colonial powers The growing presence of Russia and China in Latin America hinders Washington. About it at the University of Texas said the U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson, according to the South Morning China Post. The American diplomat said that Russia “continues to sell weapons and military equipment to unfriendly regimes that do not respect democratic values”. While Tillerson has noticed that Washington cannot remain indifferent to the situation and will “to protect themselves from distant countries” who do not agree with US policy. According to the Secretary of state in Latin America also, the influence of China, a policy which he likened to the policies of the colonial powers of the past. “Latin America does not need a new Imperial power that seeks only the benefit of his people,” — said Tillerson. In his opinion, implemented in Latin America, the Chinese projects will

The CIA Director explained to the meeting with the chiefs of the Russian special services

The CIA Director explained to the meeting with the chiefs of the Russian special services The Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo explained the recent arrival of the heads of Russian intelligence services in Washington care about the safety of Americans. According to Pompeo, similar meetings are held regularly, according to Reuters. Approval Pompeo, negotiations with the Russian colleagues are mainly on topics where there are differences. “Despite the fact that Russia remains the enemy, we would put the lives of Americans under a more serious threat if ignored the possibility of cooperation with the Russian special services in combating terrorism,” — said the head of the CIA. At the same time, as noted by Mike Pompeo, the meetings are held in a normal environment. Earlier it was reported that last week Washington was visited by the Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, Director of foreign intelligence Service, Evgeniy Naryshkin,

Putin has promised to visit in February, the forum “Mentor-2018»

Putin has promised to visit in February, the forum “Mentor-2018» ROSTOV-ON-DON, 1 Feb. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised to visit the forum “Mentor-2018”, which will be held in Moscow at VDNH from 13 to 15 February. During the live video for the launch of the fourth unit of Rostov NPP is one of the participants in the conversation invited the President for the coming February in Moscow forum. “In mid-February will take place the forum “Mentor 2018″. We will all participate, to share their skills, experience, to share with everyone. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, we invite You to participate in this forum,” said a participant of the videoconference Alexander Boimamat. The President invited the winners of the national championship WorldSkills Hi-Tech — the best welders in the country, including Boimamat. Worker stressed that it was an example of a father shared with his son the knowledge that helped him

Putin was disappointed in the Russian industry

Putin was disappointed in the Russian industry The President of Russia Vladimir Putin admitted that he is not satisfied with the rate of growth of Russian industry. About it reports “Interfax”. “I note that at the end of last year, industrial growth in Russia amounted to one percent. Of course, it cannot satisfy us,” — said the head of state during the meeting of the Presidium of the state Council on development of industrial potential of Russian regions. However, the President tried to find the positive side. According to him, a good momentum of growth demonstrate transportation engineering, automotive, pharmaceutical, textile, food and chemical industry. Monday, January 29, Vladimir Putin noted that in a number of industries in the economy there is growth. The President also revealed the conditions for economic growth in the country. HelpThe Outlook on the credit rating of Russia increased. What with the economy all right?The

Published a previously unknown interview with Boris Yeltsin, 1990

Published a previously unknown interview with Boris Yeltsin, 1990 Music producer and publisher Alexander Cheparukhin published on its YouTube channel a previously unknown interview with the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. The meeting was held in 1990 on the train Moscow — Riga. In his post on Facebook Cheparukhin says that in the years of perestroika was a graduate student, researcher, Moscow state University and environmental activist, and wanted to meet with Yeltsin, because he believed the policy of “giant of the struggle for real freedom” and wanted to “place the West a “real” leader of the country.” “The case was presented immediately after his [Yeltsin’s] election as the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR at the end of may 1990,” he recalls. Then his friends — Austrian journalist Werner Kreutler and Deputy editor of the magazine “Spark” Valentine Yumashev — has learned that Yeltsin sent by

The us Navy received the robot — hunter for submarines

The us Navy received the robot — hunter for submarines Make the ACTUV robot into service is planned until the end of 2018. Agency defense advanced research (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of defense has completed its part of the project ACTUV to create a completely Autonomous surface robot designed to detect and prosecute enemy submarines. According to the Agency, it has completed all the planned test project and gave the robot the research Department of the U.S. Navy (ONR), which will hold a number of its own testing apparatus. Terminate them and take the robot into service is planned until the end of 2018. Development of ACTUV robot established in 2010 jointly by the Agency defense advanced development and research Department of the Navy. In the framework of the DARPA project was to monitor the development and construction of the robot and carry out testing as a technology demonstrator