Media: wounded in Syria, “Russian mercenaries” brought to the hospitals of Russia

Media: wounded in Syria, “Russian mercenaries” brought to the hospitals of Russia Coordinator of the unregistered party “the Other Russia” Alexander Averin has informed that the Russian citizens injured in the air strikes of the international coalition headed by the USA, were hospitalized and are in hospitals of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Averin said that it did not have the exact number of wounded. Earlier it became known that in Syria killed at least two Russian citizens who were not servicemen of the armed forces of Russia. Coordinator of the unregistered party “the Other Russia” Alexander Averin said that the wounded in Syria, the Russians delivered in medical institutions of Moscow and St. Petersburg in particular — “in [the neurosurgery center] Burdenko and [Institute of surgery] Vishnevsky”. Averina statement leads RIA “Novosti”. The exact number of victims of the air strikes of the international coalition led by the US, Russian

Medvedev: the US establishment uses “the Kremlin list” for their own purposes

© Vladimir Smirnov/TASS SOCHI, February 15. /TASS./ “The Kremlin list” the United States is an internal American problem, it uses them to solve their problems. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in interview to TV channel “Russia 24”. “As for the current topic with these lists, published or unpublished, it is largely an internal American problem: it’s the problem of the struggle of the American establishment with President trump, it is a problem of settling accounts between Democrats and Republicans is the issue of contradictions in the Republican part of the American elite. And this revolves around a Russian theme, with the help of which a significant portion of the American establishment solves its internal problems,” he said.

In the Duma introduced a draft on the abolition of sanctions for the display of Nazi symbols without propaganda purposes

In the Duma introduced a draft on the abolition of sanctions for the display of Nazi symbols without propaganda purposes In the state Duma a bill repealing administrative liability for the use or display of Nazi symbols or paraphernalia in the absence of signs of propaganda that will allow you to avoid punishment including for the repost of photos from the Victory Parade. “The current version of the article 20.3 of the Code of administrative offences (Cao) establishes liability for the propaganda or public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or paraphernalia or symbols of extremist organizations… thus, the provisions of this article does not make any separation between the real propaganda of Nazi symbols, for example, a demonstration of historical or educational materials,” reads the explanatory note to the bill, at the disposal of TASS. The document notes that any public demonstration of Nazi symbols or paraphernalia on formal

Renaming the address of the Embassy of the USA in the “North American impasse, 1” was not possible

Renaming the address of the Embassy of the USA in the “North American impasse, 1” was not possible The city interdepartmental Commission on naming territorial units of the city of Moscow found it impossible to rename a street near the U.S. Embassy in “American gridlock”. About it “RIA Novosti” said the Chairman of the Commission Alexander Alexandrov. The Commission considered the proposal of the Deputy of the state Duma Mikhail Degtyarev. “Experts of the working group find it impossible to consider the proposal by name due to the actual absence of the object for the names,” said Ms. Alexandrova. She explained that vnutrizonovye passage referred to, is a common territory and is not subject to renaming. Earlier, the head of the Duma Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs Mikhail Degtyarev sent to the mayor of Moscow the letter with a proposal to name unnamed vnutrizonovye travel to

Poland is going to build a pipeline instead of “Nord stream — 2»

Poland is going to build a pipeline instead of “Nord stream — 2» MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. The Polish government seriously intends to carry out a project of its own Baltic pipeline Baltic Pipe — in defiance of the “Nord stream — 2”. It is reported by the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The Polish party “law and justice” decided to revive the project Baltic Pipe and connect through it to the Norwegian gas network. According to the press releases at the end of last year, the Polish state oil and gas company PGNiG to 15 years reserved pipeline capacity amounting to more than two billion dollars. It is expected that the Polish project with an annual capacity of 10 billion cubic meters per year will start operation in 2022. The final decision on this project will be made in 2018. Poland actively opposed the construction of the Russian “North

Zakharov: in Syria could have been killed five Russian citizens, this is not the military

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS./ Reports in the Western media about the killing of tens and even hundreds of Russians in Syria as a result of the RAID of the antiterrorist coalition led by the United States, are a classic example of misinformation, we can talk about the death of five people. This was stated on Thursday at a briefing Director of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Britain has accused Russia of cyber attacks

Britain has accused Russia of cyber attacks The Deputy head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Tariq Ahmad said that the Russian authorities were implicated in the cyber attack, which used the virus NotPetya, reports RIA “Novosti”. “The British government believes that the Russian authorities, in particular, the Russian military was responsible for the destructive attack by the virus NotPetya in June 2017. The reckless use of the virus disrupted the work of organizations across Europe and cost hundreds of millions of pounds… We call on Russia to become a responsible member of the international community,” said Ahmad. The virus has struck several countries, mostly affecting the Ukrainian company. The attack was subjected to IT systems, oil and energy, telecommunications, pharmaceutical companies and government bodies. Evidence of Russian interference Ahmad failed. Earlier it was reported that the CIA has attributed to Russia’s cyber attack virus NotPetya in

Syrian air defenses forced the Israeli aircraft to flee the country

Syrian air defenses forced the Israeli aircraft to flee the country MOSCOW, 14 Feb — RIA Novosti. Syrian air defense on Wednesday forced an Israeli reconnaissance plane to leave the country’s airspace after the aircraft was spotted in the skies over El Kuneitra, reports the state Agency SANA. “The Syrian air defense on Wednesday opposed an Israeli reconnaissance plane in the skies over the town of Quneitra and forced him to leave the Syrian airspace,” the Agency reported citing its own correspondent. The Israeli side has not commented on the likely incident. Earlier, the Israeli military announced the interception over the North of the Iranian drone and attacked in response of the UAV base in Syria, faced with the opposition of defense and lost the F-16. Its crew ejected over their territory. Syrian state media, in turn, said that the air defense system of the country repelled an attack by

NATO decided to create a new command and the cyber operations center

NATO decided to create a new command and the cyber operations center Defence Ministers of countries—members of NATO decided to create the Atlantic command, support command for logistics in Europe, as well as the control center of cyber operations. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. According to Mr. Stoltenberg, the command of the Atlantic will help to protect sea lines of communication between North America and Europe. The cyber operations center will create at the military headquarters at SHAPE (Supreme headquarters of the command of the United armed forces of NATO in Europe). Jens Stoltenberg also said that to expand the command of the Alliance will require an increase in funding. Where will be located the new headquarters, NATO has not yet decided. The Agency DPA, citing its own sources said that the new logistics centre can be built on the territory of Germany: in Cologne or