The Syrian army found chemical laboratory militants

The Syrian army found chemical laboratory militants The detachment of government troops, the Syrian army was discovered in Eastern ghouta (suburb of Damascus) laboratory of terrorists on production of toxic substances. It is reported by national news Agency SANA. “During combing the area of Aftris in East Huta was found abandoned by the terrorists laboratory, prepared for the production of various kinds of toxic substances. It is all the necessary equipment for creating powders used in the manufacture of prohibited weapons,” — says the Agency. It is clarified that in addition to the chemical laboratory was found a workshop in which were filled with chemical munitions of various calibres, from 60 to 180 millimeters. April 6, Syrian troops launched an operation to free fighters from the city Duma — the last uncontrolled forces of President Bashar al-Assad village in Eastern ghouta. Later, Reuters, citing rebels, reported that the Duma dropped

State Duma deputies reported on the property in 12 European countries

State Duma deputies reported on the property in 12 European countries Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — state Duma Deputies have overseas property in Europe, following the declarations released on Friday. The most popular is Spain, where house, apartment or land, there are nine parliamentarians or their “second halves” the right of ownership, including an equity. Such property in their declarations pointed out Andrey Baryshev, Vadim Belousov (apartment and land from the wife), Alexander A. Kiselev, Nikolai Valuev (house wife), Valery Gazzaev, Konstantin Zatulin, Arkady Ponomarev, Omahan Umakhanov (house wife), Andrey Chernishov (living room). “Second place” in the parliamentary preferences is Bulgaria. Here funds real estate invested Sergei Vostretsov, Yuri Oleynikov and the wife of Sergey Pakhomov. In two declarations, there is real estate in Finland — the part of the wife of Vladimir Kateneva and farm Rifat Shaikhutdinova. The wife of the latter also has a house in Italy. Other

Poroshenko wanted to deprive Russia of the right of veto in the UN security Council

Poroshenko wanted to deprive Russia of the right of veto in the UN security Council The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko believes that Russia should be deprived of the veto in the UN Security Council. He said this during an interview on the TV channel “Direct”. “UN demands immediate reform, to deprive of the right of veto the aggressor”, — he said, commenting on the meeting of the Security Council, in which Russia has blocked the U.S. resolution on Syria and the incident with the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, British Salisbury. “Secondly, we need to increase the effectiveness of other alliances, including NATO,” the President added. Earlier in the same interview Poroshenko in absentia appealed to Vladimir Putin to “you”. “Are you responsible for the daily wounds and killing Ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians on you personally responsible for the deployment of war and aggression against

Britain has called the possible involvement in the chemical attack in Syria a fake

Britain has called the possible involvement in the chemical attack in Syria a fake UN 13 APR — RIA Novosti. The British permanent representative to the UN Karen pierce called a “grotesque and blatant lies” the statement of the representative of the defense Ministry about the involvement of London to chemical attack in the Syrian city of Duma. At the end of last week the West has accused Damascus chemical attack on the Syrian city of Duma in Eastern ghouta. Moscow has denied the information about the chlorine bomb, allegedly dropped by the Syrian military. The Russian foreign Ministry said that the purpose of stuffing about the use of toxic substances of troops to Syria to protect the terrorists and to justify possible military strikes from outside. In the General staff of the armed forces on March 13 reported on the forthcoming militants in Eastern ghouta provocation staged the use

Sands began to test the ICQ

Sands began to test the ICQ Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has installed ICQ, but according to him, while just testing a new messenger. Sands checked in to ICQ on Friday evening. “Now just try and see,” said he, answering the question of Interfax. Earlier on Friday, Peskov told reporters that after a lock Telegram to the Kremlin will choose to work another messenger with the most appropriate set of services. He stressed that the decision on which the messenger will choose the presidential administration, is still pending. See also: History of blocking the Telegram in Russia

UPS and downs: financial bloc of the government reported on the income

UPS and downs: financial bloc of the government reported on the income MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Ministers and Vice-premiers of the financial-economic bloc of the government of Russia reported income for the year 2017. According to the declarations, some of them, as the head of industry and trade Denis Manturov, first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, have significantly increased their income, while others, on the contrary, have declared much smaller amounts, as Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. Income Shuvalov by the end of 2017 amounted to 91,28 million rubles against of 71.76 million rubles a year earlier. The income of the spouse of the first Deputy Prime Minister in 2017 reached 89,1 million (in 2016, with 61.1 million). Shuvalov with his wife rented two houses — one in Austria, another in a flat in England. The couple divided by two Jaguar and two

Sanctions against US taking a rapidly

Sanctions against US taking a rapidly The state Duma has prepared a response to “foreign States.” The leaders of the four Duma factions, headed by the speaker Vyacheslav Volodin in the Duma introduced a bill that gives the government the right to impose sanctions against the United States and other countries. The restrictions may relate to the supply of food, alcohol and tobacco products, medicines, cooperation in aircraft building and rocket-building industry. The plan document can be reviewed on may 8, but the deputies do not rule out an extraordinary review. The authors of the bill “On measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the United States of America and (or) other foreign countries” have become the speaker of the state Duma and the leaders of four parliamentary fractions (United Russia, KPRF, LDPR and “Fair Russia”). In the first article of the document stated that its purpose “is

Lavrov spoke about the evidence that the chemical attack in the Duma was staged

Lavrov spoke about the evidence that the chemical attack in the Duma was staged MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Moscow has irrefutable evidence that the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian Duma was staged with the participation of foreign special services, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov said that Syria has left the mission of experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. “She should be arriving in Damascus, I think, tomorrow morning, and we hope that without delay it will go to the Duma, where no evidence of use of chemical weapons, chlorine or whatever, our experts who examined this place, not found”, — he said. Accusations of chemical attack West groundlessly accused the Damascus chemical attack in the town of Duma in the end of last week. Moscow has denied this information. Specialists of the Russian Center for conciliation of the warring parties