Aman Tuleyev has told about the three successors on a post of the Governor of Kuzbass

Aman Tuleyev has told about the three successors on a post of the Governor of Kuzbass From Aman Tuleyev, who had resigned from the post of Governor of Kemerovo region after a tragic fire in TTS “the Winter cherry”, had three successors from Kuzbass, and with the current acting Governor Sergey Tsivileva he doesn’t even know. This is Tuleyev has told today to deputies of the regional Council of the Kemerovo region, reported the website of the regional Parliament. Tuleyev has resigned from the post of Governor of Kuzbas on April 1, but on 3 April he received the vacant mandate of the Deputy of a regional Council. After a week — 10 APR — Tuleyev was elected Chairman of the Kemerovo regional Council. Post in the regional Council was guaranteed Tuleyev as compensation for the care of the governors, and the fire in the “Winter cherry” did not cancel

Hit and run drivers will make criminals

Hit and run drivers will make criminals For leaving the scene of an accident can criminalize. The constitutional court (CC) declared a legislative gap, giving the opportunity to get away from the serious penalties that drunk drivers who left the scene of an accident. The corresponding decree announced on KS on Wednesday, April 25. During the year the state Duma should find a solution to this problem and to make the necessary amendments to the laws. Chairman KS Valery Zorkin has already proposed options, including the establishment of criminal liability for leaving the scene of an accident. Useful information”Drunk driving” — the answers to all the questions The constitutional court on Wednesday, April 25, announced the decision in the case about the verification of constitutionality of the note to item 264 of the criminal code. This article establishes criminal penalties for drivers who violated traffic rules and caused the accident

Shot down over Mamimum aerial objects were drones fighters

Shot down over Mamimum aerial objects were drones fighters Russian air defense base in Syria, Hamim had shot down two drone fighters. This was at the briefing said the head of the Main operations Directorate of the Russian General staff, Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy. “Yesterday, 20 o’clock in the evening the Russian air defenses at a distance of 10 km from the airport Hamim was discovered and destroyed two unmanned aerial vehicles of the militants”, — said Mr. rudskoy (quoted by “Interfax”). Yesterday it was reported that the air defense of the air base Hamim was hit by “small-size air targets of unknown origin”. According to the representative of the airfield, the base damage inflicted was not. We will remind, in January the Russian air defenses repulsed the attack drones at Hamim and Tartus. During the download an error has occurred.

The Russian military showed the wreckage released on Syria cruise missiles

The Russian military showed the wreckage released on Syria cruise missiles Moscow. April 25. INTERFAX.RU. The General staff of the Russian Armed forces showed journalists fragments released by Syria’s cruise missiles of the United States, England and France. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “The exhibition presents elements of cruise missiles, sea-based made in the USA “Tomahawk” cruise missiles and air-launched production of England and France SCALP and Storm Shadow,” said a specialist in the field of antiaircraft defense of the General staff Sergei Legless journalists. According to him, represented by large elements of both the missiles and their propulsion systems and components. — space navigation system. Good condition items, no fires indicates a clear impact of defense on the cruise missile. The presence of through-holes from damaging elements on the hull of cruise missiles clearly characterizes the fire of anti-aircraft guided missile air defense.Sergei Ethnohistorians in the field of air defense of the General

Antonov called unfriendly actions of the USA against departmenti in Seattle

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © AP Photo/Wong Maye-E WASHINGTON, April 26. /TASS/. Actions by the United States against Russian diplomatic property in Seattle on Wednesday, unfriendly, unhelpful and anti-Russian. This opinion was expressed by Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov in an interview with reporters. “This beautiful day marred by American actions – very unhelpful, very unfriendly, I would even say, anti-Russian,” – said Antonov. “Today, the us government broke the lock from the building where lived the Consul General of Russia in Seattle. They went in violation of all international conventions, and all agreements. In addition to the sadness and sorrow this gesture did not cause,” he said. Antonov believes that the issues raised in the media noise around the expelled Russian diplomats is intended to divert attention from the actions of US authorities against Russian diplomatic property in Seattle. “In order to distract the

In Moscow, delivered two rockets fired by coalition in Syria

In Moscow, delivered two rockets fired by coalition in Syria MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. To Moscow delivered two rockets fired by the coalition in Syria and not achieved objectives due to breakdowns, said the chief of the Main operations Directorate of the General staff of the RF armed forces, Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy. “Two of them, including cruise missiles “Tomahawk” aircraft and precision-guided rocket, taken to Moscow,” he told reporters at a briefing. The US, Britain and France on the night of April 14 have launched missile attacks on Syrian government facilities that, in their opinion, are used to produce chemical weapons. Syrian authorities have repeatedly stated that the entire chemical Arsenal was removed from the country under the control of the OPCW. HelpWhat is known about the military operations of US, UK and France in Siriopoulos to strike at Arab Republic was the incident on 7 April in

Not more than 22 rockets 105 declared by the coalition to achieve its goals in Syria

Not more than 22 rockets 105 declared by the coalition to achieve its goals in Syria MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. Of the 105 stated in the US, UK and France missiles that achieve their goals in Syria, recorded 22 hits, said head of the Main operations Directorate of the General staff of armed forces Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy. According to Rudskoy, USA, UK and France argued that none of the missiles fell into the designated target. At the same research center in Barzov allegedly struck 76 cruise missiles, and storage, “Chem Shiner” — 29 cruise missiles, in all there were 105 missiles. “The General staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation conducted a detailed analysis of the results of strikes. Collected fragments of rockets, the study of craters from explosions and the destruction of objects leads to the conclusion that the stated of the 105 hits in

Putin condemned the use of military force in circumvention of the UN security Council

Putin condemned the use of military force in circumvention of the UN security Council Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the use of military force a number of countries to bypass the UN Security Council. According to him, this practice creates political and social instability plays into the hands not only of transnational crime, and terrorism, contributing to the escalation of conflicts. This is stated in the welcome message of the President to the participants of the international meeting of high representatives supervising security issues. According to the Russian leader, the present meeting under the auspices of the security Council of Russia provides a good opportunity to discuss ways of counteracting different threats and challenges of global scale, to exchange experience and extend professional contacts, reports TASS. “Russia is ready to closely cooperate with foreign partners in this area — both in multilateral formats and bilateral basis,” — said in the

Putin and Sargsyan called for dialogue to resolve the political crisis in Armenia

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. To overcome the internal crisis in Armenia, all political forces in this country, it is important to exercise restraint and responsibility. This was pointed out Wednesday in a telephone conversation Russian President Vladimir Putin and the President of the Republic of Armenia Armen Sargsyan.

A Ukrainian court has ordered to initiate proceedings against Poroshenko

A Ukrainian court has ordered to initiate proceedings against Poroshenko KIEV, April 25 — RIA Novosti. The court ordered law enforcement authorities to initiate criminal proceedings against President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, said the lawyer, former Deputy Prosecutor General Renat Kuzmin. The court requires to investigate the case of forming a criminal organization to evade taxes. “The investigators have to find out, did this criminal organization the guarantor of the Constitution, or is made for him by his “beloved friends”, and he kind of did not know and did not know,” wrote Kuzmin in Facebook. According to him, this is the tenth case against Poroshenko. The lawyer says that earlier he claims the courts are already required to conduct a series of investigations. In particular, we are talking about “treason Poroshenko with funding from the Russian army he owned through Lipetsk factory Roshen”; illicit enrichment Poroshenko in the case of