Fox: Bolton warned about the impending update of the national security Council the White house

Fox: Bolton warned about the impending update of the national security Council the White house NEW YORK, April 26. /TASS/. New assistant to the President of the United States Donald trump on national security John Bolton warned of the inevitable reorganization and updating of the national security Council (NSC) of the White house. This was announced on Wednesday, the Fox News channel, citing sources in the administration trump. According to them, on Wednesday morning, Bolton distributed an internal circular informing staff of the NSS that the upcoming personnel changes in particular will involve a combination of duties, the heads of several departments in the hands of one official. It is not excluded that the most experienced employees of the SNB will have to leave their posts. This measure is in principle complicate the task of finding a decent replacement for them, said the source of the channel. Bolton is the

The state Department commented on the penetration of the Consulate General of Russia

The state Department commented on the penetration of the Consulate General of Russia WASHINGTON, April 25 — RIA Novosti. The official U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert explained the penetration of American employees in the building of the Russian Consul General in Seattle “retaliatory measures” the policy of the authorities of the Russian Federation. Earlier it was reported that the US authorities Wednesday closed to the profit of the residence of the Consul General of Russia in Seattle, opened the gate and entered the building. “Today officials of the state Department walked through the building (of the Consulate) in Seattle to confirm that it’s been released. We will provide and maintain it in accordance with our responsibilities. There is no “invasion”, just solid, legitimate response to the ongoing outrageous behavior of Russia”, — wrote Nauert on Twitter. However, she referred to the Vienna Convention on consular relations, in accordance with

Macron explained why it is impossible to withdraw from the agreement with Iran

Macron explained why it is impossible to withdraw from the agreement with Iran WASHINGTON, April 25 — RIA Novosti. The President of France Emmanuel macron on Wednesday, the last day of his state visit to the United States, delivered in Congress, where he explained the country’s position on a number of important international problems, including nuclear agreement with Iran. The performance was the result of diplomatic efforts of France to preserve the agreement, which has long threatened to withdraw the US President Donald trump. Judging by the violent and prolonged applause, Macron was able to convince the majority of Congress that the United States was wrong to abandon their obligations and withdraw from international agreements, with nothing in return. About the reaction of the trump in this speech is still unknown, but the results of the negotiations with Macron American leader did not comment on his idea of formulating a

Poroshenko boasted place of the Ukrainian army in the ranking of the armies of Europe

Poroshenko boasted place of the Ukrainian army in the ranking of the armies of Europe The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the country’s Armed forces (APU) took eighth place in the ranking of the armies of Europe. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “APU among the top ten strongest armies in Europe. According to Global Firepower, the Ukrainian army is the strongest on the European continent among the armed forces of States not members of NATO”, — he said. On 15 April, the President spoke about the victory of Ukrainian paratroopers in Poland and boasted the success of the army of the country. According to him, over the past four years, while Ukraine was engaged in the restoration of the army, the Armed forces of the country has become one of the most effective armies in Europe. The people of Ukraine have ridiculed this claim, suggesting that

Peskov called “statements from the evil one” the plans of London to uncover the identity of the oligarchs from Russia

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called “statements from the evil one” calls the British side to their regulators about the need for disclosure of information on beneficiaries of companies registered in the British territories, among which there are Russian businessmen.

The head of the Pentagon called Russia and China are strategic adversaries of the United States

The head of the Pentagon called Russia and China are strategic adversaries of the United States Moscow. April 25. INTERFAX.RU — head of the Ministry of defence of the USA James Mattis has again accused Russia and China of deliberately strategic confrontation between Washington and attempts to control the actions of other countries. In particular, Mattis said that Moscow violated the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-and smaller-range missiles (INF Treaty), and thereby undermined the confidence in its reliability as a partner. “China and Russia have decided to be strategic rivals (USA — Interfax). They strive to create a world appropriate to their authoritarian models,” — said in a written certificate of Mattis, the Committee on appropriations of the house of representatives of the Congress of the United States. “We strive to make sure that Russia returned to compliance with the Treaty, but the duration of violations of the INF

Russian foreign Ministry: the US “crossed the red line and went beyond the bounds of acceptable and reasonable”

Russian foreign Ministry: the US “crossed the red line and went beyond the bounds of acceptable and reasonable” On Wednesday evening representatives of U.S. law enforcement agencies infiltrated owned by Russian building in Seattle, which until Tuesday was the residence of the Consul General of the Russian Federation. We will remind, the Russian diplomats, the U.S. government was given until April 25 to vacate the premises of the residence of the Consul General in Seattle. Employees of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (a total of 23 people, including family members) have used this room as a temporary headquarters after the April 2, they had to leave directly to the office of the Consulate General. The residence of the moved files and equipment, but on Tuesday its territory started a convoy of 11 cars, which carried people and property in the city, where Russia has left its

The Pentagon chief urged to be more flexible in the sanctions policy against Russia

The Pentagon chief urged to be more flexible in the sanctions policy against Russia Moscow. April 25. INTERFAX.RU Pentagon chief James Mattis, speaking Wednesday in Congress were in favor of less strict sanctions policy against Russia. “I look forward to working with Congress to solve problems related to national security created by this act,” said Mattis in Congress, referring to the sanctions act, known as the law CAATSA (“ON countering the enemies of America by sanctions,” Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act — CAATSA). According to him, for the United States “it is important to have flexible authority for exceptions (of sanctions against Russia — Interfax)”. “Otherwise we will not be able to act in our own interests and lay a huge burden on our allies or partners”, — said the head of the Pentagon. New U.S. sanctions, adopted in the framework of the law on counteraction to Russia, directly

The foreign Ministers of Russia and Armenia discussed in Moscow the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and acting Minister of foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan discussed on Thursday the situation in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This was at the briefing said the Director of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.