For four days in five regions of Russia was suppressed the activity of 26 participants of the bandit groups

MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. FSB of Russia in the course of a series of operations in five regions of Russia stopped activity of 26 participants of bandit groups and terrorist organizations. This was reported in the Center of public relations (TSOs) FSB of Russia. “The Federal security service of the Russian Federation in the period from 21 to 24 April and conducted a number of successful events, resulting in suppressed in the territories of the republics of Dagestan and Tatarstan, Stavropol Krai, Omsk and Ulyanovsk regions, the illegal activities of 12 members of illegal armed groups and 14 members of terrorist organizations”, – reported in TSOs FSB. It noted that “the leadership of all neutralized in the period from 21 to 24 April cells banned terrorist organizations from Syria leaders, planning and preparing sabotage and terrorist actions, as well as the active promotion of the ideology of terrorism was carried

Egypt has imposed heavy fines for adhering to the travelers dealers

Egypt has imposed heavy fines for adhering to the travelers dealers Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU — a Fine of about $565 now threatens merchants and beggars, adhering to the travelers in Egypt, according to British newspaper Daily Mail. “Any Egyptian adhered to the tourists with a proposal to buy Souvenirs, to purchase services or begging, can now be fined. In the first place, talking about the area near the famous attractions of Egypt like the Egyptian Museum and the pyramids”, — stated in the message. According to the newspaper, the way the government is trying to make Egypt more attractive to tourists and to increase revenues from the tourism industry to maintain historical and archaeological sites in the country are in good condition. The flow of foreign tourists to Egypt dropped significantly after the 2011 revolution. In 2010 Egypt was visited by 15 million travelers in 2015 and 6.3 million

The UN has said about the plans of ISIS to provoke the flow of refugees from Africa to Europe

The UN has said about the plans of ISIS to provoke the flow of refugees from Africa to Europe Thus fled from Syria militants want to enter the EU and it will become even more of a problem than migration from Syria. Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU — Escaped from Syria, the leaders of factions of the “Islamic state” (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) are entering into an agreement with the African terrorists to provoke a new wave of migration from Africa to Europe and to be among the migrants, said on Thursday the Guardian the head of the world food programme, the UN David Beazley. In order to affect migrants, terrorists are using the food crisis in Africa South of the Sahara, according to a UN official. According to him, the shortage of food is used as a tool for recruitment and as an incentive for moving millions of

Communications Ministry: Russia does not intend to create a firewall for example Chinese

Communications Ministry: Russia does not intend to create a firewall for example Chinese Deputy Minister of communications and mass communications of Russia Alexey Volin has denied reports about the government’s intention to create a Russian firewall (network filter) to block the access of the inhabitants of the country part of the Internet resources for example existing in China. “This is an empty concern. Despite the fact that we are friends with China and exchanged information about the development of the media market, Volin stated to Agency “RIA Novosti”.— We always proceeded from the fact that Russia is Russia, China is China. We will never go the Chinese way in relation to the Internet. We have our own Russian way, and there is no question about creating the Russian firewall not coming today”. Alexey Volin also said that the creation of such a firewall requires significant financial investments. We must remember

Serzh Sargsyan resigned as head of ruling party

Serzh Sargsyan resigned as head of ruling party Former President and Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan stated that he leaves the post of head of the ruling Republican party, TASS reported the morning of April 26. The new party Chairman is not chosen. Prior to that, former Prime Minister and President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on April 23, resigned after 11 days of protests in the country. The demonstrators were opposed to Sargsyan occupied the post of Prime Minister who has more powers than the President. Despite the resignation, he remained at the head of the ruling Republican party. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The acting Prime Minister has appointed Karen Karapetyan, prompting a new wave of discontent of the opposition. The opposition leader Nikol Pashinian urged his supporters to again block the streets and continue the protest. The ruling coalition of the country collapsed on April 25, when the nationalists of the

The US marine corps has recognized its vulnerability to Russia

The US marine corps has recognized its vulnerability to Russia Power forward deployment of the U.S. Marines, which were considered during the previous decades, were safe now find themselves in a vulnerable position. MOSCOW, 26 APR — RIA Novosti. This was stated at the hearings in the Senate, the commander of the marine corps General Robert Neller. “The development of precision weapons long range our main rivals — China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and extremist organizations — have made vulnerable a power forward deployment of the US”, — said in his speech. The General noted that most of the foreign bases, the Marines are not sufficiently protected against shocks that undermine their ability to prepare and conduct combat operations. “We need more strengthening of these bases, including hangars and command posts. We need to expand opportunities for the rapid repair of aircraft and to improve air defense,” — said the

Times: Britain can reveal the names to store the assets on its territory of Russian oligarchs

Times: Britain can reveal the names to store the assets on its territory of Russian oligarchs According to the newspaper, such tax havens as the British virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands did not disclose to the public the identity of the beneficiaries of the assets held under their jurisdiction. TASS, April 26. Members of the British Parliament meets next week to vote for the adoption of laws in accordance with which will be disclosed, including the identity of the Russian oligarchs, and keeping capital in the British territories. On Wednesday the newspaper reported The Times. According to her, to date such tax havens as the British virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands, unlike the UK, did not disclose to the public the identity of the beneficiaries of the assets held under their jurisdiction. Supporters of the new legislation argue that the secrecy makes it possible money laundering, which in

VTSIOM: half of Russians support the policy of Russia in Syria

VTSIOM: half of Russians support the policy of Russia in Syria 39% of Russian citizens support the country’s policy in Syria, quotes the data of the opinion poll, “RIA Novosti”. According to him, the situation in this country are interested in 88% of the respondents, of whom 39% are trying to obtain information on a regular basis. “Significantly increased the number of those who believe that the situation in Syria has worsened markedly: whereas in February of this year so was thinking of only 17% in April, 43%, — stated in the materials of the survey.— Estimates that a quarter of Russians (26%), the situation is normal, 19% believe that it becomes neither better nor worse.” In this case Moscow’s policy in the conflict, according to Polls, support the 39% of respondents. Compared to the last survey conducted in February, the number of people who chose this answer increased by

The Pentagon: “opponents of the” Downing of American aircraft in Syria

The Pentagon: “opponents of the” Downing of American aircraft in Syria WASHINGTON, April 26 — RIA Novosti. The head of command for special operations of the U.S. armed forces, Tony Thomas stated, “opponents of the” Downing of American aircraft in Syria, told the Fox News channel. “Opponents to the test every day, suppress our communications incapacitate our AC-130,” said Thomas at the conference on exploration in the American Tampa. AC-130 — aircraft support of ground troops. Thomas called the situation with electronic warfare in Syria, “the most aggressive in the world.” However, he did not say what “enemies” has in mind, but informed the American media, citing military sources reported that the United States accused Russia that she “kills” the us drones in Syria. In Syria there are up to 2 thousand American soldiers.