CNN: Russian su-27 “unprofessionally” close to US aircraft in the Baltic sea

CNN: Russian su-27 “unprofessionally” close to US aircraft in the Baltic sea A Russian su-27 performed a rapprochement with anti-submarine Boeing P-8 Poseidon of the U.S. Navy in the airspace over the Baltic sea, informs television channel CNN, citing two sources. According to the channel, while the convergence distance between the aircraft was 20 feet (about six meters). At close range, the aircraft were about nine minutes. The source estimated this convergence as “unprofessional”, but noted that it was safe. He also stressed that the convergence of military equipment from different countries in neutral territories are routine events. Earlier media reported that the US Marines want to use Russian helicopters on maneuvers.

Former doctor trump said that he wrote information about his / her health dictated

Former doctor trump said that he wrote information about his / her health dictated The President of the United States Donald trump in the election campaign of 2016, he dictated an account of the “shape” of their health. In an interview with CNN, said his former doctor Harold Bornstein. “He dictated this letter, this letter I wrote. I came up with along the way,” said Mr. Bornstein. We are talking about the help which the then candidate for us President Donald trump announced in September 2016. It said that Mr trump has “exceptional” health will be “the healthiest man ever elected President of the United States”. Mr. Bornstein argues that all the documents about health trump was subsequently “stolen” from his office. Press Secretary of the President of the United States Sarah Sanders says the White house received the documents in the prescribed manner.

CNN: Kim Jong-UN has agreed to meet with trump on the border of North Korea and South Korea

CNN: Kim Jong-UN has agreed to meet with trump on the border of North Korea and South Korea DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN has agreed to meet with US President Donald trump at the border crossing Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea. About it reports CNN with reference to the source. According to TV channel, to hold a meeting in this place, Kim Jong-UN has convinced the President of South Korea, moon Jae-In. At the end of April at Panmunjom talks of the leaders of the two Koreas, so there were all the necessary media equipment. 30 April, Donald trump announced that he is considering to meet with Kim Jong-UN on the border between North Korea and South Korea. Previously as the location for the summit was considered Stockholm, Singapore and Mongolia. See also: the Denuclearization and peace on the Peninsula: as agreed Korean leaders

“Offshore” Russian oligarchs stripped of anonymity

“Offshore” Russian oligarchs stripped of anonymity Members of the British Parliament voted for a law requiring to disclose the names keep money offshore in the British virgin and Cayman Islands. About it reports Reuters. Information on account holders was required to disclose before the end of 2020. The amendment does not apply to the Isle of man and channel Islands, as the British Parliament has no right to impose their will. Still a British overseas territory was exempted from the provisions of the country, the requirements to disclose the identities of the owners of the assets held under their jurisdiction. April 26, The Times reported that British authorities are planning to name the Russian oligarchs who keep money offshore. According to a member of the Conservative party, Andrew Mitchell, the purpose of the act is to ensure that “under the British flag in any part of the world do not

Russia called for a UN mechanism to counter fake news

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS The UN, 2 may. /TASS/. Independent efforts of States to combat fake news are unlikely to be effective, and there is a “real danger” that they will lead to the suppression of dissent and the sweep the information space of the unwanted media. This was stated on Tuesday the head of Department of international information problems of the Department of information and press of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maxim Buyakevich. Speaking at the 40th session of the UN Committee on information, he announced Russia’s proposal to establish a mechanism of combating fakes.

Deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation: the abolition of the veto would deprive architecture of the UN sustainability

Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer The UN, 2 may. /TASS/. The right of veto in the UN Security Council endowed Russia, UK, China, USA and France, is the cornerstone of the architecture of the organization, without which it will lose stability. This was stated on Tuesday by Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov at the next meeting of the General Assembly on the question of reform of the security Council.

In Kiev called three ways to resolve the conflict in the Donbass

In Kiev called three ways to resolve the conflict in the Donbass Kiev is considering three possible ways of resolving the conflict in the South-East of the country. MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. This Ukrainian Deputy Minister for the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons Yury Grymchak reported in the air hromadske radio. The Deputy Minister believes that the Ukrainian army is able to liberate certain regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions within two weeks, but believes the military option is the least likely. The other two plan Grymchak calls “Croatian”. “In Croatia was Serbian Krajina and Eastern Slavonia. Serbian Krajina was liberated by military means, by the operation of the Croatian army, but the Serbian army remained in the barracks and went to meet the Croatian army. Milosevic at that time was set in such conditions that he gave the assurance that his army will not intervene

Riga, protesters spoke out against transfer of Russian schools into Latvian

Riga, protesters spoke out against transfer of Russian schools into Latvian Several thousand people came out Tuesday to the main street of Riga — Brivibas — to combine may day demonstration to protest against transfer of Russian schools into the Latvian language of instruction, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. RIGA, may 1 — RIA Novosti. The event began at the Dailes theatre. The procession passed through the street Brivibas, past the Nativity Cathedral and ended at the Esplanade. According to the organizers of the protest, the event was attended by from seven to ten thousand people. People carried posters with inscriptions “Russian school = the world in Latvia”, “Latvia is my country, Russian is my language” and shouted the slogan “Hands off Russian schools!”. In the procession also participated the Deputy of the European Parliament Miroslav Mitrofanov and the leader of the party “Russian Union of Latvia” Tatyana Zhdanok. Zhdanok

Pashinyan announced a campaign of total civil disobedience in Armenia

Pashinyan announced a campaign of total civil disobedience in Armenia He called in the morning on Wednesday to block the airport and the railroad, to start a General strike. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Moscow. May 1. INTERFAX.RU the Leader of the protest movement, the leader of the opposition parliamentary faction “EFC” Nikol Pashinyan urged his supporters in the morning on Wednesday to go on strike and block all roads. “Tomorrow from 08:15 blocked all highways, declared a total strike, blocked the airport, railway. Our movement can not be won. Tomorrow begins the all-out action of civil disobedience,” said Pashinyan at a mass meeting in Yerevan. According to him, the ruling Armenian Republican party had hoped that after their decision to vote against the candidacy of the Prime Minister will begin the collision. They wanted to provoke us. But no. It is a peaceful movement. Declare that negotiations with them can be carried out

Died Creator of the Playboy logo

Died Creator of the Playboy logo MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. In Chicago dead Art Paul, the author of one of the most recognizable logos in the history of the Playboy rabbit. This reports the Chicago Tribune. Cause of death was pneumonia. The man died at the age of 93 years. Art Paul was the first person the founder of the magazine Hugh Hefner in Playboy. He was also the designer of the first issue of the magazine, the cover of which was decorated with Marilyn Monroe. “Art should pay tribute for what he has done for the emancipation of illustrators. He helped form the understanding that the art of advertising is able to be considered as relevant and recognised as high art”, — said the daughter of Playboy founder, Christie Hefner. The Playboy magazine is one of the most famous brands in the world. The first issue was