Putin’s inauguration will be held on Monday at the Grand Kremlin Palace

Putin’s inauguration will be held on Monday at the Grand Kremlin Palace This time the head of state will not go on the streets of Moscow live and will not play hockey after the ceremony. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Moscow. May 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Solemn inauguration ceremony of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia will be held Monday at noon in the Grand Kremlin Palace (BKD). After the head of state will have the right to hold the post for another six years — until may 7, 2024. A little less symbolism in the script Putin’s inauguration ceremony had long been familiar, as it had already been three times elected to the presidency in 2000, 2004 and 2012. It is expected that this year’s ceremony will not repeat the script six years ago, when travel has won elections of the head of state through the deserted streets of Central Moscow was broadcast

How was the inauguration of the President of Russia. Dossier

How was the inauguration of the President of Russia. Dossier May 7 in the Kremlin ceremony of inauguration of the elected President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. TASS-FILE. 7 may 2018 in the Moscow Kremlin there will pass solemn ceremony of inauguration (the inauguration) is elected President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. In the modern history of Russia the ceremony will be held for the seventh time. Previously, it was held in 1991, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. In 1991-2003 the inauguration of the Russian President was held on the 30th day from the day of official announcement of the presidential elections. Since 2003 the law establishes a rule according to which the President-elect took office on the date of termination of the four-year (2012 — six) of the term of office of the incumbent. Editorial from the guardian, the DOSSIER has provided a background about how

Erdogan said the Turkish operation in Syria

Erdogan said the Turkish operation in Syria Turkey will remain in the Syrian Afrin as long as there will not be safe. This was stated by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reports the Hürriyet Daily News. He added that next Idlib, Manbij and tel-Rifat. According to the President of Turkey, “operation Olive branch” started rather late. “We had to start early. If we did, it [the Turkish province of] Kilis were not subjected to attacks so many times, he explained. Turkey spends in ‘ Afrīn the operation “Olive branch” against the forces of the Kurds since January 20. Troops help the insurgents “free Syrian army” — one of the largest associations of armed groups in Syria, who are fighting with the government. Ankara considers terrorists representatives of the Kurdish party Democratic Union and its armed people’s protection Units (YPG).

Johnson is sure that the refusal to deal with Iran on the nuclear issue would be a mistake

Johnson is sure that the refusal to deal with Iran on the nuclear issue would be a mistake NEW YORK, may 7. /TASS/. Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson believes that encased in 2015 a deal with Iran on the nuclear issue is the best opportunity to prevent the emergence of Tehran’s nuclear weapons, and concern about Washington can be eliminated. This is stated in the article Minister published Sunday in the newspaper the New York Times in anticipation of beginning his visit to the United States. Speaking about the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD), Johnson said: “Of all the possibilities we have to ensure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons, this Treaty has the fewest shortcomings.” “Of course, he has his weaknesses, but I’m sure you can correct them. In fact, now over, to see this happen, the UK is working with the administration [of US

FBI: in the U.S. when shooting in public places for two years killed 221 persons

FBI: in the U.S. when shooting in public places for two years killed 221 persons WASHINGTON, may 7. /TASS/. Two hundred twenty-one people died in the US in 2016-2017 as a result of shooting in public places. This was announced in a statement on Sunday the report of the main detective Department of the country, the FBI. It States that in 50 cases of deliberate use of firearms in 21 States another 722 people were injured. The death toll, the FBI did not include the shooters themselves. Also, do not include all the shooting incidents, the participants of which were members of gangs or drug dealers, as well as associated with careless handling of weapons. To the largest number of victims — 58 killed and 489 wounded — led to the shooting, which staged on 1 October 2017 in Las Vegas, a 64-year-old Steven Paddock. He opened fire with machine

Putin praised the implementation of the may decrees

Putin praised the implementation of the may decrees Moscow. May 7. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin meeting with government members stated that key areas of the government were associated with the implementation of the may decrees, and tangible results of this work are reported on the Kremlin website. “The key directions of the Government were associated with the implementation of “may decrees” of 2012. Yes, there were difficulties, problems, not all indicators have been achieved with accuracy up to a point. As always, when you undertake large-scale, long-term project. The situation is constantly changing, there were new, often very objective factors. But again, tangible results, the dynamics, there is change. Strategic development vector is correct,” — said Vladimir Putin. Referring to the work of the government, the head of state also noted that new opportunities for the people — “this includes additional demographic development, the implemented resettlement

Putin outlined the key task of the government in the coming years

Putin outlined the key task of the government in the coming years Vladimir Putin on the eve of the inauguration of the President held a meeting with Cabinet members and outlined the main goal for the coming years. The Russian leader stressed that a key challenge will be to increase real incomes of Russians. “Overall, our key task in the coming years — steady increase of real incomes of citizens. And now for this there is a good base”, — the statement says Putin, published on the Kremlin website. The President noted that the overall stability of the economy grew, we managed to overcome the sharp drop in oil prices, to cope with the attempts of sanctions pressure and changes in the global environment. “The government’s actions helped to overcome the recession, to ensure the restoration and revival in many sectors of the economy. The economy goes on a growth

Putin: not all items may decrees were implemented, but development vector is correct

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin admitted that the government did not fulfill all items of the may decrees 2012, but believes that the results are there. “The key directions of the government were associated with the implementation of the may decrees of 2012. Yes, there were difficulties, problems, not all indicators were able to achieve accuracy up to a point,” said the head of state at a meeting with members of the Cabinet late Sunday night, footage of which was shown by TV channel “Russia 24”. In his opinion, “it always happens when we undertake large-scale, long-term project”. “The situation is constantly changing, there were new, often very objective factors,” – said Putin. In his view, “tangible results, the dynamics, there is change, strategic development vector is correct”.

Putin for the fourth time to host the inauguration ceremony as President of Russia

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. Vladimir Putin Monday takes office as President of Russia. He’s the fourth time will be held the inauguration ceremony and will be the head of state for the next six years. At the March presidential elections, Putin became the fourth, he showed a record result: he voted 76.7 percent of the voters or 56,43 million people. In 2000 he was voted 52,94% of Russians who participated in the elections, or 39,74 million people; in 2004, respectively, of 71.31% 49,563 million voters. The election in 2012, Putin supported 45,602 million Russians (63.6 per cent). Depending on the actual scenario The inauguration of the President – the ceremonial procedure of inauguration of the President. The word “inauguration” comes from the Latin “inaugure” – “dedicate”. The ceremony, which will be held in modern Russia for the seventh time, familiar to Putin: three times he was a

The government will resign

© Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. The Russian government, according to article 116 of the Constitution, on Monday to resign in connection with the expiration of the six-year mandate of the President. Remained in the status of “acting”, the members of the Cabinet will wait for the formation of the new composition of the main Executive body of the country. After the ceremony of inauguration of the President, which will take place at noon Moscow time, Putin will have to decide on the candidacy of the Prime Minister and to direct corresponding representation to the state Duma. After approval by the lower house of Parliament, the Prime Minister of his candidacy within a week will present to the President proposals on the structure of the Cabinet, and the personalities of his deputies and Federal Ministers. With their approval, will start work the new government of the Russian Federation. Late