The defence Ministry found “handwriting SBU” in the Bellingcat report on the MH17 disaster

The defence Ministry found “handwriting SBU” in the Bellingcat report on the MH17 disaster The Russian defense Ministry said that the report of the study group Bellingcat about the crash of Boeing MH17 is based on information fabricated by the security Service of Ukraine. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The press service of the Ministry said that “speculation” in the report is based on the “old fake” simulated intercept of a conversation unidentified persons published by SBU in 2014 and mentioned in the document the officers had long retired from military service. “For such “evidence” even a layman can easily recognize operational handwriting and poor intellect representatives of the security Service of Ukraine”, — stated in the defense Ministry. Today, the research group Bellingcat in the framework of a joint investigation with The Insider said that supplies from Russia in the Donbass anti-aircraft missile complex “Buk”, which was shot down MH17, participated GRU officer

Four hours before world war II. The New York Times told about the details of the battle for Deir-ez-Zor

Four hours before world war II. The New York Times told about the details of the battle for Deir-ez-Zor The New York Times presented the first detailed description of events in the city of Deir-ez-Zor, which happened in February this year. Then the attack on the American oil refinery were killed about 300 Syrian soldiers, and those in the United States called “Russian mercenaries.” The operation itself, according to the US, lasted at least four hours, but experts called it the most dangerous confrontation for the time of the civil war in Syria, because “it was on a direct collision of the us military with Russian”. According to the us military, who were interviewed by the NYT, a serious collision of the parties portended nothing. A group of US troops from the detachment of special purpose “Delta” of 30 people provided military support to Kurdish rebels and their Syrian allies

Putin is not planning to seek reelection after two terms

Putin is not planning to seek reelection after two terms St. PETERSBURG, may 25 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that strictly adheres to the provisions of the Constitution and will not seek a third presidential term. At the meeting with heads and editors-in-chief of the international news agencies one of the participants asking the question, recalled the words of Putin that he will be able to leave the post of President at the end of his term. “I have always strictly adhered to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution clearly spelled out: no more than two consecutive terms. And now I have a second term. And, as you remember, I was twice before the President, and then resigned as President, because the Constitution did not allow elected for the third time, that’s all. And I intend to adhere to this rule in the future,” Putin

“Let him choke!”. What billionaires say about sanctions

“Let him choke!”. What billionaires say about sanctions You just need to understand that the sanctions imposed forever, and forget about them, said Gennady Timchenko. Other participants of the Forbes list, is even more categorical in his judgments. Sanctions against businesses was a theme at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). Forbes gathered the opinions of billionaires, about how one should respond to them. At noon in front of the entrance at the Russian-French session of the SPIEF-2018 gathered a crowd. While hall was examined by the security service, in front of the doors, languished the oligarchs on the Forbes list. Sandwiched ordinary participants of the forum from foot to foot shifting, Leonid Mikhelson, Gennady Timchenko, Andrei Guriev and Andrei Bokarev. At a little distance surrounded by the retinue of missed Viktor Vekselberg. Half an hour later the doors opened and the crowd flowed into the room, filling it

The era of freedom. Putin has promised to increase the income of Russians

The era of freedom. Putin has promised to increase the income of Russians In Russia the head of state promises to expand the “space of freedom” and to liberalize legislation. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been traditionally made on Friday, may 25, during the plenary session at the St. Petersburg international economic forum. Along with it participation the meeting was attended by the President of France Emmanuel macron, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, Deputy Chairman of the PRC Wang Qishan and the managing Director of the IMF Christine Lagarde. The moderator of the plenary session was the chief editor of Bloomberg John Micklethwait, who immediately remembered that the leaders of the three countries that rose to the podium, represent a third of global GDP, and given the head of the IMF — and 100%. Russian President Vladimir Putin in his speech once said that Russia is acting and will

Putin answered in the negative the question of whether the Russian missile brought down MH17

Putin answered in the negative the question of whether the Russian missile brought down MH17 SAINT PETERSBURG, may 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the plane, carrying out flight MH17 and crashed over Ukraine, could not be shot down by a Russian missile. “No, of course not,” — said the Russian head of state on the question whether the downed airliner by a Russian missile. The question was asked during the discussion at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg international economic forum. “I repeat, there are several versions, including a version of the missile of the Ukrainian army, aircraft and so on. But, I repeat, there is nothing that would make us confidence in the final conclusions [of the investigation of causes of the tragedy], and will not be such without our full participation in the investigation,” — said the Russian leader. Putin reminded that Russia is

Makron at the St. Petersburg forum demonstrated knowledge of Tolstoy and judo

Makron at the St. Petersburg forum demonstrated knowledge of Tolstoy and judo Russia and France should work hand in hand to build an atmosphere of mutual trust, said the French President Emmanuel macron, speaking at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg economic forum. “Trust begins to get lost today, this is due to the geopolitical situation, and military, and even economic,” he said. The French President urged to remember about the historical past, and cited the example of the heroes of the novel of Leo Tolstoy’s “War and peace”. “Trust is different. Confidence is the ability to believe in themselves, to believe different,” he said. “You know, as stated in “War and peace” Tolstoy. That’s what happened with Bezukhov and Karataev”, he continued. Pierre Bezukhov, upon seeing the optimism, the cheerfulness, the simplicity of the soldier Platon Karataev, believed in himself, said macron: “Bezuhov, a man who was utterly

Volodin: if complaints Slutsky confirmed, the conversation will be “other”

Volodin: if complaints Slutsky confirmed, the conversation will be “other” St. PETERSBURG, may 25 — RIA Novosti. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has promised that in case of providing evidence of allegations of harassment of the Deputy Leonid Slutsky journalists to talk to him “in another way”. “Photos never seen, the audio was not presented, only the interpretation of it. Charges are based only on the statements. Confirmation of applications if will be, then we have to talk in a different way. While the state Duma Commission has not found grounds to convict him due to lack of evidence”, — said Volodin reporters on the sidelines of SPIEF. The head of the Duma international Committee Slutsky has previously accused of molesting producer of the TV company “Dozhd” Darya Zhuk and correspondent of Russian service bi-Bi-si Farid Rustamov. The girls made complaints to the Duma Commission on parliamentary ethics.

Putin noted the contribution of NGOs “Russia — country of opportunities” and of the ASI

Putin noted the contribution of NGOs “Russia — country of opportunities” and of the ASI St. PETERSBURG, may 25 — RIA Novosti. NGO “Russia — country of opportunities” together with the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI) will support talented Russian youth and established professionals, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We launched a whole range of projects to support and promote talented, motivated young people: pupils, students and established professionals as well as for the development of the mentorship movement. To put all this work on a systematic basis, is created Autonomous non-commercial organization “Russia — country of opportunities”. The corresponding decree is already signed. And along with the already established entities such as the ASI, we will coordinate this work between the two organizations, we will solve those tasks that I just said”, — Putin said at the plenary session of SPIEF. Helpto Catch up and overtake. How to solve

Trump: the US is still discussing with North Korea the possibility of meeting

Trump: the US is still discussing with North Korea the possibility of meeting WASHINGTON, may 25. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump on Friday told reporters that his administration is in contact with the DPRK on the issue of holding a summit, he’s still willing to meet with leader Kim Jong-UN on 12 June. “Let’s see what will happen next. We’re talking with them. They really want that to happen, we would also like to do it,” he said before heading to Annapolis (Maryland). Quotes of trump the press pool of American leader. “It could even be the 12th [June] . We want to do it,” — said the American leader. Reporters asked him if Pyongyang game. “All play games. You know that better than anyone,” — said the head of state. In addition, the American leader on his Twitter page accused his political opponents of the Democratic party that