The leaders of the DPRK and South Korea held the second meeting of

The leaders of the DPRK and South Korea held the second meeting of TOKYO, may 26 — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The President of South Korea, moon Jae-In and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN held a Saturday meeting at the negotiation point Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone, he said on his official page in Facebook, the administration of South Korean President. This is already the second meeting between the two leaders. The first was held in April of this year. The summit was held on Saturday from 15.00 to 17.00 (from 9.00 to 11.00 GMT). “The two leaders took a candid exchange of views in order to implement the Declaration on 27 April and successfully hold a summit of North Korea and the USA”, — said the press-Secretary of the South Korean President Yoon Yong Chan. He said that under a bilateral agreement, President moon Jae-In will announce

Putin will hold a “Straight line”, June 7

© Alexander Ryumin/TASS MOSCOW, may 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a “Straight line”, June 7, reported the press service of the Kremlin. For Putin, this will be the first “Straight line” in a new six-year term on the main state office and the 16th since 2001. Putin 11 times answered questions of inhabitants of the country as President and four as Prime Minister.

In China in April has punished nearly six thousand officials for wasteful

In China in April has punished nearly six thousand officials for wasteful BEIJING, may 26 — RIA Novosti. About six thousand Chinese officials were subjected to administrative penalties in April this year for waste and unauthorized use of budget funds, the statement of the Central Committee of CPC for discipline inspection. In early December 2012, the Chinese government approved the “eight rules” of behavior for officials to eliminate bureaucracy, waste and unwanted behavior on the job. It is reported that in April this year, the Commission has considered the 3922 cases in the framework of inspections on the implementation of the relevant rules in them appeared 5759 officials who subsequently were subjected to administrative penalties in accordance with the scale and offenses. The largest number of violations concerned unauthorized subsidies, receipt of gifts and funds, misuse of official vehicles, improper use of budget funds for banquets. It is noted that

The descendants of Emperor Nicholas II will pass through the Crimean bridge

The descendants of Emperor Nicholas II will pass through the Crimean bridge SIMFEROPOL, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Russian Imperial house of Romanov Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna will visit Crimea in the framework of the visit includes travel to the Crimean bridge, told RIA Novosti adviser of the office of the head of the Romanov dynasty in the Crimean region Vladislav Pilkevich. 36фотографий36фотографий36фотографий The visit will last from 28 may to 3 June. Accompanied by the Duchess of Tsesarevich Georgii Mikhailovich Romanov. The visit is dedicated to the 235th anniversary of the entry of the Crimean Peninsula into the Russian Empire, the signing of the decree of Empress Catherine II on the basis of the black sea fleet and the 235th anniversary of the laying of the Sevastopol. “The visit of the Majesties is provided passage on the Crimean bridge, to remind the world community about

National Interest told about the worst nightmare for NATO

National Interest told about the worst nightmare for NATO MOSCOW, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The worst nightmare of NATO — is “heavily armed Kaliningrad,” writes the National Interest. As notes the edition, the Russian missiles and the Navy located in the region, significantly reduce the zone of American and European troops. And the biggest threat comes from missile complexes “Iskander-M”, which will be able to apply accurate strikes on naval facilities in Poland and the Baltic States. The magazine adds that NATO currently does not have sufficient capabilities to resist Russian troops. In addition to land-based missiles, Russia is able to use videoconferencing with cruise missiles Kh-55 and Kh-101, the number of which is no reliable information, however, emphasizes the publication, this weapon can hit any target in Poland.

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation: Moscow will not accept unsubstantiated allegations of involvement in the crash of MH17

At the crash site of a passenger “Boeing-777” in Donetsk region © Archive TASS/Mikhail Sokolov SYDNEY, may 27. /TASS/. Russia is ready to continue to assist the investigation of the crash Malaysian Boeing in Ukraine in July 2014, but not going “meekly to accept unsubstantiated accusations”. This statement was made on Sunday, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Australia, Grigory Logvinov, commenting on the decision of the Australian government, together with the Dutch government to put forward against the Russian official allegations of involvement in the crash of the aircraft and bring Moscow to the international responsibility.

The government has proposed to increase the cost of PFR is almost 100 billion rubles

The government has proposed to increase the cost of PFR is almost 100 billion rubles MOSCOW, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The government submitted to the state Duma a bill that would increase the costs of the Pension Fund for more than 92 billion rubles. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the Cabinet. As explained on the government website, the document provides for the adjustment of the main parameters of the budget of the Fund for the year 2018 based on the outcomes of socio-economic development in 2017 and the state budget of the FIU. “Thanks to the availability of Fund balances, formed on the results of the execution of the budget of the Fund for the year 2017, the volume of interbudgetary transfers given from the Federal budget to the budget of the Fund in 2018 will be reduced. The total expenditure of the Fund increased

At USC called the timing of the appearance of Russian nuclear submarines of the sixth generation

At USC called the timing of the appearance of Russian nuclear submarines of the sixth generation St. PETERSBURG, may 26 — RIA Novosti. Nuclear submarines of the sixth generation can appear in Russia in 20 years, said RIA Novosti President of the United shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexey Rakhmanov at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). “This is probably a conversation for 20 years,” said Rakhmanov, responding to a question. He also noted that while it is difficult to say what will represent the sixth generation submarines, as, according to him, “we will be very careful to move with the development in this direction”, as the fifth generation of submarines are so silent that it will merge with the noise of the oceans, “and then will not really understand what a submarine sixth generation”. Earlier Rakhmanov said that completed the conceptual design and determine the shape of the fifth generation

The Embassy appealed to the British authorities to halt the detention of the Russians

The Embassy appealed to the British authorities to halt the detention of the Russians The Russian Embassy in London demanded that the British side “to exclude the practice of unwarranted detentions and bias” by the British border guards and police to the Russian citizens. Diplomats appealed to the British authorities after the frequent appeals of the Russians. The diplomatic mission stressed that such behavior “can indicate the presence of a discriminatory component in the attitude of Russians in UK airports”. “We urge citizens, faced with similar problems on arrival or departure before or after passport control, report it”, — stated in the message on the Embassy website. The relationship of great Britain and Russia deteriorated after the incident in Alberi, where at the beginning of March was poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The UK authorities believe that Russia is involved: because of the incident London sent

In Ukraine announced the possibility of rising prices for gas for the population by 70%

In Ukraine announced the possibility of rising prices for gas for the population by 70% For the population of Ukraine gas prices could rise to 65-70%. The Chairman of the Ukrainian National Commission of regulation of energy and utilities Dmitry Vovk. According to him, the tariffs for gas should have been reviewed before. At the moment, reviewing them will lead to a price increase by 65-70% for residents of the country, reports RT. On 21 April the acting Secretary of state John Sullivan urged Kiev to raise tariffs for gas in the country, as well as to create anti-corruption court. According to the head a press-services of the Department of state Heather Nauert, thus, Ukraine needs to increase efforts to reform and implementation of the programs of the International monetary Fund (IMF). On 22 April, the scientist and economist Alexander Dudchak doubt that Kiev will listen to the US state