In Moscow the elections of the mayor are planning to arrange a concert for voters voting for the first time

© Maxim Grigoriev/TASS MOSCOW, August 2. /TASS/. The Moscow city election Commission is considering holding a concert for people who for the first time will vote in the upcoming elections of the mayor of Moscow. On Thursday said a member of Mothersurname Dmitry Reut at the meeting, members of the youth organizations of Moscow on the preparations for the upcoming elections. “Already had a positive experience when in the last election were organized events, concerts with artists for voters voting for the first time. The good thing is that many artists who are interesting now the young people who responded to the request to participate in the concert, which took place after the election. I think we are the same work will be carried out in these elections. We must, I think, embody this idea,” he said.

Black dawn

Black dawn The most terrible war of the present is still ongoing. Everything about her was forgotten. The great African war — the so-called almost unknown in the global environment of military conflict. Meanwhile, he became the most bloody since the Second world war. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the area comparable to the territory of Western Europe, merged ethnic strife, lust for power and the desire to capture natural resources. In this war that began on 2 August 1998, were involved nine countries and more than 20 groups fighting on 50 fronts. Surprisingly, the objective reasons to start a massacre that claimed the lives of 5 million people, was not. Most of the dead were victims of starvation and epidemics caused by unsanitary conditions everywhere prevailing in the country, covered with impenetrable forests, where there are practically no paved roads and telephones. The civilized world has hardly

The defense Ministry published secret documents about the creation of airborne

The defense Ministry published secret documents about the creation of airborne MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Ministry of defense to the Day of the airborne troops has published a unique historical documents about the creation and formation of this kind of troops. “For the first time published declassified documents from the collections of the Central archive of the Ministry of defense of Russia, devoted to the birth of the airborne troops, the first pages of the military annals of the airborne infantry, their legendary commander Vasily Margelov Philippovich, history of the forces — the blue beret and patches airborne”, — noted in the Department of information and mass communications Department. Free appeared declassified documents the initial period of the great Patriotic war, which tell of the fighting units and formations of the airborne troops from the German-fascist troops. In addition, the section visitors will be able to see the

Donald trump noted the kindness of Kim Jong-UN

Donald trump noted the kindness of Kim Jong-UN The US President thanked the leader of the DPRK for the reserved word and referred to the new meeting. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The President of the United States Donald trump wrote in his Twitter that thanked the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-UN for the implementation of one of the agreements of the summit in Singapore. It meant the beginning of a return in the United States of the remains of American soldiers killed in the Korean war. In addition, Mr. trump spoke about a “wonderful letter”, which he sent by Kim Jong UN, and added: “I hope that we will meet again”. What kind of letter you mean, the American President, however, said nothing. “Thank you, Chairman Kim Jong-UN, that he kept his word and began the process of sending our great and beloved (. “B”) that was missing. I’m not surprised that you

As the scandal with the security guard dropped the rating of Emmanuel Macron

As the scandal with the security guard dropped the rating of Emmanuel Macron Support of the President of France Emmanuel Makron has reached a record low. The reason is not only unpopular among the masses of economic and social reforms, but the recent incident with the security guard of the President Alexander Benally, who is credited with exceeding official powers, illegal carrying of weapons and even an affair with the French President. All this jeopardizes the constitutional reform planned by Macron. The French national Assembly twice rejected the censure motion against the government. To achieve the resignation of the government tried faction of the Republicans and the combined forces of Communists, socialists and the party of “Rebellious France.” For adoption vote needed to 289 of the 577 deputies. However, the project “Republicans” supported only 143 deputies. The second vote was put to the vote rendered by the leftist forces of

Armenia breaks away from the collective

Armenia breaks away from the collective Moscow is annoyed by the actions of the new authorities in Yerevan. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The persecution of the current government of Armenia of its former leaders have made a rift in relations between Moscow and Yerevan, and can embroil the parties even more. According to sources “Kommersant” in the government of the Russian Federation, the special irritation has caused the bringing to justice of Secretary General of the Organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO) Yuri Khachaturov. The Kremlin is considered a serious blow to the image of the military unit and do not rule out that the CSTO can lead the representative of another country. Moreover, the issue was agreed upon earlier and the supply of arms to Armenia by $100 million. Moscow please do not worry On Wednesday, the Armenian foreign Ministry responded to criticism of the Armenian authorities from Moscow. “We monitor the

Lukashenko reacted with humour on the rumors about the stroke

Lukashenko reacted with humour on the rumors about the stroke President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko with humor took the rumors about the previous stroke, announced on Wednesday, August 1, the Belarusian TV channel ONT. In the air were shown the interview of the Belarusian leader with one of the officials on the progress of the harvest. “Next year I will report. You’ll live to see next year?.. You especially do not promise, and then I buried a day ago and you can “bury,” — said Lukashenko, addressing to the interlocutor with the Commission. The video also shows how Lukashenko laughs when one of the reporters tells him about alleged health problems. “Wait, I have another double running”, — joked the President of Belarus. Earlier, the Ukrainian portal with reference to sources in the Belarusian journalistic community said that Lukashenko was hospitalized with a stroke, but because, as claimed by the

The Ministry of transportation has developed manuals for the construction of Bicycle lanes in the country

The Ministry of transportation has developed manuals for the construction of Bicycle lanes in the country The Ministry of transport has prepared methodological recommendations for development of a network of Bicycle lanes in cities across the country. The office “Izvestia” said that the recommendation is suitable for the Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As explained in the training manual, if the citizens will travel on bicycles, it will allow to unload roads to improve the accessibility of territories and reduce health care costs. The transport Ministry proposes to create a cycle city, district and local importance. When designing, it is recommended to consider the traffic. Local authorities are also recommended to provide the possibility of carrying bicycles on public transport and the availability of Bicycle Parking. Read also: Russia may introduce a car recycling fee for bicycles

Tehran and Minsk have agreed to trade oil for industrial equipment

Tehran and Minsk have agreed to trade oil for industrial equipment MINSK — RIA Novosti. The Ambassador of Iran in Belarus Mostafa, Owaisi said that Tehran and Minsk have agreed on a barter transaction: the exchange of oil for industrial equipment, reported the Iranian news Agency Mehr. “Tehran and Minsk have agreed to exchange oil products for industrial equipment”, — quotes Agency of Oveisi following the meeting of ambassadors of Iran with the Fund managers of the Islamic revolution Mostazafan. Details of the transaction are not presented. At the end of may, Owaisi said that the country is interested in continuing cooperation with Belarus for the supply of Iranian oil. In particular, the diplomat noted that last year Belarus was delivered two shipments of Iranian oil — on 600 and 800 thousand barrels, and, according to him, it was beneficial to both parties. The Ambassador also said that for the