US senators want to restrict the right of Russia to the Interpol on the wanted list

US senators want to restrict the right of Russia to the Interpol on the wanted list WASHINGTON, August 3. /TASS/ — In their opinion, Moscow is abusing this opportunity. Us senators consider it necessary to limit the right of Russia to use mechanisms for the issuance of the so-called red notices in Interpol (the announcement in the international search of persons) due to the fact that Moscow allegedly abuse this opportunity. The relevant provision in the text of the bill of the sharp tightening of us sanctions against Russia, which was provided by TASS on Friday a source in the office of the U.S. Congress. From the point of view of the senators, “the Russian Federation has abused the mechanism, the red notice of Interpol, with mainly political goals and for the implementation of the interrogations and persecution of their political opponents.” “The attorney General, in coordination with the Secretary

The foreign Ministry commented on the introduction of sanctions against Russian Bank

The foreign Ministry commented on the introduction of sanctions against Russian Bank MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that the US imposed sanctions against Russian Bank “Agrosoyuz” demonstrate the powerlessness of Washington. USA on Friday in the framework of the measures against North Korea imposed sanctions against the Bank “Agrosoyuz”. The US Treasury explained their violation of the sanctions regime on the DPRK and “long-term” relationship Bank with North Korea. In Ryabkov’s comments, published on the website of the foreign Ministry, the sanctions named the 54th “coasting” U.S. since 2011. Even American politicians suffering from an acute form of Russophobia, have come to recognize that any attempts to pressure Russia are not working. But with maniacal persistence continue to stick to their own. As a result, only flaunt their own helplessness.Sergei Rebaudioside Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Kudrin intends to expand anti-corruption powers of the accounting chamber

Kudrin intends to expand anti-corruption powers of the accounting chamber The Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin on the issue of whether it intends to extend the powers of his body has declared that does not exclude this possibility in the medium term, reports “Interfax”. “It is not excluded after the analysis. But I think that not earlier than in six months or a year. I touched on this topic and with the State Duma and the President, about whether to extend competence”, — said Kudrin, who said that the chamber could make a significant contribution to strengthening the fight against corruption. Since we are working in this field, we dig, we can in this area to join forces to take additional competencies that will complement current control and avoid risks. We will contribute to improving anti-corruption legislation. We want to become one of the centers of competences in

Kudrin took on the role of “fighter for justice”

Kudrin took on the role of “fighter for justice” The audit chamber under the leadership of former Finance Minister and head of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin will act as a “fighter for justice” and “guarantee transparency”, writes RBC with reference to the new strategy of the Ministry. A new document was adopted in connection with the appointment of Kudrin, who succeeded to his post Tatyana Golikova. In April she went to work in the government as Deputy Prime Minister. In the previous version of the strategy, adopted in 2013, the main mission of the accounting chamber was entitled “control and disposal of state resources to create conditions for a dignified life and free development of man.” Now the Agency is going to become not only a fighter and a guarantor, but also “competence centre” for other government agencies, a strategic partner, to help calculate the risks, and

Zakharova called the case Butinai fabricated in USA

Zakharova called the case Butinai fabricated in USA MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. The case, instituted in the United States against the Russians Maria Butunoi, fabricated and driven by political inter-fighting, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “We insist on the innocence of Maria Butunoi. Charges in its address have common sense, as the alleged evidence used her personal correspondence in social networks, and from there pulled out fragmentary phrases which seek to give a distorted meaning. It is obvious that no crime Rossiyanka did not commit, and the case against her is fabricated and is due solely to fierce political showdown in the United States and the desire to cast aspersions on our country,” Zakharova said at a briefing on Friday. Butino detained in July in the United States. She is accused of conspiracy to commit an agent of a foreign government without

Kosachev: the bill on sanctions will hurt relations between US and Russia, but not Moscow’s policy

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 3. /TASS/. A new bill on sanctions against Russia, introduced in the U.S. Senate, could be adopted, but it will affect bilateral relations between countries, not on Moscow’s policy. Such opinion, answering a question of the correspondent of TASS, was expressed by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. According to him, the proposed group of U.S. senators, the initiative of the “normal operating conditions” would not have prospects, “because of the sanctions there is no reason”. “But anti-Russian sentiment in Congress is now heated to the max, and as you get closer to [the interim parliamentary] elections on 6 November, the common sense in the actions of American politicians will increasingly dissolve in the opportunistic considerations of the election campaign. Therefore, this odious project might sooner

Zakharov told a joke to a question about working in the U.S. Embassy to Russian

Zakharov told a joke to a question about working in the U.S. Embassy to Russian Moscow. August 3. INTERFAX.RU Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova joked when asked to comment on media reports “exposing” the Russians who are in contact with the FSB, which allegedly worked in the American Embassy in Moscow. The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation noted that she knows nothing about allegedly associated with the Russian special services. “I have no idea, I don’t know about whom we are talking, what was going on,” said Zakharov. “Well, really, it is impossible to comment on what you don’t know. If you have any specific data, let him provide, we will understand what they are”, — said the representative of the foreign Ministry. Earlier, the Guardian newspaper reported that the Russian, associated with the FSB, has long worked at the American

Sponsor trump tried to get a state loan of $5 billion through his lawyer

Sponsor trump tried to get a state loan of $5 billion through his lawyer One of the largest sponsors of Donald trump was planning to pay $10 million to counsel for the President Michael Cohen for what he will obtain from the government a loan of $5 billion reported by the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing sources. According to the publication, the money to the donor, the Franklin L. Haney was required to complete construction of two nuclear reactors at nuclear power plants “the heart of bellefonte,” in Alabama. According to the newspaper, he signed a contract with trump’s lawyer in early April. The businessman planned to obtain from the Department of energy loan within the framework of the state program of preferential crediting. The contract specified that the promised reward Cohen will be less than $10 million, if the financier will receive from the state less than $5

The Prosecutor’s office returned the money to the business

The Prosecutor’s office returned the money to the business The Supervisory authority is struggling with debt on public contracts. 18 billion rubles of debt from the beginning of the year was returned to businesses on state contracts through the intervention of the prosecution. In this case, the Supervisory authority has prevented the conclusion of obviously unprofitable transactions only in the sphere of the state defense order of 4 billion rubles this was stated today at the semi-annual extended Board of the Prosecutor General of Russia. The theme of protection of business interests has traditionally been in the area of special attention of prosecutors this year. This was said at today’s semi-annual summary meeting of the Supervisory Department of the Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. “For three years according to our requirements they already paid 104 billion rubles of debt for work performed on government and municipal contracts, of which 18