The electoral Commission did not register Shestun on elections of the head of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region

Alexander Shestun © Michael Pochuev/TASS MOSCOW, August 6. /TASS/. Territorial election Commission of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region refused to register the election of the district head arrested Alexander Shestun. This was reported on Monday TASS the Chairman of the electoral Commission Alexander Workers. “Refusal of registration on the basis that the petitions are made not at the expense of the electoral Fund,” he said. Shestun, who is in jail “Lefortovo”, gave documents to the election Commission through its counsel. The electoral Commission said that, contrary to the requirement of the law of signatures in support of a candidate without going open special election accounts. Earlier the administration of the detention facility, citing the lack of investigator, refused to allow the notary or to assure the signature Shestun on the document required to open a special electoral account and the submission of papers to the electoral Commission.

Poroshenko told about the plan “patronage” of the EU over the Donbas

Poroshenko told about the plan “patronage” of the EU over the Donbas KIEV, August 6. /TASS/. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said about the readiness of the European Union to accede to the restoration of the Kiev-controlled Donbas settlements. “The summit Ukraine — EU, we have agreed to launch my initiative on “patronage” on the part of interested States-members of the EU over individual cities and areas of these territories for the implementation of projects targeting the rehabilitation of infrastructure, economic development, and ensuring normal functioning of communities,” he wrote on Monday in Facebook. The summit Ukraine-EU was held on 9 July in Brussels, but then the theme of the restoration of the Donbass in the outcome document details were not recorded. According to a statement from Poroshenko on the results of the negotiations were agreed upon further integration of Kiev with the European Union, however, he said that it

In the state Duma proposed to deprive of the rights for departure on an oncoming lane

In the state Duma proposed to deprive of the rights for departure on an oncoming lane In the state Duma introduced a bill to mitigate the administrative responsibility for drivers who have committed driving into the opposite lane. In the state Duma introduced a bill to mitigate the administrative responsibility for drivers who have committed driving into the opposite lane. The document’s authors — MPs from the liberal democratic party, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Igor Lebedev, Chairman of the Committee on labor and social policy, Yaroslav Nilov, and Andrew Svintsov and Boris Paikin not propose to deprive violators of the rights for departure on an oncoming lane, and confine the penalty to 5 thousand rubles, said the representative of the RNS nil. NewsHow different countries restrict speeders Currently 4-5 h of article 12.15 of the administrative code of the travel into the oncoming lane or tram ways of a

In Venezuela detained six people in the case of the assassination of President Maduro

In Venezuela detained six people in the case of the assassination of President Maduro Venezuelan authorities have detained six people after a failed assassination attempt on President Nicolas Maduro. On 6 August told the Associated Press, citing a government statement. The Minister of foreign Affairs Nestor Reverol didn’t name the suspects and did not disclose details of the investigation. He noted that two detainees had already participated in anti-government speeches. The number of detainees may increase, the official added. During the download an error has occurred.According to Rivarola, criminals used two drones, which was a kilogram of C-4 explosives. One was supposed to explode over the head of Maduro and the other in front of him. Defense Minister Venezuela, Vladimir lópez in an interview with state television said that the purpose of the attack was all the top leadership of the country. The national Union of media workers tweeted that

Kosachev: U.S. sanctions hamper relations with Russia, but not stop them

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 6. /TASS/. The sanctions imposed by the U.S. authorities against Russia hamper bilateral relations, but they not are the reason for their immediate cessation. On Monday said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev at the meeting with the member of the Senate of the United States Congress, Republican Rand Paul.

Ukraine to discuss the termination of railway communication with Russia

Ukraine to discuss the termination of railway communication with Russia KYIV, August 6 — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian authorities are considering the possibility of termination of railway communication with Moscow, said the Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian. “We consider now the option of closing the rail link with Moscow,” said Omeljan on air of TV program “Breakfast with 1+1”. His words are on the TSN website. At the end of last year Omeljan stated that the issue of termination of railway communication with Russia, the authorities may decide in 2018. Losses from the cessation of the movement of Russian trains through the territory of Ukraine, according to him, will amount to one hryvnia. While in the state administration of railway transport (Ukrzaliznytsya) reported that the most profitable Ukrainian train in 2017 became part of the “Kiev — Moscow”, he brought nearly six million dollars in profit. However, passenger traffic long-distance trains

Steven Seagal will begin to understand human relations

Steven Seagal will begin to understand human relations Why the actor was appointed special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry. Steven Seagal was given the role of international significance — the American actor will be the special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry on issues of humanitarian relations between Russia and the United States. In America the press and the diplomats considered it a mockery. As action hero became a Russian diplomat? And why at home he is criticized? About it Ivan Yakunin. November 2016: the Kremlin Amateur judo Vladimir Putin presents to the lover of Aikido Steven Seagal a Russian passport. But even then it was impossible to present that the new citizen of Russia is waiting for a diplomatic career. It would seem that the General humanitarian relations and action hero, who in each film ruthlessly breaks the enemies hands. And a few words in Russian that Sigal

The Russian Embassy in the United States expressed regret over “megaphone diplomacy” of the state Department

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, August 6. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in Washington on Sunday expressed regret over “megaphone diplomacy,” which uses the state Department. This is stated in comments of the Embassy after reports of the head of the press service of the us Department of Heather Nauert about the call to the state Department chargé d’affaires of Russia Dmitry Zhirnova.

The Embassy of Russia has accused the state Department in “megaphone diplomacy”

The Embassy of Russia has accused the state Department in “megaphone diplomacy” WASHINGTON, August 6 — RIA Novosti. The Russian Embassy in Washington, commenting on the call to the chargé d’affaires of Russia Dmitry Zhirnova in the state Department, expressed regret, noting that the United States was slipping into “megaphone diplomacy”. Earlier, state Department spokesman Heather Nauert in his Twitter account on Sunday said that the U.S. assistant Secretary of state for European and Eurasian Uess Mitchell called Zhirnova in connection with allegations by the us authorities to address Russia’s “aggressive propaganda”. “In presenting Mrs. Nauert, from our diplomats have demanded “accountability for the aggressive intervention of Russia” in American internal Affairs”, — the Embassy notes. What kind of answer can be a speech if the subject of charges does not exist in principle?The Russian Embassy in the United States “Over the past two years repeatedly and at various levels,