Medvedev compared the sanctions with the economic war

Medvedev compared the sanctions with the economic war Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU — a Possible further strengthening of economic sanctions against Russia could be regarded as a Declaration of economic war, this war will have to respond to the economic, political, or other methods, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with the staff of the Kronotsky state reserve. “Talk about future sanctions, I would not want to comment, but I can say one thing: if you follow something like the prohibition of banks or use a particular currency, it can be called absolutely right, it is a Declaration of economic war. And this war needs will have to react — economic means, political means, and, if necessary, by other methods. Our American friends must understand that,” said Medvedev, answering a question of one of participants of conversation, any more sanctions against Russia may be adopted and how they

The Russian Embassy in the United States: Butinai because of the cold in the chamber worsened chronic arthritis

Maria Butina © AP Photo WASHINGTON, August 10. /TASS/. The conditions in prison are detained Russians Maria Butunoi has improved, but because of the constantly low temperature in the chamber it had worsened chronic arthritis. This is stated in a Thursday statement, the Russian Embassy in the United States, senior diplomats who visited the Russian citizen on August 9.

The American expert spoke about the dangers of sanctions against Russia for the United States

The American expert spoke about the dangers of sanctions against Russia for the United States Us sanctions against Russia will hit, not least in business in the United States. This point of view in a newspaper column in the newspaper the Hill was expressed by the Vice-President of the National Council for foreign trade Richard Sawaya. According to him, due to the new sanctions, American businesses will be forced to exit the joint ventures in Russia or with Russian partners. “This means that the Russian company is buying a stake in the project anywhere in the world, in fact, oust the American company” — the expert believes. The negative effect of anti-Russian sanctions for US companies, says Sawaya, will be felt in the energy sector and all other industries. “American companies will not be able to carry cargo on Russian Railways, Boeing will not be able to cooperate with Russian

The business conclude in the strong withdrawal

The business conclude in the strong withdrawal Metallurgical and chemical company was asked to share “excess profits”. Despite the government’s promise not to increase taxes on business the assistant to the President Andrey Belousov has made an approving resolution of Vladimir Putin to the idea of withdrawal of “super” metallurgists and chemists. The government will now have to fulfill this assignment — at least formally, and it is possible that the White house, while not in need of money, will criticize the idea. Potential “sverginare” budget in the face of metallurgists has already to the nines to post the calculations of Mr. Belousov and challenge their usefulness to the economy. Assistant to the President Andrei Belousov, Vladimir Putin proposed the idea of “withdrawal” from the profits of the mining, chemical and petrochemical companies for more than 0.5 trillion rubles., it is Advisable to instruct the government to submit proposals on

Russian frigate “Admiral Essen” caught the American submarine

Russian frigate “Admiral Essen” caught the American submarine Russian frigate “Admiral Essen” caught American “steel shark” nuclear submarine type “Ohio” in the course of service in the Mediterranean sea. As told “Izvestia” in command of the RF Navy, the sailors managed to capture and take over maintenance of the submarine in the spring, however, it has become known only now. Hunting for “shark” occurred against the backdrop of worsening conflict in Syria. In April, the coalition of US, UK and France struck a massive missile strike on the Arab country. During the two-hour escorts “Admiral Essen” could be an acoustic portrait and to fulfill the educational task of destroying the imaginary enemy. Experts say that the very fact of the discovery of the submarine in the sea — a great success, and its long-term support — an indicator of the skill of the crew.

The IRS will not block the accounts of ordinary citizens

The IRS will not block the accounts of ordinary citizens MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Federal tax service (FNS) Russia, soon will have the right to freeze the accounts of entrepreneurs who had not submitted to the tax calculations on insurance premiums, such a law will enter into force on 30 August, but it does not affect ordinary citizens: no new powers in relation to accounts of individuals for tax law provides, told RIA Novosti in the Department. In social networks there were messages about the fact that tax from 30 August it will be possible to block the accounts of individuals, if they have not filed a Declaration 3-pit, but had to do it: for example, when receiving expensive gifts from relatives or in the case of a sale of the property. The IRS denied these rumors. “The legislation the suspension of operations under accounts of taxpayers-physical

In Germany assessed the impact of the food embargo Russia

In Germany assessed the impact of the food embargo Russia BERLIN, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The impact of the Russian food embargo on the level of production, incomes and market prices in the agricultural sector in Germany is assessed as very limited, said RIA Novosti in the Ministry of food and agriculture of Germany. “Sectoral impact of Russian sanctions on the level of production, incomes and market prices of the German agri-food industry as a whole is assessed as very limited. According to model calculations, in the summer of 2015 revenues in the sector of agriculture of Germany temporarily dropped because of the embargo at a maximum of 0.3 percent, the German food industry — a maximum of 0.4 percent. Since that time, the effect was to further weaken,” — said in response to the press-service of the Ministry on the request of the Agency. The Department indicated that

The Moscow regional election Commission registered the sub-group on implementation of pension referendum

The design of the pension certificate © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The Moscow regional election Commission decided to register the regional subgroup of the initiative group for holding of the national pension referendum. The decision was taken at the Commission meeting on Thursday, the correspondent of TASS. “It is proposed to register the Moscow regional subgroup of the initiative group for the referendum”, – said the Chairman of Mosoblispolkom of Elmira Khaimurzina. Members of the Commission unanimously supported this proposal.

The Moscow regional election Commission was formed more than 80 temporary sites for the elections of the head of the Moscow region

© Anton vergun/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The electoral Commission of the Moscow region formed 83 temporary polling station at the election of the Governor of the Moscow region. This decision was taken by the Commission at the meeting on Thursday. “As of this morning in the Moscow region 83 formed temporary site,” – said at the meeting, the Chairman of Mosoblispolkom of Elmira Khaimurzina.

The campaign of the candidate in mayors of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin will start on August 13

Volunteers from the election headquarters of the candidate for the post of mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin on Pokrovka street © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. Start the active campaign of the candidate in mayors of Moscow, acting mayor Sergei Sobyanin will start from August 13. This was reported to journalists on Thursday the Chairman of the electoral headquarters Sobyanin Konstantin Remchukov.