Zakharova: the USA have not coped with the role of Superman in the settlement of international conflicts

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS SVETLOGORSK /the Kaliningrad region/, August 15. / TASS/. The United States, claiming its uniqueness, could not cope with the role of Superman in the settlement of international conflicts. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in the course of communication with the participants of the international youth educational forum “Balcerak”. According to her, many countries could support the concept of the uniqueness of the United States if Washington “could give the world stability, to promote safety, peace of country, to extinguish and prevent new conflicts.” “Who would mind? This is a huge political, financial, moral responsibility, – said Zakharov. To be the Superman who arrives to help, having her and fly away”.

Chizhov believes that big business EU is not ready to resist the US sanctions against Iran

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS BRUSSELS, August 15. /TASS/. European big business is not ready to resist the US sanctions against Iran, despite the EU blocking their action on its territory. This was stated by the media, Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov. He stressed that the blocking EU regulation “adopted primarily in the interests of European business, but European business the vast majority have made their choice, and this choice is not in favor in order to resist the us sanctions and continue to work in the Iranian market.”

Turkey sharply raised duties on some American goods

Turkey sharply raised duties on some American goods ANKARA, August 15 — RIA Novosti. Turkey in response to US sanctions dramatically increased duties on some American goods. The corresponding decree of the President of the country Tayyip Erdogan published in the official newspaper Resmi Gazete. According to the document, duties on tobacco have increased by 60%, on alcohol — by 140%, is 120%. In addition, fees rose by some categories of goods, including rice, fruits and cosmetics. The differences between the USA and Turkey Recent Turkish Lira renews its historic lows against the dollar and the Euro. Since the beginning of the year, it depreciated against these currencies by more than 40%. The crisis escalated on Friday, when US President Donald trump has endorsed a doubling of duties on aluminium and steel from Turkey — up to 20% and 50% respectively. On Monday, the Turkish Central Bank has announced that

The state Department has denied the suspension of the execution of the US Treaty on open skies

The state Department has denied the suspension of the execution of the US Treaty on open skies WASHINGTON, August 15. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/ Washington indicated permission for a comprehensive upgrade of its aircraft for use in the framework of the agreement. United States does not suspend its participation in the Treaty on open skies (DON) and intend to continue to comply with this multilateral agreement. It on Tuesday in conversation with the correspondent of TASS said the state Department spokesman, commenting on reports by some Russian media that Washington is supposedly froze the implementation of the DON and cooperation with Russia in this area. “The United States does not suspend its participation in the Treaty on open skies. On the contrary, the United States remains committed to the continuation of the implementation of the agreement, as demonstrated by the resolution on recapitalization [comprehensive renewal of our aircraft for use

In Pyongyang told about the readiness of Putin to personally meet with Kim Jong Inom

In Pyongyang told about the readiness of Putin to personally meet with Kim Jong Inom TOKYO, August 15. /TASS/ — As reported by the KCNA, this was the Russian President said in his message on the occasion of the anniversary of Korea’s liberation. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his readiness to meet personally with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. As reported in the environment Agency KCNA, stated in the telegram that the Russian President sent on the occasion of the August 15 anniversary of Korea’s liberation. “On the occasion of the national holiday of the DPRK, the day of liberation, I send you sincere greetings. Russia highly appreciates that in your country reverently remember the soldiers of the red army who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Korean patriots in the name of freedom and independence of Korea,” KCNA quotes the text of the message. “I assure you that to

South Korean President wants to create a single economic community with North Korea

South Korean President wants to create a single economic community with North Korea MOSCOW, 15 Aug — RIA Novosti. The President of South Korea, moon Jae-In said that is aimed at ensuring freedom of movement between the two Koreas and the creation of a single economic community, reports Yonhap news Agency. He added that “peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula is a promise that the two leaders made the rest of the world. “I hope that the complete denuclearization of the DPRK and the relevant US measures will be implemented,” he added. Railway society As stated by moon Jae-In, integration with North Korea you can start with the creation of a “community rail North-East Asia”, which will include the six countries of northeast Asia and the United States. Later in the office of South Korean President has said that six of these countries — the two Koreas, Russia, China,

Pentagon: US Space forces need to confront Russia and China

Pentagon: US Space forces need to confront Russia and China WASHINGTON, August 15. /TASS/ — Mattis said that the US has no plans to deploy weapons in space, satellites need to defend. Pentagon chief James Mattis said that the US needed Space forces to protect its satellites from Russia and China. As reported on Tuesday the newspaper the Washington Post, he stated this during his visit to Brazil. According to the publication, Mattis argues that the US has no plans to deploy weapons in space. He stressed that the satellites play an important role not only in the conduct of military operations, but also vital for the world economy, so it is important to defend them. He stated that in January 2007 China via land-based missiles destroyed its own weather satellite to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities. Mattis stressed that the creation of Space forces is a response

Bolton next week will meet in Geneva with his Russian counterpart

Bolton next week will meet in Geneva with his Russian counterpart WASHINGTON, August 14. /TASS/ Press Secretary of U.S. President Sarah Sanders did not specify with whom trump’s assistant on national security will hold talks. Assistant to the President for national security John Bolton next week will hold a meeting in Geneva with representatives of Ukraine and Israel, as well as with his Russian counterpart. This was announced on Tuesday, the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders during a regular press briefing. Bolton will meet in Geneva with representatives of Israel and Ukraine, as well as with his Russian counterpart in the development of the summit in Helsinki to discuss a number of important issues relating to national security.Sarah Interpress Secretary of the White house Earlier in the Russian security Council announced plans to organize a meeting with Secretary Nikolai Patrushev of Bolton, but did not specify the

New details have become known upcoming US sanctions against Russia

New details have become known upcoming US sanctions against Russia The U.S. Congress on its website published the text of the bill of new sanctions against Russia, which should come into force on 22 August. It has a page number 57, which was not in the original version of the document at the disposal of “Kommersant”. Missed page contains information on sanctions against Russian public debt and the Russians involved in cybercrime. On page 57 it is reported that sanctions may be imposed against any financial instrument with maturity of longer than 14 days, which the American President considers Russian debt. Recall that the document provides for the possibility of extending sanctions on the new Russian debt, addition of the individual announcement by the President of the United States of any tool public debt is a standard practice in such documents clause designed to block the appeal by special tools