The foreign Ministry responded to the accusations of Microsoft in the attacks “by Russian hackers”

The foreign Ministry responded to the accusations of Microsoft in the attacks “by Russian hackers” MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. Moscow will make the necessary conclusions in connection with Microsoft claims that the alleged “Russian hackers” tried to interfere in mid-term elections in the United States, said in comments of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry. Upstairs The American Microsoft Corporation has announced that it has recorded new attempts by hackers connected to Russia, to influence the elections in the U.S. Congress, which will be held in November. According to Microsoft, “a group closely associated with the Russian government,” Strontium (Fancy Bear, and APT28) created web pages and URLS that mimicked the websites of the International Republican Institute, the Board of Directors which consists of six Republican senators and candidates to the American Parliament, and the Hudson Institute. “At all desire cannot be meaningfully

USA allocate for cybersecurity elections $380 million

USA allocate for cybersecurity elections $380 million According to the Commission support of the election of the United States, which leads the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, two-thirds of the amount that Congress has allocated for the security of the election procedure, the authorities of the American States plan to spend on the purchase of new equipment and the new cybersecurity agenda. Upstairs Of the $380 million allocated by Congress for the purchase of equipment will $102,6 million, and software updates — $134,2 million, the Remaining funds, according to the Commission, will be spent on updating the databases of registered voters and other needs. As the WSJ notes, the receipt of funds under this article the government has asked all the States and territories of the United States, and currently 96% of the total amount has already been transferred to them. However, not all States will have time to purchase

In Russia established a medal “For construction of Crimean bridge”

In Russia established a medal “For construction of Crimean bridge” Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia established a commemorative medal “For construction of Crimean bridge”, which will be awarded to both Russian and foreign citizens and organizations who have made significant contributions to the construction of this object. The corresponding decree of the President published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The document also mandated to allocate in the current year from reserve Fund of the President of the Russian Federation 27.8 mln. rubles for the Ministry of transport for the manufacture of commemorative medals, capsules and cases and forms of diplomas. Under the provision of medals, these medals will be awarded on behalf of the President. As stated in the document, the medal will be made of copper-Nickel alloy in the form of a circle with a diameter of 60 mm and a

The U.S. government has forced Cyprus to freeze the accounts of Mr. Deripaska and Vekselberg

The U.S. government has forced Cyprus to freeze the accounts of Mr. Deripaska and Vekselberg Cypriot authorities imposed on them after pressure from the American authorities decided to freeze the Bank accounts of the Russian businessmen Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg, says the report of the U.S. Treasury, represented in Senate banking Committee, the U.S. Deputy Minister of Finance Sigal Mandelker. Upstairs “Senior officials of the state Department and the Ministry of Finance actively cooperated with the Cypriot authorities on the past year and a half in order to emphasize the concern that Cyprus is still a large amount of suspicious Russian funds and investment, and put pressure on the Cypriot officials in order to impose restrictions in the financial system against such threats”, — stated in the report. According to the American authorities, Cyprus introduced a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship in exchange for investments of, and acts weak

In Russia are developing aircraft with vertical takeoff

In Russia are developing aircraft with vertical takeoff MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Russia, the draft of the new aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing, said Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov at the opening of the military-technical forum “Army-2018”. He noted that on behalf of the President, the project was included in the state program of armaments. Upstairs “We are working on a conceptual model prototypes. Of course, this is the future. For all types of aircraft carriers will require a new fleet of aircraft. For this various techniques are used, which allow for short takeoff and landing or vertical takeoff just. Conceptually, such work is conducted in the defense Ministry from last year,” he said. According to the Vice-Premier, the timing of the establishment of the new aircraft are determined by the technological cycle. NewsSupersonic, long-range “As a rule, seven to ten years, if you go in

Kosachev: sanctions are a form of self-justification for the United States and the West in General

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev believes that anti-Russian sanctions became a form of self-justification for the United States and the West in General. He declared it on Tuesday on his page on Facebook.

Looking for a woman: adviser to trump caught on with Butynol

Looking for a woman: adviser to trump caught on with Butynol Congressmen demand from Bolton to explain the imagery in the music video Butinai. UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. Congressmen asked to verify connection of the adviser to the President for national security John Bolton with the arrested in the United States a Russian citizen Marie Boutin. We are talking about a commercial butinai led by the organization “Right to arms”, whom Bolton at the time took part. Two members of the house of representatives Subcommittee on national security, U.S. elij Cummings and Stephen Lynch appealed to the head of the administration of U.S. President John Kelly with the requirement to provide the documents on cooperation Advisor to Donald trump on national security John Bolton with Russian non-governmental organization “Right to arms”, which was headed by Maria Butina. In his letter, the text of which was published by

The United States blocked assets in Russia for hundreds of millions of dollars

The United States blocked assets in Russia for hundreds of millions of dollars MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. Washington blocked the Russian assets in the country hundreds of millions of dollars, said the Deputy head of the U.S. Treasury Seagal Mandelker. Upstairs The statement was released shortly before her speech to Congress. Mandelker responsible for sanctions in the Ministry of Finance, shall report to the Senate banking Committee on the sanctions pressure on Russia. Washington also made the list of cybersense two Russians and one company. Under the restrictions were Anton Nagibin born in 1985 and Marina Tsareva was born in 1973 as related already under sanctions by the company “Dayvtekhnoservis”. In addition, Washington made the list of sanctions on North Korea two Russian companies and six vessels. Under the restrictions were companies “Hudson shipping” from Vladivostok and “Vela Marin” from St. Petersburg, as well as the court’s “Bella”,

Moskalkova called impossible exchange for Russian prisoners Sentsov Ukraine

Moskalkova called impossible exchange for Russian prisoners Sentsov Ukraine Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Exchange of Oleg Sentsov on the Russian prisoners in Ukraine is impossible, since he is a citizen of both Russia and Ukraine, said the Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova. Upstairs “As for Sentsov, (Dmitry) Sterlikova and so on, they did in fact dual citizenship. And according to the Ukrainian Constitution, their citizens cannot be extradited to the territory of Russia — as well as us citizens shall not be extradited to another area,” — said Moskalkova at a press conference on Tuesday. “Therefore, we need to look for some new legal form”, she added. According to the Commissioner, between Russia and Ukraine should be concluded a bilateral agreement on the status of persons with two nationalities. “We can’t ignore the fact that today a large number of people simultaneously have passports,”

In the Kremlin told about the recent talks between Putin and Merkel

In the Kremlin told about the recent talks between Putin and Merkel Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the recent negotiations discussed the consumption of gas in Europe, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Topics included forecasts of volumes of consumption of gas on the European continent,” — said Peskov told reporters on Tuesday. He noted that there are conflicting predictions. “There are different concepts. It is obvious that the consumption will increase, but to what extent — the issue for further development”, — said Peskov. He recalled that the President of the Russian Federation stated about the preservation of the transit of gas through Ukraine. Earlier it was reported that Putin and Merkel agreed of the need to protect “Nord stream-2” from the attacks of third countries. See also: European media “lost” Angela Merkel