Mironov proposed to introduce a moratorium on the use of articles of the criminal code on extremism

Mironov proposed to introduce a moratorium on the use of articles of the criminal code on extremism MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The leader “Fair Russia” Sergey Mironov called for the introduction of a moratorium on the use antiextremist provisions of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and proposed to amend the legislation. This is the official website of the party. Upstairs As noted, a wide resonance in society and the media led to the arrest of a group of young people, including a minor girl, accused of creating an extremist community “the New greatness”. In General, according to expert estimates, the number of people convicted of extremist articles of the Criminal code, “in 2011 has grown four times”. Mironov stressed that the state should have the tools to counter extremism, but these tools need to be able to use it. “Whereas a growing number of cases, when law enforcement

Ryabkov: Russia is counting on the willingness of States to the subject of discussion at a meeting in Geneva

Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov © AP Photo/Fabrice Coffrini, pool GENEVA, August 22. /TASS/. Moscow hopes that Thursday’s meeting of Secretary of Russian security Council Nikolay Patrushev and the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton, the American side was prepared to engage in a substantive discussion. About TASS on Wednesday, said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

Putin discussed with President of Finland bilateral relations, the problems of the world and the Arctic

The President of Finland Sauli Niinistö and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, August 22. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and Finland Vladimir Putin and Sauli Niinistö discussed the possibilities of further development of bilateral ties. The Russian President described the talks as “very substantive”. At the meeting, in particular, they talked about security in Northern Europe. We also touched on the issues of settlement in Syria and in the South-East of Ukraine. As announced at a press conference following the talks Vladimir Putin, they discussed the problems of the Arctic, first of all, given the current presidency of Finland in the Arctic Council. Substantive talks The President of the Russian Federation expressed the view that the talks with Finnish counterpart “will contribute to the further development of bilateral relations”. Putin recalled that in the second half of 2019 Finland will lead the

The defense Ministry has summed up results of operation in Syria

The defense Ministry has summed up results of operation in Syria The defense Ministry released a video summarising a military operation in Syria. Наверх10фотографий10фотографий10фотографийDuring the download an error has occurred. In September 2015, when the beginning of the Russian operation, government forces in Syria belonged to 8% of the area, 92% is controlled by terrorists and other armed groups. Now the government and militia groups control more than 96% of the territory and 3.5% of the area of de-escalation in Idlib. During the operation managed to release more than 1.4 thousand settlements. Combat experience in Syria have received more than 63 thousand Russian soldiers and more than 90% of the crews of army aviation, 87% tactical 60% strategic aviation. Every fourth participant received the state awards. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий During the operation it was tested over 30 new weapons developments. Up to 70 Russian drones daily reconnaissance flights. More than 80 ships

The Kremlin did not know about the fall of the rocket with a nuclear engine in the Barents sea

The Kremlin did not know about the fall of the rocket with a nuclear engine in the Barents sea MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Kremlin has no information about the alleged failed test is the latest Russian cruise missile with a nuclear power plant, reported the American TV channel CNBC, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs On Tuesday, CNBC, citing its sources reported that in late 2017, the missile tests were unsuccessful, she fell in the Barents sea. Unlike American TV channel I don’t have this information, and I recommend to contact our experts in this field — the Ministry of defence.Dmitry Peskov.press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation The current message CNBC about the alleged failed test of a Russian cruise missile with a nuclear power plant is not the first that has made the channel on this topic. In late

In Prague changed the text of the tablet on the monument to Marshal Konev

In Prague changed the text of the tablet on the monument to Marshal Konev Municipality of the sixth district of Prague decided to install the monument to Marshal Ivan Konev signs with additional information about the military. In particular, in the plates reveals the role of the Marshal in the deployment of troops of the Warsaw Pact in Czechoslovakia in 1968. Upstairs “In 1968, he (Ivan Konev) personally supported the conduct of communications intelligence before the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops in Czechoslovakia,” reads one of the signs (quoted by TASS). Available in Czech, English and Russian languages. The manufacture of plates cost about €20 thousand. The Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic condemned the decision of the municipality, calling the actions of the authorities “is incorrect and politically motivated”. According to the diplomatic mission, on the plaques contains “no documentary evidence of the hypothesis.” “The leadership of the city

Sanctions are gaining momentum

Sanctions are gaining momentum As restrictions affect life in Russia. Upstairs Relationship with the Kremlin cost the businessman Oleg Deripaska half of the state figures on the eve announced by the U.S. Treasury. Representatives of the office spoke at a meeting of the Senate, where they discussed new, more ambitious sanctions against Russia. Herewith another package of restrictions initiated by Donald trump and his administration, comes into force on Wednesday. What is the new limit? How they will affect the Russian economy? And who worked previously introduced sanctions? For Magnitsky, for Crimea, for Donbass, for meddling in the election… the American sanctions have so much that it is no wonder confused. Those that are introduced into the environment, prepared by the U.S. Department of state. The formal cause is poisoning Sergei Skripal. Consequences — a ban on exports to Russia of electronic devices and components of the so-called dual-purpose. If

The HRC has offered to stop to put for an insult of feelings of believers

The HRC has offered to stop to put for an insult of feelings of believers The Council on human rights at the President (SPCH) offered to edit the Russian anti-extremist legislation and to decriminalize the article on insulting the feelings of believers (part 1 of article 148 of the criminal code). This is stated in the draft recommendations signed by the Chairman of the Council Mikhail Fedotov, says RBC. Upstairs The HRC made to be removed from the Criminal code of the point of insulting religious feelings and instead to Supplement the Code of administrative offences (Cao) composition burdened with insults. Human rights activists noted that the terms “religious beliefs” and “believers” very abstract, and it is unclear whether the offence, for example, insulting atheistic views. Another initiative of the Council — to leave the Criminal code the only punishment for violent extremist crimes, the threat of extremist violence, calls