The HRC has offered to stop to put for an insult of feelings of believers

The HRC has offered to stop to put for an insult of feelings of believers

The Council on human rights at the President (SPCH) offered to edit the Russian anti-extremist legislation and to decriminalize the article on insulting the feelings of believers (part 1 of article 148 of the criminal code). This is stated in the draft recommendations signed by the Chairman of the Council Mikhail Fedotov, says RBC.


The HRC made to be removed from the Criminal code of the point of insulting religious feelings and instead to Supplement the Code of administrative offences (Cao) composition burdened with insults. Human rights activists noted that the terms “religious beliefs” and “believers” very abstract, and it is unclear whether the offence, for example, insulting atheistic views.

Another initiative of the Council — to leave the Criminal code the only punishment for violent extremist crimes, the threat of extremist violence, calls to him and his support. A simple statement, which now fall under the heading of inciting hatred and enmity (part 1 of article 282 of the criminal code), to be transferred to the category of administrative offences.

Human rights activists also believe that the article 282 of the criminal code is to remove the two wording: “membership of a particular social group”, which allows to judge the Russians for criticizing the controversial “social groups” as “quilted jackets” and “deputies of the state Duma”, and “humiliation”, which in fact is an insult, and so is an administrative offence.

