Ministry of defense: the United States are increasing in the middle East the carriers of cruise missiles for attack on Syria

Ministry of defense: the United States are increasing in the middle East the carriers of cruise missiles for attack on Syria The Russian defense Ministry said that in parallel with the preparation of staging the use of chemical weapons, which was previously reported, the United States is increasing in the middle East the number of carriers of cruise missiles. Наверх14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий “On August 25 in the Mediterranean sea entered the USS Ross, with 28 Tomahawk missiles, whose range allows you to strike throughout Syria,” — said the official representative of the Ministry of defense Igor Konashenkov. Earlier in the Persian Gulf has arrived the USS “the Sullivans” with 56 cruise missiles. In addition, at the airbase “al-Udeid air base” in Kuwait flew the strategic bomber b-1, equipped with 24 cruise missiles JASSM. The US action, according to Mr. Konashenkov, indicate the intention of the US to launch strikes against Syria, taking

The defense Ministry has denied reports of Russian air strikes in Afghanistan

The defense Ministry has denied reports of Russian air strikes in Afghanistan MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/ — the Ministry said that Russian military aircraft did not perform any combat tasks in the area of Tajik-Afghan border. Upstairs The message on drawing the Russian planes an air strike in Northern Afghanistan is not true. This was reported to journalists on Monday the Russian defense Ministry. “Information from British news Agency Reuters on the alleged application of Russian planes air strike on militants of the Islamic movement “Taliban” (banned in Russia — approx. TASS) in the North-Eastern border region of Afghanistan is not true,” said the Agency. The Ministry said that “Russian military aircraft no combat tasks in the area of state border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan were not fulfilled”. As reported earlier on Monday Reuters, citing two official representatives of Afghanistan, combat aircraft of Tajikistan or Russia bombed in the North-East

Germany urged to respond to U.S. sanctions against Russia

Germany urged to respond to U.S. sanctions against Russia BERLIN, 27 Aug — RIA Novosti. Europe must react to the sanctions policy of Washington towards Russia, China and other major economic partners, said the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas, opening the conference of ambassadors in Berlin. Upstairs He noted that thanks to the rapid response of Europe in new sanctions against Iran managed to avoid a more serious escalation. According to Maas, “it’s a lot, if you think about it, what would be the alternative: a nuclear race in the middle East, with predictably destructive consequences.” Previously, Maas stated that the German foreign Minister will reconsider the foreign policy strategy of Germany relative to the United States. So, he noted that the US and Europe for many years away from each other, and the commonality of interests and values are gradually eroding. The basis of the new relationship with

WP: trump banned publication of the statement by the White house about the heroism of McCain

WP: trump banned publication of the statement by the White house about the heroism of McCain The US President Donald trump has banned the press service of the White house to publish an official statement in connection with the death of John McCain in which the Senator was called a hero. This writes The Washington Post, citing sources. Upstairs According to the publication, the press Secretary of the White House Sarah Sanders and the President’s chief of staff John Kelly spoke for the publication of official statements, which said about the military merits of McCain during the Vietnam war, his success in the U.S. Senate. In the proposed version of the statement McCain was also called a hero. However, trump told his aides that instead of an official statement it will publish the post in Twitter. In his tweet the President of the United States was limited to sympathy to

The economy Ministry proposed to divide Russia into 14 regions

The economy Ministry proposed to divide Russia into 14 regions The Ministry of economy has finalized the “Strategy of spatial development”, in which Russia should be divided into 14 regions. Upstairs Still, it was decided to allocate two macro — far East and North Caucasus. In addition, it is planned to allocate Central, Central black earth, Northern, North-Western, southern, Volga-Kama, Volga-Ural, Ural, West-Siberian, South Siberian, Yenisey and Baikal regions. As it became known””, the division agrees not all, the presidential envoy in the Siberian Federal district Sergey Menyailo has sent the government proposals on amending the draft strategy. He insists on creation in Siberia of a single macro-region instead of the proposed three. As reported by “Kommersant” in the Ministry of economy, the project will be submitted to the government in September. In November, the strategy is expected to be approved. Read more about the initiative of the Ministry read

In Russia, sharply increased xenophobic attitudes

In Russia, sharply increased xenophobic attitudes This is a consequence of the improvement in relations with the West on the background of the world Cup, experts say. Upstairs Over the past year has increased dramatically the proportion of Russians advocating for the restriction of residence in the country representatives of various nationalities, according to the survey “Levada-center”. The rating “undesirable” ethnic groups headed by Gypsies (an increase from 17% to 32%), Chinese (15% to 31%) and Vietnamese (from 12 to 26%). “If the General level of ethnophobia for the year increased by 12 PCT, the frequency of choice of those or other “non-Russian” positions increased 1.5 times. That is, the range of hostile relations has expanded,” says the sociologist “Levada-center” Karina Pipia. To explain the growth of xenophobia, in her opinion, you can redirect the irritation caused by dissatisfaction with pension reform and the deterioration in consumer and social attitudes,

Russia is divided into fourteen

Russia is divided into fourteen To the Far East and North Caucasus of the Ministry of economy proposes to add 12 more regions. Upstairs Improved Ministry of economy “Strategy of spatial development” proposes to divide Russia into 14 regions — similar to the already established allocation of the Far East and North Caucasus. Macro-regions like the Yenisei and Baikal is suggested to form taking into account the “prevailing social and economic relations”. As it became known””, the division agrees not all, the presidential envoy in the Siberian Federal district Sergey meniailo in a letter to the government insists on creation in Siberia of a single macro-region instead of the proposed three. Ministry of economy finalized the draft of “spatial development Strategy”. As reported to “Kommersant”, the document will be submitted to the White house in September, in November, the strategy should be approved. The aim of the strategy is “the

Five high-profile public clashes trump and McCain

Five high-profile public clashes trump and McCain Although John McCain and President Donald trump was a party, between a few years there was fierce rivalry. Upstairs McCain was one of the most vocal critics of trump from the start of the presidential term of the latter. Trump did not remain in debt: once he publicly questioned the fact that the military background of McCain, who was captured during the Vietnam war, indeed so heroic. Immediately after the death of McCain’s trump wrote a post on Twitter with condolences to his family, but even it could not find the words to speak about the late Senator, for which he was criticized. “My deepest condolences to the family of Senator John McCain. You are in our hearts, we pray for you,” wrote trump. The statements of the predecessors trump, Barack Obama and George W. Bush contrasted with a short tweet trump. We

“Izvestia”: the presidents of Russia and Mongolia will meet on the sidelines of the WEF in Vladivostok

President Khaltmagiin Battulga and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin © Alexei Druzhinin/TASS MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with the head of Mongolia Khaltmagiin of Battulga in September in Vladivostok. On Monday the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov.