Peskov called the televised address on pension reform to the personal initiative of Putin

Peskov called the televised address on pension reform to the personal initiative of Putin Address by President of Russia Vladimir Putin in which he announced the commutation of the pension reform, it was his personal initiative was not discussed with the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. This was reported to journalists the press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “This is a personal initiative of the President. The President really had the need to explain to people the reasons adduced by the government, to tell, why not continue to delay these changes and, at the same time, to Express their disagreement on a number of parameters and, conversely, to suggest some of the modalities that are used to mitigate the consequences for those people who will reach the retirement age in this moment of transformation”, — said Peskov. On Wednesday, Putin in a televised address to the Russians declared change

The head of the Pskov region noted the importance of the idea of Putin’s pension changes

The head of the Pskov region noted the importance of the idea of Putin’s pension changes Acting Governor of Pskov region Mikhail Vedernikov commented on the televised speech of President Vladimir Putin to citizens of Russia on the changes in pension legislation. Upstairs Vedernikov noted that the President always openly, honestly and directly speaks to the people of our country, including on difficult issues. “He always pays great attention to the protection of the interests of all citizens of our country. For us it is particularly important that today’s presidential speech we heard a number of fundamentally important issues for residents of the Pskov region, which we sent to the Federal center to the Russian government and the state Duma. There were other initiatives announced by the President, which are also very relevant to the residents of the Pskov region”, — quotes “Ren-TV” Vedernikov. According to him, it is important

Chapter Ulyanovsk and Vladimir regions praised Putin’s position on pensions

Chapter Ulyanovsk and Vladimir regions praised Putin’s position on pensions The governors of the Vladimir and Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov and Svetlana Orlova supported the proposal of President Vladimir Putin’s changes in pension legislation. Upstairs “It is encouraging that our initiatives and proposals have been heard and reflected in the position of President. The important thing is that finally, at the state level is a discussion of a very important question that “United Russia” has raised more 2013 — is age discrimination older workers of working age,” — quoted Morozov’s press-service. According to him, it is necessary not only to protect labor rights of citizens approaching retirement age, and also to toughen responsibility of employers for “age discrimination”. Another important point is the preservation of the unique for our country social Institute, “Institute of grandmothers.” In this regard, it is the right decision to set the retirement age at 60

The adjustment of the pension reform will require 500 billion rubles

The adjustment of the pension reform will require 500 billion rubles Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU — the Proposal of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the adjustment of the pension reform will require financial expenses amounting to about 500 billion rubles for six years, said first Vice Premier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov reporters in Moscow. Upstairs Earlier Wednesday, Putin made several initiatives to clarify the proposals to change pension legislation prepared by the government of the Russian Federation and in the state Duma. He proposed to raise the retirement age for women for five years instead of eight, the people of retirement age — to provide benefits. “According to our estimates, the volume of financial resources on the proposals in a six-year period is about 500 billion rubles. This will require clarification of our budget plans. This will require further planning of the budget of the Pension Fund, which we will

Ministry of labor: the commutation of pension reform will not affect the indexation of pensions

Ministry of labor: the commutation of pension reform will not affect the indexation of pensions The planned 2019 indexation of pensions will not affect the commutation of the pension reform, said labor Minister Maxim Topilin, the program “Time will tell” on the First channel. The Minister said that the implementation of the pension reform will involve reserves of the Federal budget and the Pension Fund. Upstairs “How are we supposed to increase pensions every year for a thousand rubles for six years, bringing the average insurance pension for pensioners up to 20 thousand. in 2024, all necessary resources are provided,” said Mr Topilin (quoted by TASS). Pensions to working pensioners will not be indexed in Russia from 1 January 2016. President Vladimir Putin today, August 29, during a televised address, made proposals on mitigation of pension reform. The head of state considers it necessary to raise the age of retirement

Golikova called the options of punishment for dismissal in pre-retirement age

Golikova called the options of punishment for dismissal in pre-retirement age MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. The penalty for dismissal of employees in pre-retirement age can be fined up to 200 thousand rubles or the salary for 18 months, told journalists the Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova. Upstairs “Will be based on the article for unjustified dismissal of a woman on grounds of pregnancy or having children under three years of age. It is fine to 200 thousand rubles or the salary for 18 months,” he said. Thus, according to her, the introduction of criminal liability for the dismissal of employees in pre-retirement age should be discussed with the employers and trade unions. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, speaking on a televised address to the Russians, said that he considered it necessary to introduce in Russia the administrative and even criminal liability for the dismissal of

Antonov warned the United States against another unfounded and illegal aggression in Syria

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Sergey Karpov/TASS WASHINGTON, August 30. /TASS/. Russia’s Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov earlier this week at a meeting with representatives of the state Department warned U.S. authorities of another unfounded and illegal aggression in Syria. This is referred to in the statement of the press service of the Embassy, which was published on Wednesday.

How Vladimir Putin has changed the pension reform

How Vladimir Putin has changed the pension reform The most important of the televised address of the President. Upstairs To raise the retirement age for women to 60 years for men to 65 years. To enter the social category “citizens of pre-retirement age” for a 55 year old women and 60 year old men. Allow mothers with many children to retire early: if you have three children — 57 years; four children, 56 years; five children — within 50 years. Three years to reduce seniority, giving the right to early retirementfor women and to 37 years for men — up to 42 years. To grant the right to draw a pension six months before the Russians, who were to retire in the next two years under the old legislation. To increase from 2019 unemployment benefits for those approaching retirement age — from 4 thousand 900 rubles to 11 thousand 280