In Sweden have decided to block the “Nord stream-2”

In Sweden have decided to block the “Nord stream-2” The majority of parties stated that the construction of the pipeline must be blocked. Upstairs MOSCOW, 6 sen — news. Most of the political parties of Sweden in favour of blocking the construction of Russian gas pipeline “Nord stream-2”, according to Sveriges Radio. The radio station interviewed the representatives of various political parties about their attitudes to this project, and almost all of them voted to prevent the construction of pipelines. “Nord stream-2” is a bad offer in terms of energy policy and the environment, and in terms of security policy. We actively advocate that all possible ways to stop the project.Karin Enstrom.responsible of the Moderate coalition party on the EU The MEP from Christian democratic party of Sweden Lars Adaktusson stressed that “Russia does not respect international law,” citing as an example the situation with Georgia and Crimea. Therefore, he

Trump said that he had not discussed the possibility of murder Assad

Trump said that he had not discussed the possibility of murder Assad The US President Donald trump said that he had not discussed the possibility of killing Bashar Assad. Upstairs WASHINGTON, 5 Sep — RIA Novosti. In the new book of the famous Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward called “Fear trump in the White house” describes the disagreement within the administration of Donald trump. In particular, it describes how in April 2017 after the alleged himataki in Syria, the trump called the Pentagon chief James Mattis and stated that the United States should assassinate President Bashar al-Assad and many others. Mattis, however, did not follow the orders of the Supreme commander of the country and said his senior adviser: “We’re not going to do any of this. We will act wisely”. “Never been discussed”, — he told reporters, responding to a question. The transcript of the conversation was circulated by

Mead found inconsistencies in the suspect photo in the “case Skrypalia”

Mead found inconsistencies in the suspect photo in the “case Skrypalia” MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. The Russian foreign Ministry drew attention to inconsistencies in the published London on Wednesday the data about the suspects. This was stated by the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs So, Scotland Yard issued photographs of the suspects at Gatwick airport. According to Zakharova, shows the same corridor, same time (on the site of Scotland Yard indicated time 16:22:43). “Either it is imposed from above photos the exact date and time, or are employees of the GRU Russia, who learned to walk at the same time, but their images are captured in two separate photos. It’s such a, you know, trolling the level of God,” said the foreign Ministry representative in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia-1”. She also drew attention to two other pictures of the

“Gazprom” has supported Putin’s proposal on protection of the rights of the older generation

“Gazprom” has supported Putin’s proposal on protection of the rights of the older generation MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. “Gazprom” supports the proposals of Russian President Vladimir Putin to protect the rights of the older generation, said the Chairman of the Board “Gazprom” Alexey Miller. Upstairs “Of course, this is the pressing issue for any large Russian company, any tech company, especially for the gas industry, where long investment cycle, where the average planning horizon is more than 10 years. Therefore, an important transfer of experience of professionals of the older generation of young people, support strong labor dynasties, support mentoring,” said Miller in an interview with NTV television. The head of “Gazprom” noted that when it comes to the transfer of experience of older generations, is not only professional skills and knowledge, but also qualities such as devotion to their profession, responsible attitude to the assigned work,

Mei was not interested in talking with Putin

Mei was not interested in talking with Putin Moscow. September 5. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Theresa may is not interested in a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Wednesday the Agency Bloomberg with reference to the representative of the British Prime Minister. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “Mei has no interest in a conversation with Putin”, — reports the Agency with reference to press Secretary of the Mei. At the same time, the Agency said that may have discussed the incident in Salisbury with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Previously, she discussed the latest data on the incident in Salisbury with U.S. President Donald trump. On Wednesday, the British police said that the conspiracy to assassinate ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury accused the Russians Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. British investigators believe these names are pseudonyms. Speaking Wednesday in Parliament, may said that the investigation into the

“Let’s commit troops. Let’s kill, fuck, as much as possible”

“Let’s commit troops. Let’s kill, fuck, as much as possible” The journalist, was fired by Richard Nixon, wrote a book about Donald trump. Upstairs Only announcements about the upcoming publication of a new book about President Donald trump, published in the Washington Post and other media, began on Tuesday in the U.S. news of the day. But the book itself can play a key role in the upcoming November 6 midterm elections to Congress. In the piece “Fear: a trump in the White house” journalist, winner of two Pulitzer prizes Bob Woodward describes the situation in the US administration as “crazy house”, and the President himself as a “fifth grader”, does not understand world politics. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” in Washington Kirill Belianinov. On Tuesday evening the White house was quick to say that the new book is “only a made-up story”, distributed by former employees of

The military-political Directorate of the defense Ministry established to fight an “information war”

The military-political Directorate of the defense Ministry established to fight an “information war” Main military-political management (GUPW) of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation established to fight an “information war” against Russia, said Deputy defense Minister — head of GUPW Andrey Kartapolov at the first meeting with journalists. Upstairs Mr. Kartapolov noted that in the first place the work of GWPO aimed at members of the armed forces — soldiers, sailors and officers. “The need of information security of armed forces personnel before, during and forming stable belief of the necessity and importance of serving their country in our traditional principles — this is one of the reasons why it made this decision,” he said. According to him, another challenge, GITU is to work with young people. Political officer in the armed forces will conduct military-political work not with the staff, and with a specific person, said Andrei

The Council is preparing a plan of protection from US sanctions

The Council is preparing a plan of protection from US sanctions In the framework of protective steps is discussed, in particular, the introduction of alternative international payment systems based on quantum technologies. Upstairs The Council is preparing a master plan the Russian response to new US sanctions. It is reported by RBC with reference to sources. Among those who made the initiative to combat restrictive measures — Ministry of Finance, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of industry, Central Bank and sectoral monopolies, noted the news Agency, close to the Russian security Council. In the framework of protective measures in the area of international law is discussed inclusion in the treaties of Russia with other States in the paragraph about the inadmissibility of the use of the norms of American law. In international commercial agreement are invited to make reservations on the inadmissibility of the justification of force majeure by U.S.

Attack nuclear submarine entered the Mediterranean sea

Attack nuclear submarine entered the Mediterranean sea Nuclear submarine USS Newport News us Navy equipped with cruise missiles “Tomahawk” entered the Mediterranean sea. This is evidenced by the us portal Sentinel Strategic analyses of foreign policy and national security. Upstairs “It was seen as a multi-purpose submarine USS Newport News yesterday entered the Mediterranean sea”, — quotes the message of the TASS portal. In addition, the site monitoring service Navy Vessels that monitor the movements of US warships, 4 September, it was reported that Newport News had left Gibraltar and headed into the Mediterranean sea. The us authorities have not commented on the move of the submarine and not announced of operations. On 1 September it became known that powered attack submarine Newport News class Los Angeles went to Gibraltar. The Pentagon said at the time that this technical visit, which was planned in advance. In March after entering the

Russian aircraft attacked the “al-Nusra”* in Idlib

Russian aircraft attacked the “al-Nusra”* in Idlib MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. Four aircraft from the air base Hamim 4 Sep struck with precision-guided munitions on the terrorist group “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” * in the Syrian province of Idlib, said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov. Upstairs Two fighter-bomber su-34 is bombed warehouses of the terrorists, which collected and stored the drones, and explosives to them. These drones, as said Konashenkov, were used for attacks on the Russian air base Hamim and villages in the provinces of Aleppo and Hama. In addition, multi-purpose fighter su-35S high-precision munition destroyed a warehouse with portable anti-aircraft missiles of the terrorists. All air force strikes caused solely by the proven targets of terrorist groups away from villages and towns, said the representative of the Ministry of defense. Konashenkov also said that the night staff of the