The fight against terrorism in Syria picked up the common language

The fight against terrorism in Syria picked up the common language Astana format will continue, despite the differences in the positions of Russia, Turkey and Iran on such a “sensitive issue” as Idlib. This is the main message of the summit in Tehran. The presidents of the three countries Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Hassan Rouhani has called on terrorists to lay down their arms. This wording was a compromise solution in response to the urgent call of President Erdogan to declare during the summit, ceasefire in the Syrian province of Idlib. Upstairs After a short but heated discussion concerning the final wording of the final Declaration of the summit in Astana format in Tehran, the presidents of Russia, Turkey and Iran found a compromise and adopted the final Declaration, consisting of 12 points. It emphasizes the intention of the three countries to continue the interaction until the complete

The transport Ministry wants to regulate parachute jumping in Russia. All traders will be outlawed

The transport Ministry wants to regulate parachute jumping in Russia. All traders will be outlawed The government propose to prescribe in legislation the aviation skydiving. The transport Ministry wants to force to be responsible for parachutists aircraft owners. Upstairs On the idea of transport, the parachute jumps shall be assigned to the “aviation jobs”, and be responsible for the organization of flights with the jumps should be the operator (owner or lessee of the aircraft/helicopter). The latter will be obliged to prepare instructors and skydivers and to monitor the use of equipment for jumping. NewsHow to survive a parachute failure The Ministry of transport of Russia on 6 September completed public hearings on the draft order, which according to plan should become effective in October this year. The document will amend the part of the aviation regulations applicable in Russia. The most dramatic changes will affect parachuting. “In the current

Tymoshenko and Poroshenko in the lead in the rating of candidates in presidents of Ukraine

Tymoshenko and Poroshenko in the lead in the rating of candidates in presidents of Ukraine KYIV, 7 Sep — RIA Novosti. The leader of the party “Rodina”, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko in the lead in the ranking of the candidates in the upcoming presidential election, said on Friday the representative of the Sociological centre named after Mikhail Dragomanov Rostislav Balaban, citing research data. Upstairs “According to this sociological study, the second round two candidates — Yulia Tymoshenko and Petro Poroshenko,” said Balaban. According to him, the leader of a rating of Tymoshenko demonstrates a consistently high level of support in all regions of Ukraine, especially for remote settlements. For her in the presidential election would vote for 15.7% of Ukrainians planning to take part in the vote. While Poroshenko, according to the study, the rating began to grow and amounts to 12.3%.

Ukrainian Minister unhappy story bi-Bi-si the sanatoria in the Crimea

Ukrainian Minister unhappy story bi-Bi-si the sanatoria in the Crimea KYIV, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. Minister of information policy of Ukraine Yuriy stets wrote a letter to the General Director bi-Bi-si Tony Hall, in which he expressed dissatisfaction with the plot of the wonderful spas in “Russian Crimea”, said Friday the first Deputy Minister Emine dzhaparova. Upstairs According to Ukrainian media reports, in late August, the TV channel Travel + adventure, which is owned by Bi-bi-si, showed a documentary program “the Journey of Simon Reeve” about life in Russia. The leader told about the wonderful spas in “Russian Crimea” and about how the Ministry of health of Russia has started the implementation of programs to improve the health of the population. “Yuri Stec, General Director bi-Bi-si concerning the broadcast program of Simon Reeve, who traveled to the Crimea and talked about the Peninsula as Russian territory. It focuses on

Erdogan said that it is impossible to leave Idlib to the mercy of Assad

Erdogan said that it is impossible to leave Idlib to the mercy of Assad Moscow. September 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Syrian province of Idlib should not be “at the mercy” of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said Friday the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Upstairs “We should not give the region the Assad regime”, — he said at the summit in “Astana format” in Tehran. The Turkish leader noted that “any attack (Idlib) will lead to disaster, murder, and great tragedy”. According to Erdogan, Idlib is considered an important factor not only for the future of Syria, but also to ensure the security of Turkey, as well as in the region and the world. “We don’t want the Idlib turned into a bloody lake, and as your friends want you to also support these efforts,” Erdogan said at the beginning of the trilateral meeting on Syria with the participation of

The DNR gave all the power to the Board

The DNR gave all the power to the Board Denis Pushilin became acting head of the Republic and could win the election on November 11. Upstairs The self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) has replaced the acting head. After the Prosecutor General’s office declared illegal the appointment of former interim leader — Dmitry Trapeznikov, the people’s Council of the DND has appointed the new speaker of the Parliament and representative of the Republic in Minsk contact group Denis Pushilin. In addition, the people’s Council decided the issue of early elections. And the DNI, and the neighboring self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic (LPR), they will be held on 11 November. Former commander of the armed forces DND Igor Strelkov said “Kommersant”: the result of the vote is a foregone conclusion, and Denis Pushilin, the DNI will lead on a permanent basis. Instead of appointing a new temporary head of the Republic on Friday

Fled to Russia comrade Zakharchenko has been enriched by hundreds of millions of rubles

Fled to Russia comrade Zakharchenko has been enriched by hundreds of millions of rubles The Ministry of incomes and fees of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) on the personal order of the head of Department Alexander Timofeev was awarded the property of one of the largest agricultural enterprises of the Republic of “spike D”. About Donetsk news Agency said the Director of the company Vadim Savenko. Upstairs He noted that Timofeev used the confidence of senior leadership. “That’s why he was entrusted with such a serious matter as the tax and revenue management in the young Republic. He, in fact, have used high office for personal enrichment and strengthening of his own authority,” — said Savenko. According to him, Timofeev seized property “Kolos D” in November 2017 for a total amount of 850 million rubles. “On the territory of the enterprise was a group of armed men, headed by

In Palestine consider the US “new war”

In Palestine consider the US “new war” MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. The U.S. decision on moving the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, deprived of the basics of negotiations between Israel and Palestine, said a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine liberation Organization Hanan Ashrawi. Upstairs “The US decision on moving the Embassy to Jerusalem actually made them party to the war. It deprived peace process its support. What can be negotiated when Israel declares Jerusalem its capital,” she said during a press conference on the situation around the Palestinian-Israeli settlement. The US Embassy moved to Jerusalem in may 2018. This was accompanied by mass unrest and casualties among the Palestinians.

The Parliament of the DND has appointed the acting head of the Republic Pushilin

The Parliament of the DND has appointed the acting head of the Republic Pushilin Moscow. September 7. INTERFAX.RU — people’s Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic at the meeting on Friday prematurely removed from the authority of the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko in connection with his death. Upstairs At the same time the people’s Council of the DND has appointed the acting head of the DNI Dennis Pushilin before the elections. For a decision voted unanimously by 90 deputies present at the plenary session. The correspondent of “Interfax” reports from the scene that the elections in the Republic scheduled for November 11. For this decision the deputies voted unanimously. In addition, the DPR Parliament voted for the appointment of the CEC of the Republic, composed of ten people. The head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in an explosion in Donetsk cafe “Separable” 31 Aug. The acting head

Boris Johnson divorces his wife

Boris Johnson divorces his wife LONDON, 7 sen — news, Maria Tabak. Former British foreign Secretary, MP Boris Johnson and his wife Marina Wheeler officially announced his separation and impending divorce. Upstairs “A few months ago, after 25 years of marriage, we decided that our interests will be to leave. Subsequently, we decided to divorce and are now in the process of divorce. As friends we will continue to support our four children in the coming years. No additional comments we will not give,” — said in a statement on Friday a joint statement the pair at the disposal of RIA Novosti. Have Johnson and Wheeler, his second wife, four children, two sons and two daughters. Also the MP is the illegitimate daughter. Boris Johnson is kicked out by his wife of 25 years after she accuses him of yet ANOTHER fling — Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) 7