Putin criticized the heads of the Ministry of transport and Ministry of economic development

Putin criticized the heads of the Ministry of transport and Ministry of economic development Eugene Dietrich told the President the wrong statistics, but Maxim Oreshkin turned out to be “not aware” of the response of his Department on the proposal of the government. Upstairs Vladimir Putin on 10 September held in Vladivostok a meeting of the Presidium of the state Council, where heads of the far Eastern regions of Russia, the Ministers and assistants of the head of state discussed problems of the Far East. In the middle of the meeting under fire from critics of President was recently appointed transport Minister Eugene Dietrich and the Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin. When Putin gave the floor to Dietrich, he played more than 10 minutes and talked about problems of financing of air transportation, including to subsidise them at the Federal level. Putin listened to the report and the first

In a number of areas in the regions have canceled the results of voting

In a number of areas in the regions have canceled the results of voting MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. The results of the voting in the elections of September 9 is cancelled in two polling stations in the Ulyanovsk region and two sites in Moscow region and one site in Buryatia and one in Vladimir region, verified information about the stuffing on one of the sections of the Kalmykia Republic, said the head of the CEC of Russia Ella Pamfilova. Upstairs “At the moment we have information about cancellation of results of voting at several polling stations, in the Ulyanovsk region — 2, in Moscow region — 2, Vladimir region — 1, Republic of Buryatia — 1 and also in the Republic of Kalmykia is currently being tested on one of the sites, which was allegedly fixed stuffing”, — Pamfilova said on Monday, summing up the results of the single

The results of the elections. Generalization

The results of the elections. Generalization Moscow. September 10. INTERFAX.RU last Sunday Russia held about five thousand elections of different levels within a single day of voting. In particular, the Russians chose the 26 heads of subjects of Federation and deputies of the 16 regional parliaments. Upstairs Pretty intense fight took place in the elections of the governors of four Russian regions — the Primorye and Khabarovsk territory, Republic of Khakassia, as well as in Vladimir region. There the winner could not be determined, the candidates will compete in the second round. Thus, in the Primorsky region to compete will be the candidate from the party “United Russia” Andrei Tarasenko (scored 46,56% of the votes) and the Communist Andrey Ishchenko (24,64%). In the Khabarovsk region in the second round out the candidate from LDPR Sergey Furgal (35,81%) and acting head of the region Sergey Shport (35,62%). In the Republic of

The victory Sobyanin and second rounds in four regions. The results of the single voting day

The victory Sobyanin and second rounds in four regions. The results of the single voting day In Russia on 9 September passed a single day of voting. Elections of the regional and local levels, as well as the elections to the state Duma was conducted in 80 of the 85 subjects. According to the CEC, these territories are home to about 65 million voters. Direct gubernatorial elections were held in 22 regions. The heads of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous districts were elected legislative bodies at the proposal of the President of Russia. Elections to regional parliaments were held in 16 Russian regions. Upstairs Summing up the results of the elections, the Chairman of the Central election Commission (CEC), Ella Pamfilova said that serious violations of the election except for a few cases in Buryatia is not fixed, she said. However, she said not everyone likes a “normal atmosphere

The media learned about made in USA the blow to the forces of the Russian Federation to Syria in the event of a “provocation” by Assad

The media learned about made in USA the blow to the forces of the Russian Federation to Syria in the event of a “provocation” by Assad The US President Donald trump has not yet decided whether the us military in case of attack on Syria to attack the Russian and Iranian forces, writes The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed us officials. Upstairs The reason hitting the publication indicates possible use by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of chlorine in the province of Idlib, which is under the control of insurgents. “The Pentagon is developing a military scenario, but Mr. trump has not yet decided what will be considered a reason for military response and will the US attack the Russian or Iranian military forces to assist Mr. Assad in Syria”, — quotes September 10, an excerpt from the article “RIA Novosti”. Thus sources of the edition have not confirmed one hundred

Armenia gave Russia access to biological laboratories established in the US money

Armenia gave Russia access to biological laboratories established in the US money Russian experts visited the laboratory opened in Armenia with the financial support of the United States, said in an interview with “Kommersant” the Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Upstairs “Literally ten-fifteen days ago, on my personal behalf, the Russian specialists were admitted to these laboratories, — told “Kommersant” the head of the Armenian government. — It can not be used against Russia. On the contrary, we invite Russian specialists and are ready to discuss the issue of joint use of these laboratories”. We are talking about the so-called reference laboratories, which were opened with the financial support of the United States. They are Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Armenia. The Russian foreign Ministry expressed concern about their appearance in Russia’s neighboring countries. “Our intelligence agencies and scientists strained by the emergence of these laboratories. Not exclude the possibility that

The governors left for the second round

The governors left for the second round Unexpected results of the single voting day. Upstairs For the first time after returning in 2012 direct gubernatorial elections in several regions expected second round. He was sure to take place in Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions. On the verge of the second round and the situation in Khakassia. The bad performance of at least three current governors is superimposed on the difficulties faced by the “United Russia” in a number of regions on elections in local parliaments. So, in the Irkutsk region “United Russia” was able to collect only a third of the votes on party lists, giving the Communist party. The entire campaign took place against the backdrop of protests over raising the retirement age. The Prime Minister and the leader of “United Russia” Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday acknowledged that the pension reform “increased the intensity of the campaign”, but the result

Europe will toughen the fight against the laundering of money from Russia

Europe will toughen the fight against the laundering of money from Russia The EU will toughen the fight against the laundering of criminal cash flows, including from Russia and CIS countries. Reported by the Financial Times, citing a source in the European Commission. Upstairs As it became known publication, the European banking Association (EBA) will give additional resources to the investigation of the laundering of money obtained illegally. The European Prosecutor is empowered to prosecute. Previously the duties of the office included only the investigation of financial crimes related to the use of the budget of European countries. In particular, we plan to investigate the origin of more than 30 billion dollars, which came to Europe from Russia and CIS countries via Estonian Danske Bank. At the moment, money laundering checks, the banks, the European Central Bank, but its activities are not included in the European program to combat illicit

The United States studied plans to overthrow the head of Venezuela

The United States studied plans to overthrow the head of Venezuela Employees of the us administration was in contact with forces from Venezuela, who planned to overthrow the government. About it reports The Independent. Наверх15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий American officials, beginning in the fall of 2017, several times attended the meetings with the leaders of the conspirators. It is noted that on the background of a rapidly deteriorating economic situation in Venezuela at least three groups planned forcible change of power in the country. Then the President of the United States Donald trump consulted with advisers about the possibility of intervention in the situation. As a result, when one group of rebels tried to establish contact with the White house through the American Embassy in a European country, they sent a diplomat. He was present at three meetings, however, did not conduct negotiations, but only listened. In the end, Washington decided not to

Poroshenko said about the “interception” of data of Russian military satellites

Poroshenko said about the “interception” of data of Russian military satellites MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. Ukrainian experts have learned to “intercept” the data of Russian satellites, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on air of TV channel “Direct”. Upstairs According to the Ukrainian leader, during one of the clashes in the Donbass security forces using intelligence allegedly was able to “promptly bring up reserves and meet the enemy.” This, as noted by the Ukrainian President, “was made possible thanks to the specialists in the communication field, satellite technologies, specialists in computer decoding”. At the same time, Poroshenko said that the data was intercepted by Russian military satellites, which, in his opinion, talks about the current Ukraine “strong school” associated with such technologies. In recent years, Ukraine has serious problems with the creation of new weapons and maintenance of existing, and the only one designed for Ukrainian communications satellite