British MPs to discuss the options displacement Theresa may

British MPs to discuss the options displacement Theresa may As it became known bi-Bi-si from reliable sources, members of the British Parliament from the Conservative party, not support the plan of the Prime Minister on the UK exit from the EU, met on 11 September to discuss the question of how and when they could force Theresa may to resign. Upstairs According to the source Bi-bi-si, the discussion was attended by about 50 members of Parliament serving in the European Research Group (ERG), which is engaged in research for the Conservative party and, as stated by its members, among other things, “is working on the implementation of the “Breccia” on the scenario that will suit all the British people”. News forMei was not interested in talking with Putin Members of the ERG strongly support the proposals Theresa may “Broksita”, and, as stated by one of the participants in the discussion,

Putin: trump showed courage in a situation with the DPRK

Putin: trump showed courage in a situation with the DPRK The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of the Eastern economic forum, said that the President of the United States, Donald trump has shown an innovative approach to the normalization of relations with the DPRK. Upstairs “That said the Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Shinzo Abe (he was also present at the meeting of the WEF.— “B”), do, President of trump was shown, he said, innovative approach to engagement with North Korea. I agree, it is a manifestation of a certain courage and innovative approach,” said Mr Putin. The first ever summit of U.S. and DPRK was held in June in Singapore. According to its results, Donald trump announced that he had signed a “detailed” document with North Korea, and added that the process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will begin “very quickly”. DPRK leader Kim

Russia will be punished in upcoming elections in the United States

Russia will be punished in upcoming elections in the United States The white house is going to counter cyber attacks new sanctions. Upstairs The President of the United States Donald trump today may be signed by an Executive decision involving the imposition of sanctions against foreign individuals and companies involved in attempts to interfere in the upcoming November 6 election to Congress. Earlier, representatives of the U.S. intelligence has repeatedly said that Moscow is preparing a campaign to interference in the electoral processes. The government called these claims unfounded. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” in Washington Kirill Belianinov. That the order of the head of the White house on new sanctions could be signed today, first reported by Reuters. According to unnamed sources, the Agency, the document will include the introduction of tough action against foreign individuals and companies that are suspected of interference in U.S. elections. “The

Abe reiterated the determination along with Putin to move to conclude a peace Treaty

Abe reiterated the determination along with Putin to move to conclude a peace Treaty VLADIVOSTOK, September 12. /TASS/ Moscow and Tokyo are responsible for future generations. Upstairs The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe confirmed the commitment to move together with Russian President Vladimir Putin to conclude a peace Treaty between Japan and Russia. The head of the Japanese government said Wednesday, speaking at the plenary session of the Eastern economic forum. Vladimir, let us here renew our intentions before such a large audience as witnesses. Let’s go ahead by asking yourself these questions: “If not now, then when?” “If we do not do it, who besides us?Shinzo Abe Prime Minister of Japan Abe admitted that the two leaders already know very well that to make it easy. “But we have a responsibility for future generations. We have a responsibility to completely remove from the North-East Asia the postwar landscape

Putin urged the suspects in the poisoning Skrobala to speak to the media

Putin urged the suspects in the poisoning Skrobala to speak to the media According to him, the Russian authorities know what these people are. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Russian President Vladimir Putin during a speech at the plenary session of the Eastern economic forum, spoke about the suspects in the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. According to him, they are civilians. In principle, of course, we looked at what kind of people, we know who they are, we found them. I hope that they will appear of themselves will tell. It will be better for all. There is nothing special and is no crime.Mr Putinprime RaseiniuoseNina Ricci and spy scandal “I would like to ask them that they heard us today. Let they somewhere come — here in the media,” — said Putin. Putin answered the question of the moderator of the session — the TV channel “Russia

Putin proposed to conclude a peace Treaty with Japan until the end of the year, without preconditions

Putin proposed to conclude a peace Treaty with Japan until the end of the year, without preconditions Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to conclude a peace Treaty before the end of this year, without preconditions. He said this during the Eastern economic forum. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий70 years we negotiate. Shinzo (Abe) said: let’s change approaches. Let’s. So here’s the idea I came up with: let’s make peace, not now, but before the end of the year, without preconditions.Mr Putinprime of the Russian Federation “And then, on the basis of this peace Treaty, as friends, continue to resolve all disputed issues. Of course, it seems to me that this would make us the solution to all problems with which we cannot cope for 70 years,” the President added. Earlier, on 10 September the President of Russia Vladimir Putin after a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke about

State Department: US does not accuse Russia of involvement in acoustic attacks on Cuba

State Department: US does not accuse Russia of involvement in acoustic attacks on Cuba WASHINGTON, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti. The official representative of US state Department Heather Nauert encouraged to be skeptical of the publications about the alleged involvement of Russia to the “acoustic attack” on American diplomats in Cuba and in China. Upstairs Earlier, NBC News, citing unnamed sources reported that the United States suspect that the acoustic impact on American diplomats in Cuba and China, which led to health problems they might be Russia. According to Nauert, today has no established cause, no responsible person or group. According to the American side, workers of the embassies of Canada and the United States in Cuba had been “attacked” with use of special devices from the end of 2016. And this took place at different times and in different places. Allegedly, the victims had serious health problems. At the

The United States blocked the flights of Russian Tu-214 on open skies Treaty

The United States blocked the flights of Russian Tu-214 on open skies Treaty The United States decided not to allow Russian aircraft Tu-214ON before the flight, provided for in the Treaty on open skies. Upstairs About it the head of the National centre for nuclear threat reduction Sergey Ryzhkov said in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda”. As noted, representatives of the signatory countries were present at the examination of the aircraft, which took place from 2 to 11 September this year at the airbase Kubinka. Representatives of 22 countries signed a document authorizing the Tu-214ON to fly over their territories with the Supervisory objectives. “However, the head of the American delegation, in violation of the requirements of the Treaty on open skies, with no explanation and giving any reasons, refused to sign the final document,” — said Ryzhkov. He explained that the decision of the United States is due was

Ukraine has deployed army group in the sea of Azov

Ukraine has deployed army group in the sea of Azov Ukraine’s armed forces stepped up military presence in the sea of Azov. About this in his Facebook said the commander of Land forces of VSU the General-the Colonel Sergey Popko. Upstairs “In response to the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation in the sea of Azov, by decision of the General staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, strengthened the Armed Forces, including Ground troops, on the Azov direction. Measures to ensure full control of the situation in the region, supporting the actions of the naval group, to ensure reliable defense of the sea coast” — he wrote. On 9 September the naval forces of Ukraine started to transfer to the sea of Azov small armored artillery boats. The edition “Ukrainian military portal” writes that all will be sent three of these ships, and before the end of the current

The Pentagon questioned the possibility of a military Alliance of Russia and China

The Pentagon questioned the possibility of a military Alliance of Russia and China WASHINGTON, September 12 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis said that Russia and China are unlikely to create a military Alliance, despite the implementation of major joint exercises. Upstairs “I think that these countries act in their own interests. I never see that in the long term, unites Russia and China,” said Mattis reporters on Tuesday, answering the question, does not the hold a major joint military exercises between the formation of these countries military Alliance. Exercises “Vostok-2018” held from 11 to 17 September at the Russian far East and adjacent Pacific areas. They will be the largest in Russia for 37 years, they attract almost 300 thousand soldiers, tens of thousands of armored vehicles, helicopters, planes and drones. At one stage in the maneuvers will involve troops from China and