Defense Ministry: missile shot down MH17 belonged to the Ukraine

Defense Ministry: missile shot down MH17 belonged to the Ukraine Who shot down MH17 the missile was produced in Dolgoprudny, a spokesman for the Ministry of defence reporters at a briefing devoted to the investigation of the crash over the Donbass in 2014. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The head of the Main missile and artillery Directorate of the defense Ministry of Russia Nikolai Parshin said that shot down MH17 the missile was produced in Dolgoprudny, the correspondent of “Kommersant” with a briefing on the investigation of the crash over the Donbass in 2014. According to the defense Ministry, the missile in 1986 he transferred to a military unit 20152 — 223 anti-aircraft missile brigade in Ternopil oblast, Ukrainian SSR. Currently, the military unit is also located on the territory of Ukraine. This is the conclusion of the Ministry of defence has come, after examining the documents Dolgoprudny research and production enterprise. They were

Switzerland has tightened the accreditation procedure for Russian diplomats

Switzerland has tightened the accreditation procedure for Russian diplomats GENEVA, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. Switzerland has tightened the accreditation procedure for Russian diplomats, said RIA Novosti in the press service of the Federal Department of foreign Affairs (MFA). Upstairs The Ministry confirmed that since the spring three times summoned the Russian Ambassador or chargé d’affaires for clarification in the case Skipala and the situation around the lab in Spiez. “Foreign Ministry called on Russia to immediately stop the illegal activities on the territory of Switzerland and against Swiss objects”, — said the representative of the press service of the Ministry Pierre-Alain Elchinger. According to him, Switzerland shares all information with partner States. “At the same time, we will continue efforts to maintain good relations with Russia”, — said Letsinger. Earlier, the Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger reported that Switzerland now has dozens of Russian agents. According to the

Putin gave the Ministry the supervision of tour operators

Putin gave the Ministry the supervision of tour operators President Vladimir Putin gave the Federal Agency for tourism of the Ministry of culture under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of economic development. The corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Upstairs The Ministry of economic development will receive regulatory functions in the sphere of tourism, as well as oversight of tour operators and associations of tour operators who are engaged in outbound tourism, stated in the decree. The last few years, several Russian tour operators and travel agencies faced financial difficulties. In the summer of 2018, with problems encountered including the big players — “Natali Turs” and DSBW-Tours. The first company works since 1992, and the second from 1991, “Natalie tours” confirmed cancelled all tours until 30 September, some 12,000 contracts. DSBW-Tours announced in early July about the termination of activity. On the cessation of work

The head of NATO said that the Alliance stands ready to respond to “Russian cyber attacks”

The head of NATO said that the Alliance stands ready to respond to “Russian cyber attacks” NATO countries can use the provisions of the fifth article of the NATO Charter in case of cyber attacks from Russia, said the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with Axios. Upstairs This article implies that an armed attack against one or more NATO countries be considered an attack on the entire Alliance, and the affected countries have the right to collective defense. In response to the question of whether “the Russian cyber attack on a member of NATO lead to the imposition of the fifth article,” Mr. Stoltenberg said: “Not automatically. It depends on the nature of cyber attacks.” He explained that a few years ago, NATO decided that the fifth article can be used in case of hacker attacks, but the conditions under which it is possible to apply this

At the headquarters Tarasenko said the purchase of 24 thousand of the votes in favor of Ishchenko in Primorye

At the headquarters Tarasenko said the purchase of 24 thousand of the votes in favor of Ishchenko in Primorye VLADIVOSTOK, September 17. /TASS/ — the representative of the staff also added that the talk about the final result of the election too early, as it continues the counting. Upstairs “It became known that at least in Vladivostok, purchased 13 thousand people, in the Discovery of 6 million people, Hassan is about 5 thousand observers from the Communist party in these cities and districts were not allowed to finish counting the votes, trying to recognize the ballots for Tarasenko invalid. Therefore, upon completion of the work of some commissions, the result has changed. The final result is even now too early to say, still being counted,” — said the representative of the headquarters. He added that during the afternoon of 16 September was the transportation of voters from Ishchenko on the

Gatilov called the article Tages Anzeiger of diplomats political order

Gatilov called the article Tages Anzeiger of diplomats political order GENEVA, September 16 — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. Russian accusations of espionage activities in Switzerland groundless, and publication in the local media on this subject are politically motivated. So representatives of the Russian Embassy in Bern and permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the Geneva office of the UN Gennady Gatilov commented on the publication in the Sunday edition of the Swiss Tages-Anzeiger, where Russian diplomats in Switzerland, accused of espionage. Upstairs On Sunday, Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger — Sonntags Zeitung published an article stating that every fourth Russian diplomat in Switzerland, is a member of the intelligence. The publication does not provide any evidence of published information, but stressed that “traditionally, most spy” the Russian permanent mission in Geneva. It is also alleged that Bern in 2018 and become the Russian Ambassador to Switzerland Alexander Golovin, to Express concern

“To have an opinion about what is happening with my friends, I can”

“To have an opinion about what is happening with my friends, I can” Natalya Timakova told “Kommersant” about the reasons for leaving government. Upstairs Prime Minister’s press Secretary Natalya Timakova shall deliver the case to former Deputy chief editor MIA “Russia today” Oleg Osipov goes in the Vice-President WEBB. To go to the Bank, it can this week. Since 2008, Ms. Timakova was press Secretary Dmitry Medvedev, in fact, as one of its key advisers in the years of his presidency, and after he was appointed Prime Minister. The reasons for the withdrawal of the government Natalia Timakova told the special correspondent of “Kommersant” Vladimir Solovyov. — About your departure talked for a long time. Why leave now? — For the first time about how to replace a kind of activity and to try something other than civil service, I started to think three years ago. This was due to

The Kremlin said the second round of elections in Primorye

The Kremlin said the second round of elections in Primorye The Kremlin is monitoring the situation with the second round of elections of the head of Primorsky Krai. Upstairs This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We also see,” — he said (quoted by “Interfax”). The representative of the Kremlin, citing the CEC, noted that while there are no official complaints about the voting process. “The statements [of the head of the CEC Ella ] Pamfilova we’ve all heard, that they let us to navigate,” — said Peskov. During the second round of elections of the Governor of the Primorsky territory before treatment 98.8% of protocols of polling stations were in the lead the candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko. However, after treatment 99,03% of the protocols, leader is the current acting head of the region Andrei Tarasenko. By results of processing of 99.16% he gains

The Kremlin said that Petrov and Bashirov have nothing to do with Putin

The Kremlin said that Petrov and Bashirov have nothing to do with Putin KHABAROVSK, 16 Sep — RIA Novosti. The statement of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the WEF on Ruslan Bashirova and Alexander Petrov wasn’t a workpiece, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov in the “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin” on TV channel “Russia 1” on Sunday. Upstairs Earlier it was reported that the UK suspects Petrov and Bashirova poisoning in Salisbury Sergei Skripal and his daughter. At the WEF plenary session moderator: journalist Sergei Brilev asked about these citizens, Putin responded that the Russian authorities know who are the Petrov and Bashirov, and invited them to the media. The next day Bashirov and Petrov gave an interview to RT. “No, it wasn’t blank,” said Sands. He noted that Brilev “would not be a journalist if I took advantage of this opportunity.” “What the President said

Poisoned in a restaurant in Salisbury guests took over the Russians

Poisoned in a restaurant in Salisbury guests took over the Russians A man and a woman feel bad in the Prezzo restaurant in Salisbury by the British, Russians. This writes the newspaper the Daily Mail, citing eyewitnesses. Upstairs Some Amanda Newton told the newspaper that sat next to the “two Russians” who became ill during the meal. The newspaper States that the nationality of the victims are unknown. By the time the ambulance arrived, the victims were conscious, and the doctors helped them on the spot. All visitors of the restaurant reported the need in the next few hours to donate blood at a local hospital. About the victims in the Prezzo restaurant became known in the evening on September 16. Currently the restaurant is closed, specialists in hazmat suits. Police closed the road near the place of incident. Prezzo is located near Zizzi restaurant, where a former GRU Colonel